Hickson Genealogy


Below is a list of HICKSONs whose parents are unknown to me.

All of these people have some connection to Cheshire, England.

The various locations in Cheshire where Hicksons have been found

Have you a Hickson who is NOT in this list? If so I have probably found his/her parents, let me know.

1600-1699 / 1700-1799 / 1800-1899 or end of page

John Hicksons in Cheshire since 1800

NameApproximate year of birthReferenceComments

These people have been sorted by their year of birth

Henry Hickesson1300-1350FONSSomeone broke into his house
John Hykkessone1300-1350FONSMacclesfield Forest Pannage 44 Edward III
Richard Hykkesson1302-1352FONSMacclesfield Pleas in Etre
Richard Hickokson Wilkinson1320-1360StrayFrom "A Middlewich Chartulary"
John Hykson1320-1382FONSThomas son of John Hykson of Barley
Richard Hickoksonbefore 1350Chartularyowned 4 salthouses in Middlewich
Johannes Hykson1370-1420FONSOrders general celebrated in the cathedral church of Lichfield ...
Thomas Hicksonbefore 1380CheshireChamberlain for Middlewich
Hugh Hicksonca 1380ChartularyBurgess of Middlewich
Thomas Hicksonca 1380ChartularyBurgess of Middlewich
Stephen Hicksonbefore 1381StrayLord of the Manor
John Hickson1450-1650.Clotton Hoofield.Son James died 1609
William Higson1476-1575.of Over township. Died ca 1575
Ellen Hickson1477-1576.Died 1576
Elizabeth Higson1486-1565.Brereton cum Smethwick. Died 1585
Ellinor Higson1498-1577.of Newhall. Died 1597
William Hicksonyear unknown.married Martha Johnson 1st September in Great Budworth
James Hickson1502-1601.Backford. Died 1601
Richard Hickson1512-1600.Utkinton. Died 1611
William Hickson1513-1592.Clotton. Died 1612 in Tarvin
Gawen Higson1515-1584.of Swineshead, Lincolnshire. Will (1614) & inventory somewhere in Cheshire
Thomas Higson1516-1594.Tilston. Died 1615
John Hickson1516-1615DF1176 p192Dunham on the Hill. Died 1615
Thomas Hickson1520-1576.Idenshawe. He died 1597, his daughter Margaret died 1602
Mrs Margaret Hickson1520-1598.Ashton. Died 1619, a widow
Robert Hickson1520-1598.Tarvin. Died 1619
William Hickson1522-1601.Martinsands. Died 1621
Mrs Marjorie Hickson1525-1603. Whitegate. Died 1624, a widow
Margaret Hickson1526-1625.Whitegate. Died 1625
John Hickson1531-1630.Brock Slack. Died 1630
Margaret Hickson1532-1631.Stapleford. Died 1631
Richard Hickson1536-1635.of Dunham. Died 1635
Alice Hixon1539IGI-Fhc1married Robert Gryce 1559/60 in Frodsham
John Hixon1540-1619.Farndon. Died 1639
Robert Hickson1547-1625.Neston. Died 1646
John Hickson1549.son Thomas baptised 1582 in Tarporley
Jo Hixon1556FHC11married Margaret Cowper in 1567/7 in Frodsham
John Hickeson1556Marr6married Katherin Bateman in 1577 in Tarporley
John Hicksonest 1557-1636StrayWill 1656 in Norton
Harry Hickson1559StrayCdaughter, Elizabeth baptised 1591/2 in Tarporley
William Hicksonest 1559-1648StrayGatley, Admon 1668
Eliz Hixon1563FHC5married Georg Birch in 1584 in Frodsham
Thomas Hixonest 1564-1644StrayNeston, Admon 1665 - but see the next entry...
Thomas Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceNeston, Cheshire Remonstrance of 1642
Ann Hixon1566Fhc1baptised 1566 in Frodsham
Joane Hixon1566FHC11baptised 1566 in Frodsham
Richard Hixon1566FHC18married Elizabeth Smith in 1587 in Frodsham
John Hicksonest 1566-1644StrayLittle Budworth, Probate 1665
Mary Hixon1567FHC15married Rauph Whatton in 1588 in Frodsham
Eliz Hickson1569FHC5baptised 1569/70 in Frodsham
PaHs Robertson Hicksonest 1569-1668Strayburied in 1668 in Over
John Hicksonest 1570-1648StrayGreat Neston, Will made 1669
William Hickson est 1570-1649StrayWybunbury, Probate 1669
William Higsonest 1570-1649Strayof Dean Row, Probate 1669
Alice Hicksonest 1571-1650StrayNeston, Probate 1671
John Hixsonest 1571-1670StrayStoak, burial 1673
William Hixonest 1571-1670StrayStoke, burial 1669/70
Ales Hixon1572Fhc1married Raff Chow in 1593 in Frodsham
Randle Hixon1573Marr9amarried Margaret Hough in 1594/5 in Frodsham
Elizabeth Hixon1574FHC5 married Jo Smith in 1595/6 in Frodsham
William Hicksonest 1575-1650StrayMarton Sand, Will made 1674
Margery Hicksonest 1577-1655StrayNewton, Moss Side, Inventory 1676
Eliz Hixon1579FHC5married Ryc Dale in 1598/9 in Frodsham

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Send me a message telling me as much as you know about this family and I will try to help you by telling you all I know

For more information contact: Anthony Hickson

Please do not contact me unless you have some connection to a Hickson family

Joane Hixon1579FHC11married Peter Cartwright in 1600 in Frodsham
Elizabeth Hicksonest 1580-1639Stray1660 Poll Tax for Congleton
Elizabeth Hixon1581FHC5 married John Whytley in 1601/2 in Frodsham
Francis Hksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceCarincham (Swetenham), 1642
George Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceBurland, 1642
John Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceWybunbury, 1642
John Hicsonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceCastle Gloverstone (Chester), 1642
Richard Hicksonnest 1582-1622RemonstrncePlemstall, 1642
Robert Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceTarporley, 1642
Thomas Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceNeston, 1642
William Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceSiddington, 1642
William Hicksonest 1582-1622RemonstrnceChorley, 1642
John Higsonest 1584-1672StrayProbate 1683, Rosterne
Joane Hixon1585FHC11baptised 1585 in Frodsham
John Hixon or Smyth1585FHC11baptised 1584/5 in Frodsham
Elizabeth Hicksonest 1585-1684StrayBurial 1684 in Over
Ellen Hixon1587FHC5baptised 1587 in Frodsham
Katherine Hickson1587FHC4married Richard Hatton in 1608 in Frodsham
Robert Hickson1587FHC21son, Thomas, baptised in 1620 in Chester
Thomas Hicksonest 1588-1666StrayProbate 1687
Richard Hickson1589FHC18married Ales Primrose in 1610 in Stoke or Frodsham
Mrs Sarah Hicksonest 1589-1669Strayburied 1669/70 in Stoke
William (Hixon?)1590Fhc1daughter, Ales, baptised 1615 in Frodsham
Eliz Hixon1590FHC5baptised 1590/1 in Frodsham
Elizabeth Hicksonca 1591FHC5married George Burrows in 1612 in Weaverham
Elizabeth Hicksonca 1591FHC5married Richard Burrows in Weaverham - This and the above record are worth rechecking...
John Hickson1591FHC11 married Margreta Jersber in 1612 in Chester
Rici1591FHC6daughter, Elizabeth Hixon, baptised in 1624 in Frodsham
Ralph Hicksonest 1591-1669StrayWhitegate; Admon 1690
Mrs Ann Hicksonest 1591-1670StrayLittle Budworth; Will 1690 (widow)
Rowlandi1592FHC15daughter, Mary Hixon, baptised in 1625 in Frodsham
William Hicksonest 1592-1670StrayBackford; Will 1691
Margaret Hicksonest 1592-1691StrayLittle Budworth; Will 1691
Anne Hixon1593Fhc1married John Smith in 1614; of Frodsham
Roger Hickson1593Marr10married Margaret Barker in 1614 in Whitegate
William Hixon1593FHC18married Margery Cooke in 1613/4 in Frodsham
Raffe Hicson1596FHC18married Elizabeth Browne in 1617 in Chester
Charles Higson est 1597-1696StrayGatley; Will 1696
Alice Hixonca 1598Fhc1married John Ainsworth in 1619 in Frodsham
John Hicksonest 1598-1676StrayWill 1697 Great Budworth
Richard Hixonest 1598-1698Strayburial 1698 in Over
1600-1699 Return to top
Joan Hickson1600FHC11married 1621 in Tarporley
Richard Hickson1600FHC18married Ales Banks in 1621 in Frodsham
Ales Hixon1602Fhc1married William Ofley Ostley Clarke in 1623 in Frodsham
Johannes Nickson1603Straydaughter,Anna, baptised in 1636 in Over
John Hicksonest 1604-1692StrayHusbandman of Clotton, Will 1703
Joan Hickson1605Marr5married John Fisher in 1626 in Tarporley
Robert Hicheson1605FHC18married Katheren Dayhurst in 1626 in Prestbury
Thomas Hicksonest 1605-1704StrayOver; Admon 1704
William Hickson1606Marr11married Ellen Lecker in 1627 in Chester
Robti.1606FHC15daughter, Marie, baptised 1638/9 in Frodsham
James Hicksonest 1606-1705StrayWill, 1705 Warmingham
Johis Hickson1608FHC14children baptised 1633 & 1635 in Bebington
Thomas Hicheson1608FHC14daughter, Margaret, baptised 1641 in Nantwich
Rob1609FHC14daughter, Martha Hixon, baptised in 1642 in Frodsham
John Higson1612Straydaughter, Alice, baptised in 1645 in Mobberley
John Hicksonest 1613-1691StrayWill 1712, Little Budworth
Mrs Ellen Hicksonest 1613-1692StrayWill 1712, Handley
Rad.1614 FHC23son, William, baptised 1647 in Frodsham
Mrs Ellin Higsonest 1614-1693Strayburied 1713 in Goostrey
Mary Hixon or Flixton1616FHC15married George Ryle in 1636/7 in Northenden
John Higsonest 1617-1695StrayWill 1716 Rostherne
Peter Hicksonest 1618-1717Straydaughter, Elizabeth, died 1738
Mathew Hickson1621Strayson, Peter, baptised 1656/7 in Over
Thomas Hicksonest 1622-1721Strayburied 1721 in Chester
Richard Hickson1624Strayson, John, born 1657 in Over
Mary Hicksonest 1624-1723Strayburied 1722/3 in Chester
William Hicksonest 1626-1704Straywife, Sarah, died 1725, Chester
Richard Hickon1627Straydaughter, Ann, baptised 1649/50 in Over
Thomas Hicman1627Strayson, Thomas, baptised 1660 in Over
Mrs Elizabeth Hicksonest 1627-1705Strayburied 1726 in Chester
John Hicsonest 1628-1658Strayson, John, baptised 1681 in Over
William Hicksonest 1628-1707StrayWill 1727, Neston
Richard Hickson1629Straydaughter, Maria, baptised 1662 in Over
John Hicksonest 1629-1707StrayAdmon 1728, Neston
Mrs Mary Hixonest 1629-1707StrayProbate 1728, Waverton?
Randle Higson1630Straydaughter, Margret, baptised 1663 in Church Minshull
Timothy Hickson1630Cheshire 49daughter, Anne, baptised 1684 in Stoke
Johan Hickson1631Strayson, Samuel, baptised 1663/4 in Over
Raphe Hickson1631FHC15children baptised at St John The Baptist, Chester between 1653 & 1658
Richard Hickson1631Straychildren born 1656/66 in Over
Mrs Margaret Hixsonest 1631-1709StrayWill 1730 Great Budworth
John Higsonest 1631-1730StrayAdmon 1730, Mobberley
Ellen Higson1632Straymarried William Gatley in 1653 in Great Budworth
Mathew Hickson1632Straydaughter, Elizabeth, born 1665 in Over
Richard Hickson1632Strayson, Thomas, baptised 1674/5 in Over
Crane Hickson1633Strayson, Robert, baptised 1666 in Over
Johem Higson1633Strayson, Johem, baptised in 1666 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1633Strayson baptised in 1666 in Over
Mary Hixonest 1633-1762Strayburied 1762 in Lower Peover
John Hixon1634Strayson, Thomas, baptised 1677 in Over
Richard Hickson1635Strayson, Richard, baptised in 1678 in Over
Jane Hixon1636FHC10married Ralph Clumpston in 1657 in Chester
Mrs ALice Hixonest 1636-1715Strayburied 1735/6 in Chester
Gulielmi Higson1637Straychildren baptised 1669 & 1670 in Great Budworth
Thomas Hickson1637Straydaughter, Elizabeth, baptised 1670 in Chester
John Higsonest 1638-1697StrayWiltshire; his wife, Mary, was buried in 1718 in Barthomley, Cheshire
Joseph Hicksonest 1638-1716StrayHe died 1737, his wife Mary died 5 days later
William Hicksonest 1638-1716Strayburied 1737, Nether Whitley / Great Budworth
John Hicksonest 1638-1737StrayAdmon 1737, Wybunbury
Ann Hickson1640Marr1married Richard Saxe in 1661 in Chester
John Hickson1641Straymarried Kathryn Southgate in 1662 in Over
John Hickson1641Straymarried Katherine Povey in 1662 in Church Minshull
John Hixson1643Straydaughter, Alice, baptised 1676 in Stoke (lived in Northampstonshire)
Elizabeth Hicksonca 1644Addm1married Roger Lockett in 1665 in Nantwich
Thomas Hickson1644Strayson Thomas baptised in 1677 in Bunbury
Ralph Hickson1645FHC12Little Budworth, wife Mary
Roger Hicksonest 1645-1723StrayWill 1744, Rostherne
Roberti1646FHC14daughters baptised 1670-1673 in Frodhsam
