Hickson Genealogy


Places in which Hicksons have been found in Cleveland:

If you would like more details of Hicksons in any particular place please contact me.


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For more information contact: Anthony Hickson

Please do not contact me unless you have some connection to a Hickson family


  1. William Hickeson was baptised 1574 in Grindon by Stockton on Tees
  2. Mary Hickson married James Bourdon 1665 in Grindon by Stockton on Tees
  3. Helen Hickson married John Wood 1696 in Danby in Cleveland
  4. George Hickson married Ann Wedefield 1710 in Grindon by Stockton on Tees
  5. Thomas Hickson was baptised 1715 in Marske in Cleveland
  6. Benjamin Hickson married unknown 1788 in Stockton by Tees
  7. Benoni Hickson married Hannah Dobson 1788 in Stockton by Tees
  8. Edward Hickson married Bridget and lived in Middlesborough where some of their children were born. Edward & Bridget were Irish.

Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio

  1. Emma Hixson 1885-1976
  2. Cora Hixon 1895-1982
  3. Augusta Hixon 1896-1985
  4. Georgia Hixson 1896-1975
  5. Archie Hixon 1900-1981
  6. Florence Hixon 1904-1981