Entering all my family into a Book to be called The Hicksons of Caddington.
I have nearly completed a complete list of all the Hicksons, Hixsons and Hixons of whom I know (born before 1916) [done]
The latest addition to these webpages is Hicksons found in Melton Mowbray
After that I a considering adding a few small family trees which link into this information, but first I will need to write a computer program to assist me. So if you would like me to add your tree, then please let me know.
we have formed a small team who wish to dig back much deeper into the past - further than 10 generations. We believe that this means finding very old documents and probably books which contain snippets of Hicksons all over England. Why England? ... because present research indicates that all Hicksons (whatever the spelling) came from England before moving to (mainly) America. All Irish Hicksons descended from Cambridgeshire ca 1553. The early Australian Hicksons also descended from the Hicksons of England.
It seems probable that we will have to use many of the same techniques as Archeologists and with that in mind I have joined The Yorkshire Archeological Society.
The problem is that a lot of people are searching the Internet for people that they think fit into their family tree, publishing their findings on the Internet, including their deductions, and then other people come along and copy these results. Finally trees are created which contain many errors.
I am sure we are all to blame.
I am now asking for proof, at least one original source, to back up information passed to me before I am prepared to share it with others. Hopefully this will be much more helpful to all genealogists.
I have created a few lists on these web pages of original sources, cemeteries, houses which were owned by Hicksons in Co Kerry, Ireland, parish records for Yorkshire, Wiltshire and Northamptonshire, even lists of Hickson Policemen to name but the more recent. If anyone would like to supply me with other original lists I would be delighted to host them on these pages.
I am also involved with the DNA project which has already shown a link between the English Hickson families and the Massachusetts or New England Hixson/Hixon families. We are also offering free DNA tests.
I organised a 75 mile relay race around the 8 visible White Horses of Wiltshire in September which was a great success.
Currently I am the Race Director for a 5km trail race which is held 5 times each year and costs £5. - Guess the name: