Hickson Genealogy


Places in which Hicksons have been found in Rutland:

If you would like more details of Hicksons in any particular place please contact me

Below is a list of HICKSONs whose parents are unknown to me.










Names and year of birth

NameYear of birthReferenceComments

These people have been sorted by their year of birth.

Richard HicksonBefore 1640StrayGreetham and Barkstone in the Willows, near Grantham, Lincolnshire
John Hixsonabout 1672IGI-FHC4Thistleton.
Katharine Hickson1701IGI-FHC4Thistleton.
John Hicksonabout 1731IGI-FHC2 Burley and Langham. They had 7 children
John Hicksonabout 1741IGI-FHC12 Brooke. Their son, John, was baptised 1763 in Oakham
John Hicksonabout 1747IGI-MARR6Ryhall.
John Hicksonabout 1750Staveley Oakham. Grocer of Rutland. Their sons, John, John & Richard were baptised in Oakham, 1769, 1774 & 1776. They also had another son, William (born 1787), but I have no details of his baptism.
Catherine Hicksonca 1758IGI-FHC4 Braunston. Married Tobias White
John Hicksonabout 1760IGI-FHC8 Oakham. Children: Job, William & George
Ann Hicksonabout 1776IGI-MARR1 Oakham
John Hicksonabout 1777IGI-FHC3 Langham. All 5 of their children were also baptised in Langham
William Hickson1783Rutland 2 of Saxby, Leicestershire. Married Sarah Coy
Robert Hi?n1794Hi?n He was born in Waltham, Leicestershire. His wife, Mary, was born in Empringham, Rutland
Jane Hicksonabout 1803IGI-Parent7 She married John Butler and their son William was born in Oakham
Mary Hicksonabout 1810IGI-Paren12 She married William Eagers and they had two daughters born in Oakham
Benjamin Hickson1853Rutland Ridlington. married Mary Dodsworth and had 6 children