Hickson Genealogy
Places in which Hicksons have been found in Norfolk:
If you would like more details of Hicksons in any particular place please
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- Elizabeth Hickson and Lucy Hickson, born 1849 & 1853, two of the daughters of George Hickson and Lucy Day,
were visitors at the house of Robert High in 1881
- James E Hickson was born 1864 in East India, a British Subject. In 1891 he was lodging in
East Dereham and was employed as a labourer
- Mary Hickson was born 1814 in Enfield. In 1851 she was employed as a house servant at Burnley Hall
- John Hickson, a mariner, made his Will in 1681
- Keziah Hickson married Samuel Bouch 1816 at St Nicholas