Hickson Genealogy


Heads of Hickson families who have been found in Ireland:

If you would like more details of Hicksons in any particular person or family please contact me.

Ireland sorted by County or Ireland sorted first name

Please may I emphasize that that names in these web pages do not represent all the names that I have in my records (I have over seventy thousand of which at least half are Hicksons). They are only the names of those at the head of each tree - the person at which I have got stuck! These are my brick walls. So if you don't see the person for whom you are looking, please do contact me.

You've found someone who interests you and don't know how to get more information?

Send me a message telling me as much as you know about this family and I will try to help you by telling you all I know

For more information contact: Anthony Hickson

Please do not contact me unless you have some connection to a Hickson family

Emigrants from Castlegregory, Co Kerry

Hicksons found in the Casey Collection in Co Kerry

Some cuttings about Hicksons in Co Kerry taken from local papers.