Hickson Genealogy
HICKSONs found in the British National Census records for 1861
- AB Seaman
- Accountant
- Adj Officer & Registrar
- Agricultural Labourer
- Annuitant
- Apprentice
- Assistant
- Baker
- Banking Agent
- Banksman
- Bar House Keeper
- Barber (see also Hairdresser)
- Barge builder
- Barmaid
- Barrister's Clerk
- Basket Maker
- Bath Chair man
- Beer House Keeper
- Binder
- Blacksmith
- Block Punter
- Boatman
- Bobbin Winder
- Boiler Maker
- Bolt and Screw Maker
- Bookkeeper
- Bookseller & Printer
- Boot and Shoe Maker
- Boot binder
- Brewer
- Brewer's Drayman
- Brick Kiln Labourer
- Brickmaker
- Brick Moulder
- Bricklayer
- Butcher
- Button Maker
- Captain of boat
- Card Wines
- Carpenter - see Joiner
- Carrier's Agent
- Carter
- Chamber Maid
- Charwoman
- Chemist (& Druggist)
- ClearStarcher
- Clerical Student
- Clerk
- to Barrister
- Colliery
- to Colour Merchant
- Dock
- to Ironmonger
- to Lawyer
- Railway
- Telegraph
- in Tax Office
- in the Tea Trade
- in the Timber Trade
- to Wine Merchant
- Coal Merchant
- Coal Miner
- Collar & Harness Maker
- Collier
- Commission Agent
- Compositer
- Confectioner
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cordwainer
- Corn & Flour Dealer
- Cottager
- Cotter
- Cotton
- Baler
- Bleacher
- Engine Feeder
- Factory
- Mill operator
- Piecer
- Powerloom weaver
- Spinner
- Weaver
- Winder
- Cowboy
- Cowman
- Daily Governess
- Dairy Keeper
- Dairy Maid
- Discharger of Coals
- Dock Clerk
- Dock Labourer
- Doctor, M.D.
- Domestic Servant
- Draper (& Haberdasher)
- Drawer in Card Room
- Dress Maker
- Druggist (Apprentice)
- DW Maker
- Dyer
- Electric Gilder
- Engine Fitter
- Engineer
- Engraver
- Errand Boy
- Factory Hand
- Factory Operative
- Fancy Box Maker
- Farm Bailiff
- Farm Labourer
- Farm Lad
- Farm Servant
- Farmer
- Field Work
- Fireman
- Fish Dealer
- Flatman (see also Waterman)
- Flax Worker
- Footman
- Forgeman
- Fork Maker
- France Tenter Cotton
- Fund Holder
- Game Keeper
- Garden Labourer
- Gardener
- General Dealer
- General Labourer
- General Servant
- General Warehouseman
- Gentleman
- Gentleman's Servant
- Glazier
- Glove Seamer
- Governess
- Greenwich Pensioner
- Grocer
- Groom
- Gunner
- Hair Styler
- Hairdresser
- Hand on the Vessel
- Harness Furniture Coverer
- Hatter
- Hawker
- Hay dealer
- Haymaker
- Higgler
- Hinge Maker
- Hostler
- House
- Carpenter - see Joiner
- Cook
- Duties
- Keeper
- maid
- Proprietor
- Servant
- work
- Inmate
- Innkeeper
- Iron
- Merchant
- Moulder
- Turner
- monger's clerk
- Jack Frame Minder, Cotton Mill
- Japanner
- Joiner - see Carpenter
- Journeyman
- Baker
- Blacksmith
- Joiner
- Miller
- Saddler
- Stone Mason
- Wheelwright
- Labourer
- at Furnaces
- at Salt Works
- Brewer
- Garden Work
- in Cotton Factory
- on Farm
- Lace Maker
- Lace Mender
- Lace worker
- Ladies School Mistress
- Land Surveyor
- Landed Proprietor
- Laundress
- Laundry maid
- Lawyer
- Licenced Victualler
- Linen & Wool Draper
- Lodge Keeper
- Lodging House Keeper
- Machine Fitter
- Machinist
- Maintenance on Railway
- Malster
- Manager of Distillery
- Marble & Stone Mason
- Market Gardener
- Mas Collar and Harness Maker
- Master
- Boatman
- Boot Maker
- Reed Maker
- Saddler
- Mechanic
- Milk boy
- Miller
- Milliner
- Monthly Nurse
- Needlewoman
- Nurse
- Nursemaid
- Oil & Colorman
- Operative Cotton Spinner
- Ornamental Carver
- Packer
- Painter
- Pansmith
- Pattern Card Maker
- Pew Opener
- Pianoforte Maker
- Picture Frame Maker
- Piecer (at Cotton Mill)
- Pin Winder
- Plough boy
- Plumber & Glazier
- Police Constable
- Porter
- Postman
- Post Office Messenger
- Potter
- Potter's Ovenman
- Potter's Painter
- Potter's Preper
- Potter's Transferer
- Power Loom Cotton Weaver
- Pressmaker
- Printer
- Private
- Proprietor of Houses
- Proprietor of Railway Stock
- Prospector
- Provision Dealer
- Publican
- Pupil
- Pupil Teacher
- Railway
- Clerk
- Engine Driver
- Guard
- Labourer
- Policeman
- Porter
- Riveter
- Road Labourer
- Rope Ground Work
- Ropemaker
- Saddler
- Sailor
- Salt Labourer
- Salt Maker
- Sawyer
- Scholar
- School Teacher
- Screw Bolt Maker
- Seaman
- Seamstress
- Sergeant Royal Artillery
- Servant
- Shqareholder
- Shepherd
- Ship owner
- Shipwright
- Shirt Collar Draper
- Shirt Maker
- Shoe
- binder
- maker
- manufacturer
- stabber
- Shop Keeper
- Silk
- Cutter
- Dyer
- Factory Steward
- Glove Maker
- Mill Man
- Piecer
- Ribbon Weaver
- Twister
- Weaver
- worker
- Small Ware Dealer
- Smith
- Soldier
- Spinner
- Stocker
- Stone Mason
- Stone Work Labourer
- Store Keeper
- Straw Plaiter
- Street Manager
- Surgeon
- Tailor
- Talioner
- Tallow Chandler
- Tanner
- Tea House
- Tea Merchant
- Teacher
- Teacher of Music
- Telegraph Clerk
- Tent maker
- Toll Collector
- Tragedian
- Under Nurse
- Upholsterer
- Upper house maid
- Waistcoar Maker
- Waiter
- Waitress
- Warehouseman
- Warp Dyer
- Washerwoman
- Waterman
- Weaver
- Wesleyan Minister
- Wheelwright
- White Smith Master
- Wholesale Boot & Shoe Manufacturer
- Winder
- Wine Merchant's Clerk
- Wood Dealer
- Wood Turner
- Woodman