Elizabeth Hicson1646Marr3married John Jaxon, in 1667 in Frodsham
William Hixson, Seniorest 1646-1658FHC12son, Alderman William Hickson of Swanlow
Richard Hicton1647Straydaighter Ann, baptised in 1679/80 in Over
Thomas Higson1647Strayson baptised in 1680 in Acton by Nantwich
John Hixon1648Strayson, John buried in 1681 in Over
Peter Hickson1649FHC15Little Budworth; wife Elizabeth
Randle Hickson1649FHC2Little Budworth; wife Ellen
William Hickson1651FHC15daughter, Mary, baptised 1684 in Nantwich
John Hixson1652Marr6married Grace Davies in 1672/3 in Chester
John Hixson1652Straydaughter, Ann, baptised in 1685 in Bunbury, Alpraham
William Hickson1652Fhc1married Sarah Besswick in 1673 in Chester
John Hickson1657Fhc1Little Budworth; wife Ellen
Martha Hickson1657Marr7married Edward Eavens in 1677/8 in Chester
Peter Hixson1657Fhc1daughter, Alice, baptised 1690 in Chester
Randle Higson1657Straymarried Sarah Kinsey in 1678 in Great Budworth or Witton
Onesepherus Hickson1658FHC17married Jane Fisher in 1679 in Spurstow
Margaret Hixon1658Marr7married Richard Lloyd in 1679 in Tarvin
Timothy Hickson1658Strayof Croughton?; children baptised 1683-1687 in Stoak (Stoke)
William Hicksonest 1658-1736Straywife, Mary, buried 1757 in Great Budworth
William Hicksonest 1658-1757Strayburied 1757 in Budworth
Is this the above William or, perhaps, a son?
Mary Hickson1659Straymarried Joseph Tapley in 1680 in Church Minshull
Randle Hickson or Nicksonest 1659-1758Strayburied 1758 in Whitegate
Peter Hicksonest1661-1739StrayWill 1760, Chester
Mary Hickson1662Marr8 married Peter Hairefoot in 1682/3 in Frodsham
Martha Hicksonest 1664-1763Strayburial 1763 in Great Budworth
Ralph Hicksonest 1664-1776StrayWybunbury; daughter, Mary, buried 1797
Joseph Hickson1666Fhc1Little Budworth; wife Alice
Thomas Hixonest 1666-1744StrayMobberley; Admon 1765
John Hickson1667FHC17Chester; buried 1722 in Chester
Joseph Hicksonest 1667-1716StrayAstbury; wife Mary
Mrs Margaret Hicksonest 1667-1745Strayburied 1766 in Great Budworth
Ann Higsonest 1667-1746StraySpinster; Admon 1767 Frodsham
Katherine Hickson1668Straymarried Samuel Briscall in 1689 in Church Minshull
James Hixon1670FHC12son, John, baptised 1702/3 in Over
John Hicksonest 1671-1750StrayAdmon 1771 Rostherne
Randol Hickson1672FHC19daughter, Sarah, baptised 1705 in Over
James Hickson1673FHC4son, Charles, baptised 1706/7 in Over
Frances Hixson1674Marr4married James Cross in 1695 in Devenham
Thomas Hickson1675FHC15daughter, Mary, baptised 1707/8 in Chester
Robert Hixon1676Strayson, Robert, baptised 1709 in Over
Thomas Hickson1676FHC15married Jane Royle 1696/7 in Mobberley
William Higsonest 1676-1754StrayWill 1775 Frodsham
Richard Hickson1677 Cheshire 46married Mary Harrop in 1702 in Over
Richard Hickson1677Strayborn in Over by Middlewich
James Hickson1678FHC22children baptised 1702-1709 in Over
Jane Hickson1678Straymarried George Eaton in 1698/9 in Over
Samuel Hickson1678Straymarried Martha Norbury in 1699 in Great Budworth
Geore Hixson1679FHC4children baptised 1704-1711 in Chester
Mary Hickson1679FHC17son, Pater, baptised 1712 in Over
Mary Higson1679Straymarried Hugh Guidman in 1699/1700 in Alderley
Richard Hickson1679FHC12son, John, baptised 1712 in Mobberley
Thomas Hickson1679Straymarried Alice Clough in 1700 in Plemstall
Ralph Higson1680Straymarried Mary Jennion in 1700/1 in Church Minshull
Thomas Hickson1681RAH-70Malpas, Hampton; wife Elizabeth
John Hickson1681Straymarried Elizabeth Baily in 1702 in Wistaston
James Hickson1681Straymarried Isabell Maddock in 1702 in Whitegate
Mrs Richard Hickson1681FHC17aof Over. Is she the same as Mary Harrop, or as Sarah Thorley?
Richard Hickson1681Straydaughter, Sarah, baptised in 1714 in Church Hulme
Mr & Mrs Hickson1682Marr1married ca 1703 in Great Budworth and had a daughter Mary
William Hickson1682Straymarried 1703 in Chester
John Higman1682StrayMmarried Elizabeth M. in 1703 in Tilston
seems unlikely that this will fit into the Hickson families
George Hixon1682Straymarried Katherine Thomason 1702/3 in Chester
Samuel Hickson1682Straydaughter, Margrett, baptised 1714/5 in Ashton-by-Sutton
Thomas & Mary Maddock1682Whitegate 3had a daughter, Sarah Hickson, who died aged 63 years in 1778
Robert Higson1683StrayMmarried Elizabeth Martinscroft in 1704 in Runcorn
Randle Hickson1683Marr8married Mary in 1704 in Over
William Hixon1683FHC6daughter, Elizabeth, baptised 1716/7 in Christleton
John Hexson1684Marr6married Phebie Richardson in 1705 in Chester
Mr Hickson1685Marr1married Elizabeth Johnson ca 1706. She was from Cuddington, Malpas
Henry Hickson1685StrayMmarried Ellen in 1706 in Rosthern
James Hixon1685FHC10son, James, baptised in 1718 in Chester
John Hixon1685Straydaughter, Mary, baptised in 1718 in Gt Neston
Richard Hicksonest 1685-1735Strayson, Richard, buried in 1756 in Over
Ephraim Higson1686Cheshire 28married Esther Hewitt in 1716 in Rosthern
George Hickson1686Addend4married Martha Kay in 1707 in Leigh Par
Thomas Hickson1686 FHC15daughter, Martha, baptised 1719 in Bromborough
William Hixon1687StrayMmarried Ann Calley in 1708 in Tattenhall
John Higson1687StrayMmarried Sarah Foden in 1707/8 in Lower Peover
Ranulphus Hixon1687StrayMmarriedMary Urmson in 1708 in Daresbury
Richad Hickson1687Marr9amarried Sarah Thorley in 1708 in Sandbach
William Hickson1687LynBaker 1Yeoman of Swanlow
Mary Hicksonca 1688FHC15married John Gregory in 1711 in Little Budworth
Joseph Hickson1688FHC23Little Budworth; wife Ann
Johem Hixson1689StrayMmarried Hanna Hassall in 1709/10 in Acton by Nantwich
William Hixon1689FHC2children baptised in Christleton between 1714 & 1719
William Hixson1689StrayMmarried Margery Berington in 1710 in Grappenhall
William Hicksonest 1689-1767StrayMa Slater of Chester; wife Mary
Peter Hickson1690FHC4daughter, Catherine, born 1723/4 in Chester
Sarah Hickson1690StrayMmarried John Clayton in 1711 in Sandbach
William Hickson1690Straymarried Martha Harvey in 1711 in Over
John Hicksonest 1690-1734Straydaughter, Sarah, buried 1755 in Wincham
Mary Hickson1691Marr8married Robert Jackson in 1712 in Over
Richard Hickson1691StrayBChurch Hulme; wife Sarah
Joseph Hickson1692StrayBmarried Elizabeth Yates in 1713 in Sandbach
Thomas Hickson1692StrayBMalpas; wife Ann
William Hickson1692Marr12married Hannah Finchett in 1713 in Christleton
Richard Hickson1693StrayBChurch Hulme; wife Ann
Is this the same Richard that married Sarah two years earlier?
Richard Higson1693StrayBmarried Mariam Barker in 1714 in Acton
Peter Hixon1694FHC14married Martha in 1721 in Chester
Jeremiah Hixon1695StrayBmarried Mary Peerey in 1715/6 in Stoke
Joseph Hickson1695Addend4married Mary Worrall in 1716 in Davenham
Thomas Hickson1695Marr11married Hannah Fisher in 1716 in Chester
John Hixonca 1696FHC12married Mary in 1727 in Chester
William Hicksonest 1696-1795Strayburied in 1795 in Knutsford
William Hicson1697StrayBmarried Jane Wall in 1717/8 in Baddiley
Joseph Hickson1699/1701Addend4married Mary Crowder in 1720 or 1726 in Davenham
Martha Hickson1699Marr7married William Marsh in 1720 in Stoke by Chester
Mrs Mary Hicksonest 1699-1777StrayBWill 1798, Runcorn?, Waverton?
1700-1799 Return to top

