February 1875
[1 to 3] February
1 Monday
Hannover. Kraut made a lecture, I have
got No 22 to analyse. I had rather a headache
from about one o'clock, most likely from the fall
I had on the ice yesterday (I cut myself above the eye
on the ice). Mrs Reinicke gave me my 5fl pocket money.
I went to the Laboratory in the afternoon. Did
not write any of my lectures out. Went and
fetched Vandeleur and went to the theatre, we could
not get a ticket under 25Ggl for the parquet[2] so went to the
olymp. met Handcock. It was slow.
Miss Panthon & A. Hahn were there.
2 Tuesday
Hanover. Kraut made a lecture again.
I paid 1fl 6sgr for my washing. Kraut began
hollowing at me today because I had
used the Na2O H2O on the table and I began
to make some for myself, broke 2 large filters
trying to filter it. I had another lesson
by Miss Appuhn. Went to the figure drawing
for the first time, bought 2 pieces of paper.
They gave Lohengrin in the theatre which I wanted
to see but could not go two days running.
3 Wednesday
Hanover. Made some Schwefelammonium. [Ammonium Sulphate]
Went in the Tramway to the Polytecknic in the
afternoon. Paid Anna for the ink she bought me.
It was very bad weather all day. I did not
go to the drawing lesson to day because I wanted
to write out some of my analytic Chemistry
but only just began. Professor Kraut showed
me a piece of bunkupferer that is No 22
and a piece of 23 the number I have now, and
I saw that it is Linkspath. I heard from
Mr Berg the other day that it contained
9 different elements, but I can hardly believe it.
[4 to 7] February
4 Thursday
Hanover. Had number 23 to analyse. I
have not finished it yet, it being a Li02 salt
makes it take a long time. In the afternoon I
went and bought some stamps, postcards and Packetaddresse
for 7sgr. from the 10 gr. Frl. Strifler paid me for
stamps I gave her. I walked down the Georgstrasse,
as I was going home I saw Anna Hahn & Miss Panthon
and walked down the Pferdethurmer Schaussee with
them. Went to the ormamental drawing in the
evening. It is freezing. Adressed the gloves from
Aunt Ida to Clamor Schwacke.
5 Friday
Hanover. Kraut gave me No 24 to analyse too
as there being no "Schwefelige Saure" [Sulphurous Acid, H2SO3]. I could not get on
with 23. Miss Appuhn had put my french lesson out
today. Architect Simon put his lecture out to hand [?]
I was told, we might draw but there would not
be any master there so I did not go. Sent Aunt
Ida the letter also. I was not able to write out
much of my analytical Chemistry. But as Quintus
Icilius is not going to lecture tomorrow, I hope to do some more.
6 Saturday
Hanover. Got up at about ¼ past 7 and
went to the station with Herr Amtsrichter Reinicke
from there I went to Polytechnic. Quintus is still ill, [...]
from there I went to Vandeleurs who was just getting
up, came with him here to fetch my skates and went
and looked at the maseh [?ice] it was not thick enough
to skate on. I saw Sophiechen Westermacher as I was going to the ice. I worked
from there to dinner, at analytik chemistry. Walked on the George Street
after dinner till nearly 4. Worked at analytical chemistry not quite
finished; Made a penwrper [?]. S. Westerm. has gone to a maskerade.
7 Sunday
Hanover. I went to Hilderheim. Had dinner at Tante Sophie's.
Went to Aldens. PourLigurte [?] Ham. Tante Gechla Grote; Tante Nandine was dreadful.
[8 to 10] February
8 Monday
Hanover. Kraut was not in the laboratory the whole
day. It snowed a great deal so I did not go to
skate. I stayed at home in the evening in order
to finish writing out my analytische Chemie but
could not quite finish it, had about 2 pages more
to write out. I have finished writing out my
Reine Chemistry. I played at Bezique with
Anna Reinicke before I went to the laboratory
in the afternoon. I got my paper early enough
today without waiting like last Monday.
9 Shrove Tuesday
Hanover. Professor Dr Heeren made some
liquid Schwefelige Saure [Sulphurous Acid]. Professor Dr Kraut was
very early today in the laboratory. 2 Tramways.
