Hickson Genealogy
- Suggested steps in genealogical research. Where to start!
- Hicksons and Origin of the surname
- Hicksons and Fires and Firemen
- Hicksons and Policemen
- Hicksons who worked on the Water, Sea, River or Canal
- Hicksons and Watchmakers
- Hicksons and Workhouses
- Transportation of convicts to Australia
- Hicksons born in Lying In Hospitals
- Brick Walls or Ancestors without Ancestors
- Descendants of Richard Sessions Hickson
- Descendants of Reuben Hickson and Mary Allen
- Hicksons found in Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire. Small family trees.
- Small family trees for Hicksons in Essex, 1500-1599.
- Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent by Samuel Murray Hussey,
son of Mary Hickson and husband of Julia Agnes Hickson.
- The Hixson Cemetery in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.
- The John M Hixson Cemetery in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.
- The Hughs Cemetery in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.
- BMD Certificates
- Census Records
- Some of the Higsons
- Some cuttings about Hicksons in Co Kerry taken from local papers.
- James Moore Hickson, healer
- List of Hicksons by first name - the A-Z
- People I am researching at present. Can you help me?
Biographical Review containing life sketches of leading
citizens in Worcester County, Massachusetts
Definition of a Journeyman:
A skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft.