Hickson Genealogy

Chorley - Heads of families

Hicksons and Higsons found in Chorley, in the County of Cheshire, England:

If you would like more details of these people, or their descendants, in any particular place please contact me. If the person (or people) for whom you are looking isn't (aren't) here let me know - I may know their ancestors.

Chorley near Macclesfield is situated between Bunbury, Malpas, Aston by Sutton and Acton by Nantwich, and strangely nowhere near Macclesfield!

Chorley, Bollin Fee, Pownall Fee and Fulshaw joined together about 1894 and became known as Wilmslow.

Hicksons and Higsons found in Chorley, in the County of Lancashire, England:

If you would like more details of these people, or their descendants, in any particular place please contact me. If the person (or people) for whom you are looking isn't (aren't) here let me know - I may know their ancestors.

Chorley is just north of Standish & Blackrod

You've found someone who interests you and don't know how to get more information?

Send me a message telling me as much as you know about this family and I will try to help you by telling you all I know

For more information contact: Anthony Hickson

Please do not contact me unless you have some connection to a Hickson family