My wash came back today I had to pay 18sgr
for it. Have not quite finished writing out
my analytic chemistry. I skated this afternoon.
There were a tremendous lot of English people
there. I went to draw this evening. I am
afraid I have spoilt my old women's head having
shaded the nose too badly. Sweeps on the ice.
10 Ash Wednesday
Hanover. Quintus Iciius did not give
a lecture today at least I do not think so.
I did not go to see. Old Dr Heeren poured some
liquid schwefelige saure into the fellows hand and mine
it was dreadfully cold as it cooks at -10°. Skated
all the afternoon. Miss Panthon was there. I skated
with her nearly all the time she was there.
I gave 6₰ to the sweeps on the ice. It was
dreadfully full there, and splendid ice behind
the railway. Went to the polytechnik in the tram
in the morning. I went to drawing this evening
and finished my head of Venus. Had a letter from Mamma.
[11 to 14] February
11 Thursday
Hanover. All went on as usual in the
laboratory. Kraut made a lecture. I skated
in the afternoon till about 5½ o'clock with
Emily, Vandeleur who was always after his girls,
Finlyne, and a lot of other acquaintances. Miss
Panthon said she was going to skate but did
not come most likely because it snowed so
dreadfully the ice was not very good. Sweeps.
I posted a letter to Tante Nadine telling her
that Adolph was rather better. Went to draw. Finished 1st drawing.
12 Friday
Hanover. Professor Kraut told us that he was only
going to give us 3 lectures a week from now. I bought
a valentine and sent it to Dora a tremendous
big one but not very pretty. I did not skate today
because I went to the laboratory. I went to drawing
lecture but when I got there I found out there was
none so I came back. I bought a sketch book for the
lectures and a ruler (tea square) for 9sgr and
some drawing pins. I have got to write out some of my analytical chemistry.
13 Saturday
Hanover. Quintus is still ill so we
did not have any lecture. I skated from about
10 to 1. Had my strap mended. I also skated
from about ½ past 2 till nearly 6. One
stupid cookoo was always after Miss Adams.
I skated a good deal with Miss Panthon.
I gave the sweepers on the ice. —
I have written out a good deal of my analytical
chemistry, I must only write out the end of silver and
beginning of lead.
14 Sunday
Went to church. wrote to Mamma and Maggie's birthday, skated
in the afternoon. stayed here. In the evening Hesternackers and
Capt Keck were here.
[15 to 17] February
15 Monday
Hanover. Posted letter to Maggie this afternoon, It
thawed all day. Kraut did not make any lecture. He
never is going to on Mondays and Fridays; I skated
from about 2 till ¼ past four. Sweeps.
I skated once up and down with Miss Adams, it
was very wet. I did not go to the laboratory
nor to the drawing as I went with Messerschmitt
to see Konig Richard der Zweite. It was very
good we went on a polytechniker ticket in
2 rang. Vandeleur would not go. It was not very full.
[1fl 12.- for ticket to Hildersheim, Tea Square, Sketchbook] (boot repaid in)
16 Tuesday
He gave me some phosphorauze with which I am to make
a "quantitative Bestimmung" of ⅔ orthophosphsaures Kali.
[ortho phospates potash].
Had a private lesson by Miss Appuhn in French. I showed
her my Shakespeare's Album which she did not know.
There was not anybody (except I think 1 person) on the ice
skating it rained nearly all day. I bought 6 copybooks.
I went to drawing altered the nose and a few
other things; coming home I went into the theatre to see
if anybody was there, and just in front of me stood Prof. Kraut.
17 Wednesday
Hanover. All went on as usual here. I have
neutralized the P2O5 [phosphorus pentoxide]
with K2OCO4 and put some more P2O5
in it. [Have I got the chemical formula correct, difficult to read the subscripts].
Dampft il ein [evaporated] and have left it to crystalize.
It is Maggie's birthday today. I wonder whether she
has got my letter in right time. I went to drawing
this evening. did not get on very much with my head
because the two Masters contradict each other so, one
tells me to shade it more, the other less. Coming
back I went into the theatre to see if anybody
was there but although I had to wait about ½ an hour
I could not find anybody. I thought Hahns would
be there because there was no light there when I went but afterwards there was.
[18 to 21] February
18 Thursday
Hanover. Did not get any crystals so
I concentrated it a little more and it began to crystallize
almost directly. Professor Kraut showed us a teespoon
that melted in hotwater. I went to Vandeleur's
& went to the ice
in the afternoon and found Handcock there but
did not skate as we had not taken our skates, it was
not very good. I went to see the woman in white
with Georg Reinicke it was rather joly on the
whole. It froze hard all day. I bought
a book of words to the woman in white.
19 Friday
Hanover. I got a good many nice little
crystals and put some in to grow, but I am
afraid I have not concentrated it enough. We
had no lecture in analytical Chemistry it being
Friday. It is very cold, there is a very strong
wind indeed. When I went to Miss Appuhn's I
[met her?] & Miss Westermacher and went in with
the latter, who was going to fetch her aunt. I
bought 1 copybook. I went to drawing lecture and when
we had sat there ½ an hour, as Mr Simon did not come we went.
20 Saturday
Hanover. We had no lecture in Pysiks
by Quintus Icilius, I went to the ice and skated
from about 10 till nearly 1. There were a lot of
English fellows there I knew. Miss Panthon and Anna Hahn were
not there although they said they were coming most
likely because of the sharp wind. I skated in the
afternoon to from nearly 3 till about 10 minutes to
6, I have not been able to finish my Reine
Chemie from this week, I shall have to stay away
from drawing one day I expect most likely Tuesday.
21 Sunday
Hanover. Went to church. land. Stallman preached [or l and Stallman].
Wrote to Mamma,
My wash came. Skated in the afternoon. Stayed here to tea. nobody particular here.
[22 to 24] February
22 Monday
Hanover. I did a good deal to my quantative
Bestimmung. I did not get many crystals but some
good ones. I concentrated it a good deal more and got
some crystals almost directly. I worked in the laboratory
in the afternoon. Vandeleur was not there he
skated. I did not go to drawing because I went
to the Theatre with Vandeleur to see Iphigenie auf Tauris;
Fraulein Hildebrandt played very well
so did Liebe but it is a pity he is so loose in his movements.
Went to parquet. Hahns were there. Bought a dozen pens.
23 Tuesday
Hanover. Everything went on as usual in the morning.
In the afternoon I went and had a private french
lesson by Miss Appuhn and went and skated after that
till about ½ past 5; worked a little then at my reine
Chemie and then went to drawing directly after tea. I have
now got a little girl's head half face. I got on pretty well
with it as yet. Berg asked me to lend him 10sgr
because he must go to the dentist, so I did. I got a good
many crystals but only very little ones indeed and the
ones I put in had not grown very much.
24 Wednesday
Hanover. Professor Kraut told me such a lot
what I was to do that when he got to the end I was
not much wiser than I was at the beginning. I did
not go to the laboratory in the afternoon nor to
drawing in the evening, but wrote out a good
deal of my reine chemie and reckoned out how much
Water there is in my salt. I went to Herrenhäuser to skate
in the afternoon with Anna Hahn and Miss Panthon
and Matilde Hahn. 3sgr for Tramsways there and back.
It was very good ice and was sheltered a good deal
from the wind but I do not think it worth while
to go there when the march is so near. There was a strong wind yesterday.
[25 to 28] February
25 Thursday
Hanover. Got on pretty well with my
quantative Bestimmung [the determination of presence or amount of a chemical]
When I came home
I found my chemistry book come from England. It is
an earlier edition of Wills translated into English.
I skated from a little past 2 till about
½ past 5. Vandeleur &
Emily were there. Emily found
a very good piece of ice behind his bridge, we skated
there all the latter part. Miss Panthon was there for
about 12 minutes. I skated a little with Miss Clerk.
I went to drawing in the evening with the tramway.
26 Friday
Hanover. Got up rather late, 5 minutes to 8 by
my watch and had to hurry a good deal but did
not come so very late. I have not finished my
quantitative Bestimmung yet. I have put my
name down for a ticket to the picture gallery
for the whole season for 1,5ℳ. Had another
lesson by Miss Appuhn, went to the laboratory
in the afternoon, did not get away until about ½ past
5. Went to the lecture of anamental drawing
by Architeck Simon, he is going to give another lecture tomorrow.
Did not skate.