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Send me a message telling me as much as you know about this family and I will try to help you by telling you all I know

For more information contact: Anthony Hickson

Please do not contact me unless you have some connection to a Hickson family

John Hixonca 1700FHC2married Anne ca 1725; Chester
Dorothea Hixson1700StrayBmarried Richard Cliff in 1720/1 in Acton
John Hicksonest 1700-1752Strayof Ince, was a Bondsman for Martha & Edmund Orrel of Great Budworth in 1772
Elizabeth Hicksonest 1700-1799Strayburied 1799 in Knutsford
Eliza Hickson1701Marr3married Joseph Littler in 1722 in Whitegate
John Hicksonest 1702-1780StrayChester; Will 1801
Peter? Higsonest 1702BlackrodBlackrod, Lancashire; father of John Higson who married Jennet Hart in 1756 in Bolton le Moors
James Hickson1703FHC21Little Budworth; wife Ann
Catharine Hickson1703Marr2married Thomas Dutton in 1723/4 in Chester
Peter Hickson1703Marr9amarried Dorothy Ledsham in 1724 in Chester
Thomas Hixson1703StrayBmarried Elizabeth Braunders in 1724 in Barrow
Mrs Elizabeth Hicksonest 1703-1780StrayBAdmon 1802, Great Budworth
John Hixson1704StrayBmarried Ann Palin in 1725 in Chester
John Hickson1705StrayBmarried Alice Hunt in 1726 in Weaverham
Peter Higson1705StrayBmarried Mary Hinley in 1705 in Runcorn
Sarah Hickson1706StrayBM.I. aged 61, Great Budworth; husband Thomas Williamson
Catherine Hixonest 1706-1736Strayburied 1736 in Chester (father John Thomason)
Mary Hickson1707Marr8married John Greenway in 1727/8 in Tarvin
John Hickson1707StrayBWimbersley, wife Mary
Peter Hixson1707StrayCdaughter baptised 1740 in Wharton
Thomas Hicksonest 1707-1785Strayburied 1806, Wybunbury
Thomas Hickson1708Addend5married Elizabeth Hunt 1728/9 in Davenham
Thomas Hickson1708Addend5married Martha Jebson in 1729 in Bowdon
Thomas Hixson1708FHC10son, James, baptised in 1741 in Over
Mrs Elizabeth Hicksonest 1708-1780StrayBWill, 1807, Chester
Martha Hicksonest 1708-1807Strayburied 1807 in Great Budworth
Mrs Rebecca Higson alias Hickson, née Lawrinson1709StrayBmarried 1730 in Daresbury
Hugh Hickson1709StrayBson, James, baptised 1742 in Great Budworth
William Hickson1709Marr12married Margaret Hulme in 1730 in Bowdon
Richard Hixson1709StrayBdaughter, Mary, baptised 1742 in "ye town of Over"
Thomas Hixson1709FHC10son, James, baptised 1742 in Over
John Thomasson Hickson1710StrayBeer brewer of Chester; married Mary Ellison in 1730/1 in Childwall
Sarah Hickson1710Marr10married Thomas Williamson in 1731 in Lower Peover
Martha Hicksonest 1710-1770StrayBson, John, buried 1795 in Lower Tabley
Mary Hicksonca 1711FHC6married John Worrall ca 1732, of Weaverham
Mary Hixon1711Marr8married John Broadhurst in 1731/2 in Great Budworth
Martha Hickson1711-1724StrayBson, James Hickson, baptised 1744 in Great Budworth
Elizabeth Hixsonca 1712Marr3married Peter Williams in 1733 in Chester
Mary Hicksonca 1712FHC15married John Thompson ca 1733 in Chester
Samuel Hickson1712StrayBmarried Mary Percival in 1733 in Great Budworth
Joseph Hickson1713StrayBson, Joseph, baptised 1746 in Weaverham
Thomas Hixon1713FHC16Chester, wife Catherine
John Hixson1713-1733StrayBmarried Margaret Lloyd in 1734 in Tattenhall
Elizabeth Hickson1714Marr3married Robert Whitley in 1734/5 in Chester
Margret Hickson1714Marr7married Jonathan Povey in 1734/5 in Chester
William Hickson1714FHC16Frodsham, wife Mary
Mary Hixon1714StrayBmarried Thomas Sherrington in 1735 in Chester
David Hickson1715StrayBChurch Hulme, wife Hannah
John Hixon1715 StrayBmarried Mary Weld in 1736 in Shotwick
Mr Hickson1715MonumentalBuilt and lived in "Hicksons Cottage", Warrington Road, Hatton
Ann Hickson1716StrayBof Plumley, married David Warburton in 1737 in Great Budworth
Elizabeth Hickson1716StrayBmarried Isaac Gallymore in 1737 in Knutsford
Thomas Hickson1716StrayBmarried Mary Hancock in 1745/6 in Stoke
John Hixsonest 1716-1784StrayBFarmer; Admon 1815
Margaret Hickson1717StrayBmarried Pater Barlow in 1738 in Great Budworth
Thomas Hixson1717StrayBmarried Alice Later in 1738 in Mobberley
Joseph Hickson1718FHC12Congleton; wife Mary
Thomas Hickson1718StrayBGreat Saughall; Will proved at Chester in 1773
Thomas Hickson1718FHC12Congleton, wife Anne
Thomas Hixon1718FHC4Chester, wife Mary
Mary Higsonest 1718-1796StrayBWill made 1817, Frodsham
John Hicksonest 1719-1797StrayBAdmon 1818
Samuel Hicksonest 1719-1797StrayBWill made 1818, Rostherne/Knutsford
James Hickson1720StrayBson, Thomas, baptised in 1753 in Great Budworth
Ursula Hixson1720Addend5married Ralph Bowden in 1741 in Over
Joseph Hicksonest 1720-1798StrayBWill made 1819 Prestbury
Ann Hickson1721FHC2daughter, Ann, baptised 1754 in Over
John Hickson1721StrayBmarried Ann Moss in 1721 in Chester
Thomas Hickson1721FHC16Astbury, wife Elizabeth
Thomas Hicksonest 1721-1799StrayBWill made 1820, Chester
Thomas Higsonest 1721-1799StrayBAdmon 1820, Frodsham
John Hickson1722StrayBmarried Anne Griffith in 1743 in Backford
Thomas Hickson1722StrayBDavenham, wife Elizabeth
Thomas Hickson1722FHC6daughter, Elizabeth, baptised 1755 in Over
William Hickson1722FHC2married Elizabeth Rosengrave in 1743 in Christleton and/or Tarvin
Thomas Hicksonest 1722-1800StrayBWill 1821 Bunbury
John Hickson1723StrayBmarried Ann Holmes in 1744 in Middlewich
John Hickson1723Cheshire 13/23Allostock / Lower Peover, wife Martha
Mary Hickson1723StrayBmarried Jonathan Wagg in 1744 in Sandbach
Samuel Higson1723FHCMobberley, wife Mary
Thomas Hickson1723FHC2Davenham, wife Elizabeth
William Hicksonest 1723-1801StrayBBurial 1822 Chester
Samuel Higson1724StrayBmarried Hannah Hewet in 1745 in Warrington
Ann Hickson1725StrayBmarried George Groome in 1746 in Sandbach
Richard Hickson1725StrayBmarried Elizabeth Sherratt in 1746 in Sandbach
Samuel Hickson1725Marr10married Hannah Mainwaring in 1746 in Weaverham cum Milton
John Hickson1725Cheshire 46Davenham & Ince, wife Martha
Joseph Hickson1725StrayBmarried Lydia Stubbs in 1745/6 in Lower Peover
Richard Hickson1725StrayBChurch Hulme, wife Elizabeth
Thomas Hickson1725FHC6daughter, Elizabeth, baptised 1758 in Over Peover
Mary Hicksonest 1725-1803StrayBWill made 1824 Chester
David Hickson1726StrayBmarried Hannah Wharton in 1746/7 in Swettenham
Martha Hickson1726Marr7married Matthew Darlington in 1747 in Witton
Mary Higson1726StrayBmarried Thomas Cook in 1746/7 in Thornton
Roger Hixson1726StrayBmarried Mary Viggars in 1747 in Coppenhall
William Hicksonest 1726-1804StrayBWill made 1825, Rostherne
William Hickson1727StrayBmarried Mary Willatt in 1748 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1727-1767StrayBdaughter, Catherine, died in 1792 in Great Budworth
Thomas Hickson1728FHC20Davenham, wife Ann
Thomas Hickson1728FHC12married Elizabeth Burrows in 1754 in Davenham
Elizabeth Hickson1728StrayBmarried Richard Hignett in 1749 in Whitegate
Thomas Hickson1728FHC10Congleton, wife Ellen
Mrs Elizabeth Hicksonest 1728-1827StrayBWill made in 1827
John Hickson1729FHC8Warrington, wife Mary
Martha Hickson1729Marr7married Thomas Moores in 1749/50 in Great Budworth
Charles Hicksonest 1729-1828StrayBAdmon, 1828, Stoke
William Hickson1730StrayBmarried Elizabeth Hewson in 1750/1 in Whitegate
Joseph Hicksonest 1730-1808StrayBWill made 1829, West Kirby
John Hickson1731StrayBGreat Budworth, wife Elizabeth
Mary Hixon1731StrayBmarried Joseph Withers in 1752 in Stoke
Richard Hickson1731FHC12sons, John & Richard baptised in Over Peover, 1756/60
Mary Hicksonest 1731-1809StrayBWill made, 1830, Bunbury
Alice Hixton1732Marr1married Thomas Vawdrey in 1753 in Over Peover
Richard Hickson1732FHC16Little Budworth, wife Mary
Mary Hexson1732Marr8married Solomon Stevenson in 1753 in Peak Forest, Derby or Stckport, Manchester
