Margery Hicson or Higson died 1598, age at death not known. Staffordshire.
Rappe Higson died 1598, age at death not known. Staffordshire.
Please note that the year of birth may be an approximation. If I don't have a date for birth,
I make a guess based on other information.
The same year as the date of baptism (excepting adult baptisms),
21 years before the date of marriage,
or 25 years before the date of birth or baptism of the first child,
or 33 years before the birth of a child if there is only one who is known.
Can anyone help me find the parents of any of these people?
Source for copyright material: England & Wales, Civil Registration Index: 1837-1900.
Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of
HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.