John Hickson1733Marr6married Mary Warburton in 1754 in Great Budworth
Joseph Hickson1733FHC12Lower Peover, wife Elizabeth
Richard Hickson1733StrayBmarried Elizabeth Brunrett in 1754 in Witton
Sarah Hickson1733Marr10married William Barker in 1754 in Daresbury
Mrs Martha Hicksonest 1733-1811StrayBWill made, 1832, West Kirby
Thomas Hixon1734StrayBmarried Ann Maddock in 1755 in Weaverham
John Hickson1734StrayBGreat Budworth, wife Elizabeth
Jane Hicksonca 1735StrayBWas this her married name? She had grandchildren in Witton
John Higson1735StrayBmarried Mary Weld in 1756 in Tarporley
Samuel Hicksonest 1735-1813StrayBAdmon 1834 Rostherne
William Hicksonest 17351821StrayWill & Admon 1834, Middlewich
Joseph Hickson1736StrayBmarried Elizabeth Williamson in 1757 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1736Marr1Great Budworth, wife Elizabeth
Richard Hixon1736Marr9amarried Mary Davies in 1757 in Over by Middlewich
Samuel Hickson1736FHC2married Mary Leigh in 1757 in Chester
Ann Hicksonca 1737marr1married Robert Jones in 1753 in Chester
William Hicksonest 1737-1815StrayBWill made 1836, Weaverham
Mrs Ellen Hicksonest 1737-1836StrayBWill 1836 Whitby
Charles Hixson1738Marr2married Sarah Littler in 1759 in Over by Middlewich
Thomas Hickson1738FHC16Warrington, wife Sarah
James Hicksonest 1738-1837StrayBdied ca November 1837 in Runcorn
Richard Hickson1739FHC12Macclesfield, wife Anne
John Higson1739StrayBmarried Margaret Dean in 1760 in Ashton-upon-Mersey
Mary Hickson1739Marr8married John Evans in 1760 in Tattenhall
Sarah Hicksonest 1739-1838StrayBdied ca March 1838 in Northwich
Samuel Hickson1740StrayBmarried Elizabeth Joynson in 1761 in Warmington, but see also marriage for the same names in 1804 in Church Minshull
James Hicksonest 1740-1839StrayBdied ca November 1839 in Macclesfield
Joseph Hicksonest 1740-1839StrayBdied ca June 1839 in Nantwich
Elizabeth Hickson1741StrayBmarried Thomas Wilbraham in 1762 in Davenham
John Hickson1741Marr6married Elizabeth Pickin in 1762 in Warmingham
John Hickson1741Marr6married Elizabeth Rickards in 1762 in Chester
Charles Hicksonest 1741-1770StrayBmarried Sarah Boardman in 1791 in Great Budworth
Joseph Hicksonest 1741-1819StrayBWill made 1840, Bromborough
Thomas Hicksonest 1741-1819StrayBAdmon 1840, Burton
Thomas Hicksonest 1741-1819StrayBWill, 1840, Great Budworth
Mary or Jane Hixon1742IGI-Marr8married Richard Wadson on 7th July 1763 in Barrow
William Hixon1742Marr12married Katherine Woodward in 1763 in Witton or Barrow
Ralph Hicksonest 1742-1820StrayBWill made 1841, Chester
Ann Hickson1743StrayBmarried John Millington in 1764 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1743Marr6married Martha Harding in 1764 in Tattenhall
Sarah Hickson1743FHC20married William Mottershead in 1764 in Great Budworth
Charles Hicksonest 1743-1842StrayBWill made 1842, Chester
Ephraim Hickson1745FHC22married Sarah Jefferson in 1766 in Mobberley
John Hickson1745FHC8married Sarah Bowes in 1766 in Mobberley
Mary Hixson1745Marr8married John Brackenbury in 1766 in Chester
William Higson1745StrayBmarried Elizabeth Wilby in 1766 in Runcorn
Mrs Sarah Hicksonest 1745-1823StrayBChester Innkeeper, died 1844
Elizabeth Hickson1746FHC6married 27 August 1767 in Fordham
Mary Hickson1746FHC2married John Baker in 1767 in Over
Richard Hixon1746FHC23son, William, baptised in 1779 in Over
Thomas Hixon1746Marr11married Alice White in 1767 in Tattenhall
William Hickson1746FHC20Chester, wife Mary
John Higsonest 1746-1824StrayBWill made 1845, Bowden
Daniel Hickson1747FHC12married Sarah Meares in 1768 in Prestbury
Elizabeth Hickson1747StrayBdaughter, Catharine, baptised 1780 in Great Budworth
Ann Hickson1748Marr1married John Davies in 1769 in Rostherne
Ann Hixson1748Marr1married John Roberts in 1769 in Coddington
Elizabeth Hickson1748Marr3married Joseph Hand in 1769 in Chester
Elizabeth Hicksonca 1749FHC6married John Skerratt in 1770 in Middlewich
Charles Hickson1749StrayBmarried Sarah Leech in 1770 in Weaverham
Thomas Hickson1749FHC2married Margaret Caldwell in 1771 in Davenham
Thomas Hickson1749StrayBdaughter, Mary, baptised 1782 in Great Budworth
William Hickson1749Marr12married Jane Stockton in 1770 in Tattenhall
John Hicksen1750FHC23Little Budworth, wife Jane
John Hixon1750Marr6married Martha Banks in 1771 in Thurstaston
Samuel Hickson1750FHC20Davenham and of the township of Lees, wife Betty
Sarah Higson1750StrayBmarried Thomas Gadman in 1771 in Cheadle
Thomas Hickson1750StrayBmarried Ann Armstrong in 1771 in Great Budworth
Martha Hickson1751Addend4married Edmund Orrell in 1772 in Great Budworth
Thomas Hixon1751Marr11married Hannah Faulkner in 1772 in Tattenhall
Stephen Hicksonest 1751-1784DDX 96/16Will 1805 Chester
George Higsonest 1751-1830trayBWill 1850 Stockport
Alice Hickson1752Fhc1married Ephraim Ridgway in 1773 in Alderley
Richard Hickson1752FHC2married Mary Hewitt in 1773 in Mobberley
Samuel Hickson1752FHC20Middlewich, wife Betty
Sarah Hixon1752Marr10married William Sherratt in 1773 in Astbury
Mary Higsonest 1752-1830StrayBWill 1851 Stockport
James Hickson1753Whitegate 2Whitegate, wife Elizabeth
Willliam Hickson1753FHC18son, Richard, baptised 1786 in Over
Samuel Hickson1754StrayBAllostock & Davenham, wife Betty
Thomas Hickson1754StrayBGreat Budworth, wife Elizabeth (Betty)
Thomas Hixson1754StrayBmarried Mary Sumner in 1775 in Runcorn
James Hickson1755StrayBmarried Jane Rigby in 1786 in Witton
Joseph Hickson1755Marr7married Ann Holme in 1776 in Witton or Northwich
Thomas Hickson1755FHC7Macclesfield, wife Mary
Daniel Hixon1756FHC20Macclesfield, wife Mary
Daniel Hicksonca 1756FHC4married Mary Dawson in 1781 in Prestbury
Charles Hickson1756FHC10Davenham, wife Mary Deaken
Fanny Hixon1756FHC13son, John, baptised 1789 in Acton by Nantwich
Mary Hickson1756StrayBmarried William Coy in 1777 in Weaverham
William Hickson1756Marr12married Sarah Littler in 1777 in Weaverham
Thomas Hicksonest 1756-1834StrayBSlater's Directory for 1855 shows "Nobility or Gentry"
James Hickson1757FHC9Macclesfield, wife Elizabeth
James Higson1757StrayBburied 1813 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1757Marr6married Mary Smith in 1778 in Bidston
Joseph Hickson1757FHC7Stockport, wife Ann
Mary Hickson1757StrayBmarried John Jackson in 1778 in Runcorn
Sarah Higsonest 1757-1835StrayBdied 1856. She was one of the Gentry of Frodsham & Overton
John Hickson1758FHC20Davenham, wife Sarah
John Hickson1758StrayBmarried Elizabeth Smith in 1779 in Wrenbury
John Higson1758StrayBmarried Sarah Warburton in 1779 in Frodsham
Samuel Hickson1758Marr10married Elizabeth Baskerville in 1779 in Alderley
John Higson1759StrayBSale & Ashton-upon-Mersey, wife Sarah
Sarah Hickson1759Marr10married James Baskerville in 1780 in Alderley
Sarah Hickson1759Marr10married Peter Meredith in 1780 in Eccleston
Samuel Hicksonest 1760-1838StrayBburial 1859 in Wybunbury
William Hickson1761FHC23married Mary Cookson in 1782 in Davenham
Hannah Hickson1762Marr1married John Bebbington in 1783 in Christleton
John Hickson1762FHC7Middlewich, wife Mary
Catherine Hickson1763StrayBmarried John Cook in 1788 in Great Budworth
James Hickson1763StrayBmarried Elizabeth Maddock in 1784 in Whitegate
Mary Hickson1763Marr8married John Vernon in 1784 in Baddiley
Samuel Hickson1763FHC14daughters, Betty & Lydy, baptised 1788 & 1791 in Allostock / Lower Peover
Emma Hickson1764FHC7married George Littler in 1790 in Middlewich
Mary Hickson1764Paren12Davenham, husband John Holland
Henry Hickton1765StrayBmarried Martha Norbury in 1786 in Cheadle
Ann Hickson1766Marr1married John Hanshall in 1787 in Chester
Jane Hickson1766StrayBmarried James Gregory in 1787 in Wlimslow
John Hickson1766FHC13married Martha Jackson in 1787 in Cheadle
Samuel Hickson1767Cheshire 28amarried Margaret Egerton in 1788 in Mobberley
James Higson1767StrayBmarried Margaret Widders in 1788 in Great Budworth
John Hickson1767Marr6married Elizabeth Jackson in 1788 in Chester
William Hickson1767Marr12married Catherine Redbrook in 1788 in Chester
Mary Hickson1768Marr8married John Street in 1789 in Christleton
Ellen Higson1768StrayBmarried John Cheetham in 1789 in Ashton-upon-Mersey
Margaret Hickson1769StrayBmarried William Burgess in 1790 in Great Budworth
William Hickson1769Marr12married Hannah Corwell in 1790 in Weaverham
Elizabeth Hickson1770Marr3married Samuel Grimes in 1791/2 in Great Budworth
John Hickson/Hitchen1770Paren10Little Budworth, wife Mary
William Hickson1770StrayBmarried Elizabeth Nelson in 1791 in Chester
Charles Hickson1771FHC13Dutton & Little Leigh, wife Ellen
John Hickson1771Census51Over, wife Sarah
Stephen Hickson1771Straymarried Catherine Bulkeley in 1792 in Chester
William Hixon1771Marr12married Hanah Percival in 1792 in Whitegate
Sarah Hickson1772Marr10married John Walker in 1793 in Frodsham
Betty Hickson1773StrayBburied 1837 in Great Budworth
Samuel Hickson1774StrayBGreat Budworth / Wincham, wife Martha
Sarah Hicksonca 1775FHC20married Jeffrey Bray in 1804 in Mobberley
Joseph Hickson1775StrayBmarried Martha Tunna in 1796 in Bunbury
Martha Hickson1775Marr7married Joseph Jodrel in 1796 in Wilmslow
John Higson1776StrayBGreat Budworth / Barnton, wife Anne
Thomas Hixson1776Marr11married Mary Dodd in 1797 in Tarvin
William Hickson1776StrayBmarried Ann Davies in 1797 in Macclesfield
Mary Hicksonca 1777FHC16married John Ledsham in 1808 in Bunbury
Elizabeth Higson1777StrayBmarried Humphry Gregory in 1798 in Frodsham
George Hickson1777FHC4Mobberley, wife Mary
George Hickson1777Cheshire 1Husbandman of Nantwich; wife, Alice
John Hickson1777StrayBMiddlewich, wife Ann
Catherine Hickson1778 StrayBmarried Samuel Bennett in 1799 in Great Budworth
Mary Hickson1778Marr8married Thomas Venables in 1799 in Davenham
Mary Hickson1778Marr8married Joseph Johnson in 1799 in Weaverham
Nancy Hickson1778Marr2married Philip Goodier in 1799 in Northwich
Mrs Harriet Hicksonest 1778-1857StrayProbate, 1891, Chester
Thomas Hickson1779Marr11married Mary Jones in 1800 in Tarvin
Ann Hickson1780Addend4married Enoch Peirpoint in 1801 in Runcorn
Catherine Hickson1780Addend4married Richard Holmes in 1801 in Chester
Daniel Hickson1780FHC14Macclesfield, wife Betty
George Hickson1780FHC16married Lydia Falkner in 1801 in Mobberley
Mary Hickson1780Marr8married Rd Mottershead in 1801 in Macclesfield
Samuel Hickson1780StrayBWybunbury, married Elizabeth Clough in 1805
David Hickson1781FHC4Whitegate, wife Elizabeth
John Hickson1781FHC14married Margaret Rowlands in 1802 in West Kirby
Samuel Hickson1781Census ChesFarmer of Hale (also mention of Childwall)
Thomas Hickson1781StrayBKinderton & Middlewich, wife Mary
Hannah Hickson1782Marr2married John Taylor in 1803 in Chester
John Hickson1782StrayBGreat Budworth, wife Sarah
Nancy Hickson1782Marr2married Samuel Banks in 1803 in West Kirby
Richard Hickson1782Marr9amarried Ann Chadwick in 1803 in Middlewich
Elizabeth Hickson1783Marr3married Robert Walley in 1804 in Audlem
James Hickson1783FHC10Great Budworth, wife Elizabeth
Anne Hickson1784Marr2married Richard Davies in 1805 in Bunbury
Hannah Hickson1784Addend4married William Simpson in 1805 in Wrenbury
Hannah Hickson1784Addend4married James Mann in 1805 in Great Budworth
Matthew Hickson1784Addend5married Mary Greaves in 1805 in Cheadle
Thomas Hickson1784StrayBMalster in Hough, wife Elizabeth
Charles Hickson1784ManchesteROof Lancashire; wife Betty; son Charles moved to Cheshire
Ann Hixson1785Marr2married John Jones in 1806 in Audlem
Hannah Hickson1785StrayBmarried William Simpson in 1806 in Wrenbury
John Hickson1785Y5aGreat Budworth / Wincham / Marston, married Elizabeth Ridgeway
Mrs Ann Hickson1786CensusOver Street, Over, Winsford
Mary Higsonest 1786-1834StrayBAdmon 1855
Elizabeth Hickson1787Marr4married Joseph Quarnby in 1808 in Mobberley
Charles Hickson1788StrayBmarried Ann Hassall in 1809 in Audlem
Ellen Hickson1788Marr3married Thomas Wakefield in 1809 in Weaverham
William Hickson1788-1798Cheshire 2Whitegate / Marton / Over; son, Adam Hickson, otherwise known as Adam Foden
Joseph Hixon1789Marr7married Fanny Wooddall in 1810 in Cheadle
Martha Hickson1789Addend4married John Dawson in 1810 in Chester
Mary Hickson1789Marr8married Joseph Palin in 1810 in Over Peover
Ann Hickson1790Marr2married William Bloor in 1811 in Prestbury
Emma Hickson1790Marr4married John Burgess in 1811 in Knutsford
John Hickson1790Marr6married Margaret Walton in 1811 in Knutsford
John Hickson1790Marr6married Sarah Evans in 1811 in Chester
Mary Hickson1790Marr8married James Kirkham in 1811 in Chester
Millisont Hickson1790Paren13Stalybridge, husband Joseph Pearson
Richard Hickson1790Craig 1Newton / Middlewich, wife Alice
Sarah Hickson1790Addend5married Richard Cocksey in 1811 in Lower Peover
Peter Higson1790-1835StrayBPainter, House signs etc, from Slater's Directory
Thomas Hickson1790-1835StrayBWheelwright, from Slater's Directory
William Higson1790-1835StrayBPainter, House sins etc, from Slater's Directory
Catharine Hixon1791Addend4married Edward Morgan in 1812 in Chester
Jane Hickson1791Parent7Stalybridge, married Peter Cook
Margaret Hickson1791Addend4married Joseph Moore in 1812 in Bowdon
Thomas Hickson1791Newton 1married Rachel Bunn in 1812 in Middlewich
Thomas Hickson1791Marr11married Alice Groves in 1812 in Great Budworth
Frances Hickson1792Cheshire 28buried in Rosthern 1850
Hannah Hickson1792Marr2married John Howard in 1813 in Over by Middlewich
James Higson1792StrayBmarried Mary Hampson in 1813 in Ashton-upon-Mersey
Margaret Hickson1792Marr7married (second marriage) Thomas Mervis in 1813 in Tatenhill, Staffordshire
there is some tenous link with Cheshire
William Hickson1792Marr12married Betty Powell in 1813 in Grappenhall
Giles Hicksonest 1792-1870StrayBChester, wife Tamer
Ephraim Hickson1793FHC9Mobberley, wife Sarah
Margaret Hickson1793StrayBmarried James Davenport in 1814 in Ashton-upon-Mersey
John Hickson1794/1804FHC7married Ann Steele in 1818 in Sandbach
Ann Hickson1794Marr2married John Houghton in 1815 in Davenham
John Hickson1794Marr6married Elizabeth Holland in 1815 in Davenham
Margaret Hickson1794Marr7married William Tomlinson in 1815 in Over Peover
Sarah Hickson1794FHC9mother of George Hickson, baptised 1819 and Margaret Hickson 1827, both in Mobberley
William Hickson1794Addend5married Mary Beard in 1815 in Nantwich
Elizabeth Hixonca 1796Marr4married Joseph Barlow in 1817 in Cheadle
George Hickson1796Censusborn in Salford; lived in Over with wife Elizabeth
Jane Hickson1796Marr5married John Baker in 1817 in Over
John Hickson1796Marr6married Sarah Woodcock in 1817 in Audlem
John Hickson1796StrayBof Great Budworth and Barnton, wife Maria
Charles Hickson1797FHC9married Elizabeth Lowe in 1818 in Over by Middlewich
Ephraim Hickson1797Marr4married Elizabeth Grunnall in 1818 in Rosthern
Thomas Hickson1797Marr11married Ellen Jackson in 1818 in Mobberley
Joseph Hickson1798FHC7Macclesfield, wife Anne
Mary Hickson1798Addend5married Joseph Nickson in 1819 in Great Budworth
Sophia Hickson1798Addend5married James Norbury in 1819 in Bowdon
John Hickson1798-1801Cheshire 5married Hannah Williams in 1822 in Church Minshull
Elizabeth Hickson1799FHC3daughter, Ann, baptised 1832 in Mobberley
John Hickson1799Addend4married Esther Shaw in 1820 in Great Budworth
Joseph Hickson1799Census71Tabley / Rudheath / Wharton; wife Elizabeth
Mary Hickson1799Marr8married John W Hardman in 1820 in Chester
Sarah Hickson1799Marr10married Edward Dooler in 1799 in Audlem
Thomas Hickson1799Marr11married Mary deane in 1820 in Chester
1800-1899 Return to top

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John Hickson1800Cheshire 28married (1) Elizabeth Grimsditch in 1825 in Knutsford; (2) Hannah after 1851
Joseph Hickson1800Marr7married Elizabeth Waldren in 1821 in Davenham
William Hicksonest 1800-1804StrayBburied 1804 as an infant in Davenham
John Hicksonest 1800-1830StrayBBoot and Shoe Makers in Macclesfield
John Hicksonest 1800-1835StrayBRetailer of Beer, Over
Samuel Hickson1800-1835StrayBmarried Mary Cliff in 1853 in Great Budworth
Thomas William Hicksonest 1800-1878StrayBCrewe, wife Alice
Richard Carter Hicksonest 1800-1979StrayBCrewe, wife Sarah Louisa
Elizabeth Hickson1801Censusmarried Thomas Foden in 1821 in Great Budworth
James Hickson1801Addend4married Alice Ellison in 1822 in Great Budworth
James Higson1801Censusa farrier; born in Sale; Farm House, Stretford in 1861
Ralph Hickson1801Marr9amarried Sarah Partington in 1822 in Chester
Thomas Hickson1801FHC7Mobberley, wife Ann
Thomas Higson1801CensusGamekeeper; MossSide, Ashton upon Mersey
Elizabeth Hickson1802Addend4married Joseph Grice in 1823 in Daresbury
Richard Hickson1802StrayBPickmere / Great Budworth; wife Elizabeth
Sarah Hickson 1802IGI-Addend5married George Sinclair in 1823 in Chester
William Higson 1803StrayBfound in the Union Workhouse, Shaw Heath, Stockport
Jane Hickson 1803IGI-Addend4married Charles Johnson in 1824 in Bowdon
Abraham Hickson 1804IGI-MARR1married Hannah Grange in 1825 in Great Budworth
Eliza Hickson 1804IGI-MARR4married Thomas Burgess in 1825 in Rosthern
William Hixton 1804IGI-MARR12married Mary Jones in 1825 in Plemstall
Thomas Higson 1805StrayBSolicitor; Chorley in Macclesfield; wife Louisa M
Charles Hickson 1805CensusRuncorn & Over within Whitegate; wife Ellen
John Hickson 1805Census41married Anne Yearsley in 1834 in Over by Middlewich
George Hickstone 1806Census ChesGreat Broughton; wife Elizabeth
Joseph Hitchen 1806Strayfound in the 1841 census
Henry Hickson 1806IGI-FHC20Mobberley; wife Mary
Mary Hickson 1806IGI-MARR8married John Hulme in 1827 in Peover Superior
Sarah Hickson 1806IGI-MARR10married Thomas Robinson in 1827 in Sandbach
Mary Hickson 1806IGI-Addend5married Samuel Smith in 1827 in Chester
Thomas Hickson1806StraySaddler of Mere, wife Emma
Amy Hickson 1807IGI-Addend4married Richard Coppenhall in 1828 in Middlewich
Ann Hickson1807Marr2married Richard Shaw in 1820 in Rostherne
Mr Hicksonbetween 1807-1831Cheshire 18had three sons, John, William & Joseph
James Hickson 1808IGI-FHC13Macclesfield; wife Ann
Henry Hickson 1808IGI-MARR5married Mary Moss in 1829 in Davenham
Samuel Hickson 1808IGI-MARR10married Mary Foden in 1829 in Sandbach
Sarah Hickson 1808IGI-Addend5married Joseph Norbury in 1829 in Bowdon
John Hickson 1809Census51Whitegate; wife Ann
William Hickson ca 1809IGI-FHC24married Elizabeth Denson in 1834 in Chester
Martha Hickson 1809Marr7married Samuel Fogg in 1830 in Davenham
John Hickson 1809IGI-Addend4married Sarah Cottam in 1830 in Chester
Samuel Hickson 1810StrayWigland, Malpas; wife Susannah; He died in 1879
Mary Higson, 1810
Henry Higson, 1817
Thomas Higson, 1821
Sarah Higson, 1829
1810, 1817, 1821 & 1829StrayBSiblings born in Dunham, lived in Northendon; Mary married Mr Darbyshire
William Hickson 1810IGI-MARR12married Elizabeth Done in 1831 in Waverton
Peter Hickson between 1810 & 1830StrayBa Saddler (ref Slater's Directory)
Thomas Hickson 1812Census71Winsford; wife Emma
Abraham Higson 1812Straymarried Nancy Winterbottom in 1833 in Northenden
Hannah Hickson 1812IGI-MARR2married John Wild in 1833 in Prestbury
Samuel Hickson 1812IGI-MARR10married Mary Massey in 1833 in Astbury
John Hickson 1813IGI-FHC8Birkenhead; wife Ann
John Hickson1813Cheshire 37Boatman. Son, Thomas, who was born in Middlewich was also a boatman
Joseph Hickson 1813FONSborn in Over Tabley; lived in Antrobus and Great Budworth
Mrs Mary Hickson1813StrayComberbach
Elizabeth Hickson 1814CensusKnutsford Nether, born in Mere
James Hickson 1814CensusTabley Superior; wife Martha
Mary Ann Hickson 1814IGI-FHC16born in Stockport
Harriet Higson 1814StrayBborn in Congleton, lived in Dukinfield; son Seth
Robert Higsonest 1814-1834StrayBStone & Marble Mason
John Hickson 1815Cheshire23aWeaverham & Witton; wife Mary Sandbach
Peter Higson 1815StrayBTimperley; wife Sarah
James Hickson 1815Whitegate2aWhitegate; wife Mary
Robert Higson 1815StrayBborn in Rostherne, Joiner of Longhurst Lane Royal Oak Row, Mellor
Samuel Hickson 1815IGI-MARR10married Susannah Lomas in 1836 in Prestbury
Peter Hickson1815Cheshire 52married Harriet Hill in 1832 in Rosthern
Margaret Hicksonest 1815-1830StrayBMilliner & Dress Maker (from SLater's Directory)
David Hickson 1816Cheshire 40Macclesfield, wife Sarah
Mrs Elizabeth Hickson 1816Censusborn in Shropshire, died 1882 in Chester
James Hickson 1816Mintermarried Hannah Cross
John Hickson 1816IGI-MARR7married Mary Patten in 1837 in Witton
John Higson 1816CensusBowden, Broadheath; wife Ann
Peter Hickson 1816StrayBmarried in 1837 in Macclesfield
Samuel Hickson 1816IGI-FHC14Old Withington; wife Susannah
Mrs Elizabeth Hickson 1816StrayBMacclesfield, widow
Mrs Mary Hickson 1816StrayDressmaker of Knutsford
Mary Hickson 1817IGI-Addend5married Abraham Lomas between 1838 & 1840 in Gawsworth, Macclesfield
John Higson 1817StrayJustice of the Peace; lived at Oakmere Hall
William Higson 1818StrayBStalybridge; Grocer of Dukinfield
Elizabeth Hickson 1819IGI-MARR4married Samuel Pickstock in 1840 in Middlewich
Mrs Mary Hickson1819Censuschildrn born in Macclesfield; lived later in Hurdfield
Elizabeth Hicksonbetween 1819-1821Straymarried Peter Eaton in 1841 in Northwich
Sarah Ann 1820StrayMonumental Inscriptions of the Congregational Church in Over Winsford
In loving memory of JOHN HICKSON of Over who died 15 Feb 1887 age 83 years, also ANN wife of above who died 19 Jul 1850 age 39 years, and was interred at Whitegate church, Also SARAH JANE daughter of WILLIAM and SARAH ANN WEEDALL who died 20 Jun 1873, also SARAH his wife who died 19 Dec 1893 age 73 years.
Joseph Hickson est 1820StrayBBoot & Shoe maker of Congleton
William Hicksonest 1820StrayBGrocer in Congleton
Charles Hickson 1821CensusCongleton; wife Mary; farmers
David Hickson 1821IGI-FHC3married Elizabeth Anderton in 1842 in Macclesfield
William Hickson 1821StrayBWaterman of Barnton; wife Marey
Samuel Hickson 1822Cheshire 11Wharton; Manager in Salt Works; wife Margaret
Henry Higson 1822StrayBCabinet Maker of Monks Coppenhall; wife Elizabeth
Mrs Mary A Higson 1822StrayBof Sale
Daniel Hickson 1823Censusmarried Mary Birchenhall Stubbs in 1845 in Prestbury
Elizabeth Hickson 1823StrayOver; Farm Servant
Ellen Whitehead Hickson 1823Straymarried in 1844 in Macclesfield
George Hicksonca 182321married Sarah Boulton in ca November 1850 in Staffordshire; son Joseph (born 1857) moved to Kidsgrove/Northwich
Elias and Robert Higson 1824StrayBBirkenhead; Marble Masons
James Hickson 1825Census51Winsford; wife Ellen
Elizabeth Hickson 1825Straymarried George Burroughs in 1846 in Great Budworth
Joseph Hickson 1825CensusSilk Weaver of Macclesfield; wife Maud
William Hexon 1825StrayBCarpenter of Monks Coppenhall; wife Eliza
Mrs Martha Hickson 1825StrayBborn in Malpas
Thomas Hicksonbetween 1825-1841London 5buried in Wybunbury Churchyard; his son, William, was killed on the Railways
Ellen Hickson 1826CensusRuncorn; a pupil at Daresbury Boarding School
James Hickson 1828Census51Vale View, Whitegate; wife Mary
James Hickson 1828Wybunbury 1born in Wybunbury; wife Frances; lived in Blakenhall
Ann Jane Hickson 1829ManchesteROborn in Liverpool; lived in Birkenhead
George Hickson 1829StrayBWaterman; wife Elizabeth
John Hickson 1829StrayBborn in Alderley; married Murray
Beatrice Hicksonest 1829-1950Cheshire 48Grocery shop owner
William Hickerson 1830StrayBNewton-in-Makerfield; wife Mary
George Hickson1830-1832Berkshire 6Marton in Whitegate; married Ellen Allcock
Samuel Hickson 1831CensusBarnton & Witton; wife Mary
Giles Higson 1831StrayBStockport; wife Jane
Thomas Hickson 1831StrayBAshton in Makerfield; wufe Martha
Joseph Hickson 1831StrayBSilk Weaver; married Maria Newton
Mr Higson 1833StrayBwife Miss Dutton had daughter Martha M Higson in Birkenhead
John Hickson 1833Census Little Sutton; wife Martha
James Nickson 1834Straymarried Elizabeth Jackson in 1855 in Great Budworth
John Hickson 1834CensusPickmere; wife Ellen
John Hickson 1834CensusSaltmaker of Wharton
Joseph Hickson 1834Census 1Newton in Northwich; wife Hannah
William and Mary Hickson1834Censussiblings of Sale; Mary was born in 1857
John Hickson 1835Census61Winsford; Fireman at Salt Works; wife Charlotte
Mr Hicksonbetween 1835-1847Cheshire 20died aged 28; head of a farming family of 4 in Mere; Eldest son, George Thomas was born in 1868
Mr Hicksonest 1835-1860Cheshire 21head of a family of 8; Fanny, Mary, Susan, Betty, Thomas, Ernest, Walter & Nathaniel
Joseph Hickson 1836CensusHurdsfield; wife Elizabeth
Sarah Hickson 1836CheshireBDMmarried Thomas Buckley in 1857 in Great Budworth
Mary Hickson 18371851 Censusborn in Marton; Is this the daughter of Elizabeth & Charles?
Robert Hickson 1837CensusMaster Saddler of Mere; married Emily M
William Hickson 1837CensusSaddler of Knutsford; married Charlotte
Mrs Elizabeth Hickson1837Censusof Tranmere; husband alive in 1881, but who & where was he?
Elizabeth Hickson 1838IGI-PARENT3married John Robinson
George Hickson 1838Straymarried Mary Newton in 1855 in Whitegate
George James Hickson December quarter 1838HMSO recordsAltringham
Anne Hickson 1839CheshireBDMmarried Thomas Davies in 1860 in Great Budworth
George Higson 1839StrayBPainter of Stockport; wife Ann
Mary A Hickson 1839StrayBborn in Budworth; servant at the Ship Inn in Warrington in 1861
Elizabeth Hickson 1840CheshireBDMmarried James Cooke in 1861 in Great Budworth
Frederick Higson 1840StrayBSolicitor of Bollin Fee; married Jane M
William Higson 1840Cheshire 51born in Sale; lived in Ashton on Mersey; wife Martha
Alfred Hickson 1841Censusborn in Congleton
John Higson 1841StrayBHatter of Stockport; married Sarah
John Higson 1841StrayBDomestic Gardener of Altringham; married Ellen
Mary Higson 1841StrayB43 Gt King St, Macclesfield
Sarah Hickson 1841CheshireBDMmarried John Norris in 1862 in Great Budworth
William Higson 1841StrayBCoal Agent of Cheadle; married Ellen
Charles Hickson 1842CensusWhitegate; wife Elizabeth
Elizabeth Hickson 1842CheshireBDMmarried John Henshall in 1863 in Great Budworth
Ellen Hickson 1842LadyTopsymarried William Atkinson in 1869 in Barnton Church, Little Leigh
Harriet Elizabeth Hickson 1842CheshireBDMmarried George Whalley in 1863 in Great Budworth
Henry Higson 1843StrayBTimperley; wife Hannah
Benjamin Hickson 1843Cheshire 8Newton in Northwich; wife Euphemia Moss
Henry Hickson 1844CensusWaterman of Barnton; wife Ellen
Samuel Hickson 1844CensusDisley Stanley; wife Betsy
John Hickson 1845CensusWincham & Pickmere; wife Sarah
Martha Hickson 1845StrayBDressmaker, born in Plumbley
Ephraim Burgess 1845StrayBstepfather to Mary E, John & Helena Hickson of Pickmere
John? Hicksonbetween 1845-1858London 8Harbour Master in Liverpool; married Annie McFadden
Mr Hickson1846Wales 5father of Herbert Hickson of Barnton and Uncle to Albert Hickson who died in 1942
Charles Hickson 1846CensusBarman of Macclesfield; wife Sarah
James S Hickson 1846StrayBCotton Broker of Birkenhead; wife Catherine
Mary Ann & Rachel Hickson1846Censussiblings of Macclesfield. Both Silk Winders
Mary & Elizabeth Hickson1846StrayBsiblings of Macclesfield. Farmer's daughters
Mary Hickson 1846CheshireBDMmarried Henry Clarke in 1867 in Great Budworth
Susannah Hickson 1846CensusFarmer, born in Prestbury
Thomas Hickson 1846CheshireBDMmarried Mary Holland in 1867 in Great Budworth
Thomas Higson 1846Cheshire 50Railway Signalman of Altrincham; married Ellen
John Hickson 1847CheshireBDMmarried Sarah Summerfield in 1868 in Great Budworth
Charlotte Higson 1848Straymarried ca February 1869 in Barton
George Higson 1848StrayBTimperley; wife Lydia
Giles Higson 1848Straymarried ca February 1869 in Ashton
Josephus Harney Higson 1848StrayMmarried ca May 1869 in Barton
Mary Hickson 1848StrayBMacclesfield; married Michael Murray
Thomas Higson 1848StrayMmarried ca May 1869 in Barton
Charles Higson1848StrayBborn in Stalybridge; Police Constable; married Sarah Gledhill
Mrs Mary Ann Hickson1849Cheshire 44buried in Willow Grove Cemetery, Reddish
Betsy Hickson 1849CensusWhitegate; married John Thornber before 1881
Hannah Higson 1849Straymarried ca May 1870 in Barton
Mary Alice Higson 1849StrayMmarried ca August 1870 in Stockport
William Higson 1849StrayMmarried ca August 1870 in Nantwich
William H Higson 1849StrayBMonks Coppenhall; wife Elizabeth
Priscilla Hickson ca 1850IGI-Addend2born in Barnton
Alice Higson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Barton
Elizabeth Hickson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Macclesfield
Emma Hickson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Northwich
Henry Hickson 1850Censusborn in Marton; Plough boy in 1861
Martha Hickson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Northwich
Peter Hixon 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Barton
Rachel Hickson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Warrington
Samuel & Olive Ann Hickson1850Staffs 4both siblings born in Birtles, Olive in 1864; lived in Wolstanton
Thomas Higson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Altrincham
William Hickson 1850StrayBmarried in 1871 in Northwich
Elizabeth Ann Hickson 1851IGI-PARENT3Stockort; married Francis Croft
Emma & Joseph Hickson1851StrayBsiblings born in Tabley; lived in Knutsford
Anne Hickson 1852CheshireBDMmarried William Booth in 1873 in Great Budworth
Elizabeth Higson 1852StrayB born in Glasgow; house servant in Sale in 1881
Peter Hickson 1852CensusStockport; wife Jane
Samuel Hickson 1852IGI-MARR10married Elizabeth Chapman Rushton in 1873 in Prestbury
Walter Hickson 1852Cheshire 2son, Samuel, worked in Winsford Saltmines
William Hickson 1852CheshireBDMmarried Mary Summerfield in 1873 in Great Budworth
Elizabeth Hickson 1853Census71born in Mobberley; Servant in Whitegate in 1871
Joseph Hickson 1854Censusborn in Pickmere, married Ellen
Rachel Hickson 1854CensusSilk Worker of Congleton; daughter, Hannah Hickson
David Higson 1855StrayBHat Manufacturer of Stockport, married Lucy Elizabeth
Hannah Hickson 1855StrayBborn in Prestbury
James Hickson 1855Whitegate2bof Marton in Whitegate; wife Mary
John T Higson 1855StrayBborn in Stalybridge; Musician (Vocalist) of Hurdsfield
Thomas Foden Hickson 1856CensusSaltboiler of Over; wife Elizabeth
Henry Hickson 1857CensusGrocer of Tabley Superior; wife Ann
Arthur Higson 1857StrayBborn in Timperley; married H A
William Hickson 1857StrayBof Baddington; wife Fanny
James Hicksonest 1857-1870Cheshire 16Winsford area; children: James, John & George
Albert H Hickson 1858CensusBricklayer; born in Crewe
Alfred Hickson 1859CensusButcher; born in Wharton
Ann Hickson 1859StrayBborn in Chester
Mr Hickson1859Cheshire 48Pianist of Barnton & Crosby; married twice; children Florence & Samuel
Lavinia Hickson1859StrayBborn in Northwich
Thomas Hicksonbefore 1860Cheshire 5married Eliza Egerton; buried in Davenham
Ann Hickson 1860StrayBborn in Southampton; Servant in Stockport
James Hickson 1860StrayBborn in Great Budworth
Joseph Hickson 1860StrayBborn in Wharton
Martha Higson 1860StrayBborn in Delamere
Mary Ellen Higson 1860Strayborn in Toxteth Park, Liverpool; Domestic Servant in Claughton with Grange
Fanney Hickson 1861StrayBborn in Whitegate; Was she the daughter of George Hickson & Ellen Allcock of Marton?
William Hickson1861CheshireBDMmarried Jane Blower in 1882 in Great Budworth
Mrs Mary Elizabeth Higson, née Price1861StrayBof Statham, Lymm; son, William Henry born March 1881
George & John Hickson1862 & 1863SW27born in Barnton; John was known as Capt Jack
Eliza Hicksonca 1863IGI-FHC7born in Mobberley; married John Webb ca 1884 in Mobberley
George Hickson 1863StrayBIron Moulder; born in Stockport
Mary Hickson 1863IGI-FHC17born in Winsford
Emma Hickson 1864StrayBborn in Congleton
Samuel Hickson 1864StrayBborn in Birkenhead
Arthur Higson 1865StrayBborn in Alterton
John Hickson 1865StrayBborn in Staffordshire; Servant in Lymm
Isaac Hicksonca 1866Wales 4of Northwich & Chester; wife Mary
Alice Hickson 1866StrayBborn and lived in Baddiley
John Hickson 1866Strayborn in Whitegate; son of William & Mary Atherton
Thomas W Hickson 1866StrayBborn in Nantwich
Zatilla (or Zitella) Hickson 1866StrayBborn in Manchester to Francis Hickson; lived in Congleton
Albert Hickson ca 1867Wales 5married Mary Catherine Butler in 1893 in Great Budworth
Albert Hickson1867Censusborn in Crewe
George Hickson1867Cheshire 41married Ada Booth; his sister Cissy (b.1877) married Mr Dixon
Sarah Hickson 1867StrayBborn in Winsford
Frank Hicksonest 1867-1875Mersey 6married Mary Deakin in 1897 in Great Budworth
George Hickson 1868StrayBborn in Aston
George Stapeley Hickson1869StrayBWybunbury; died an infant
Samuel Stapeley Hickson1870StrayBWybunbury; died an infant
Solomon Hickson1870Y11"Old Sol" of Marston, Northwich; married Alice Harding
Elizabeth, Alice & Richard Hickson1872, 1872 & 1875Census 2siblings born in Middlewich
Levinia Hickson 1872StrayBborn in Liverpool; worked in Liscard
Reginald Higson1872StrayB born in Oakmere
Hannah Hickson1873CheshireBDM married Joseph Bradshaw in 1894 in Great Budworth
Gertrude Hickson1874Strayborn in Malvern, Lincolnshire; Scholar in Timperley
Harry Hickson1874IGI-FHC9born in Hyde; married Martha Fox
Helena Agnes Hickson1876CheshireBMDmarried John Frederick Davies in 1897 in Great Budworth
Elizabeth Hickson1878StrayBborn & lived in Wharton
George Higson 1879StrayBDukinfield; granson of Peter Webb
Elizabeth Hickson1882StrayBmarried in 1903 in Bucklow
Frederick Higson 1882Straymarried ca November 1903 in Macclesfield
Mary Ann Hickson 1882StrayBmarried in 1903 in Bucklow
Alexander Hickson1882IGI-ADDM1married Mary Howarth in ca 1903, Manchester
William Timpson Higson1882StrayBmarried in 1903 in Bucklow
Thomas Henry Hickson1887Lancs 27Whitegate; married Edith Westby
Violet Mary Hickson1888StrayBburied 1956 in Sandbach Cemetery
James Hickson1890Cheshire 9father of George, born 1923 in West Derby, died 1971; George's wife, Hilda, died in Crewe
William, Harry & Lilian Hicksonca 1894Cheshire 6siblings of Crewe; William married Ethel Hamer; Lilian became Mrs Lillie Dodd