27 Saturday
Hanover. I got up at the usual time
and worked from about ½ past 8 till 11 at my
Reine Chemie which I finished. I then went to skate
and was nearly the only person on because of the
wind. I skated till about ½ past 12 then went to Hahn's
had a cup of tee there and asked if they were going to
skate but they are not going to. I skated again in the
afternoon till nearly 5 but there were only a very few
people there. I worked a little at my analytical chemistry,
and then went to drawing. Mr Simon made a lecture.
[Bankgeld 1₰]. Had a letter from Mama.
28 Sunday
Hanover. Wrote to Mama. Went to English Church. Mrs R
gave me 5fl. Skated in the evening. Had my skates put on
March 1875
[1 to 3] March
1 Monday
Hanover. Went to the laboratory in the morning,
got there in time. Prof Kraut was rather cross
on the whole. I did not go in the afternoon and
Kruse told me Kraut had scolded that I was
not there. I skated with Miss Adams and Sophie
Westermacher, there was not much wind today, behind
the bridge there was some very nice ice. I wrote to
Clara her birthday being on Wednesday. Went to drawing
in the evening, bought some paper and 2 pencils for 5½sgr.
Gave 6₰ on the ice. Could not do much of my work.
2 Tuesday
Hanover. Prof Kraut did not come to the
laboratory all the morning, that was all humbug
what Kruse told me yesterday that Kraut had
scolded that I had not been there. I skated in the
afternoon a little while with S. Westermacher. [Bankgeld 3₰].
After I had skated till about 5 I took my skates
to be ground and then came home, could
not do my work. Miss Appuhn wants me to learn 10 words.
I went to drawing got on pretty well; on my way
home went into theatre and walked home with Anna Hahn & Miss Panthon.
3 Wednesday
Hanover. Prof Dr Heeren told us a lot
of invisible inks which get visible by warming.
Prof Kraut told me to work out all I have been
doing with K2OP2O5. I got a letter from Herbert
who wants to have some German stamps.
It was written up in the polytecknic that we
can get our tickets to the picture exhibition
in the museum. I did not go today. I did not
skate but heard from S Westermacher that the ice
was very bad, she was here. I went to fetch my skates
which were not finished being sharpened. Berg gave me
my 10Ggl back. Did not go to drawing. Worked up to where we began today
in analytical chemistry.
[4 to 7] March
4 Thursday
Hanover. Prof Dr Heeren told us to take
our coats into the room as there was plenty of room
and otherwise they stand the chance of being stolen.
I have got to do my quantative analysis of the
phosphoirc acid all over again because Kraut said
I must have made a mistake. I fetched
my skates at 1 o'clock they were ground very
well except the toes and heals. They cost 5Ggl.
I skated in the afternoon, a little with Miss Clerk. I went
on the river a little while; worked out a good deal of my
practical chemistry.
I did not draw.
5 Friday
Hanover. I took my great coat downstairs
today and always shall now, in order that
it does not get stolen. In the afternoon when
I came from Miss Appuhn I found my filtrat[e]
had got "twribo" [?] and so I had to begin my analysis
of phosphoric acid all over again. Kraut made
a lecture today instead of last Tuesday. Fetched
my season ticket to the picture gallery. I bought a
copybook. Went to the drawing lecture in the
evening. Found the piece of metal from Mama in the cover of the book she sent to me.
6 Saturday
Hanover. I worked at my laboratory chemistry
and analytical which I did not quite finish. I took
my trousers to the tailors and ordered another pair of
new ones. I skated in the morning for about an hour
with Miss Panthon on the garten masch and behind the
Eisenbahndamm was pretty good ice. In the afternoon
I worked a little and skated till nearly six first with
Miss Adams, and afterwards humbuged about with Sam Vandeleur.
Went to the Theatre to see King Henry the Fourth 1st part.
2 rang left. Mr Muller [Falstaff] played very well indeed.
7 Sunday
Han. It rained when I got up. I went to Ernst after
English church. And went to Herr Gunther and Hahns in the evening.
[8 to 10] March
8 Monday
Hanover. I have not got any crystals yet and
I do not believe I ever shall have any. I have
finish writing out my analytical chemistry up to today
but have still got a good deal of Reine chemie.
I got the rest of my wash today and had to pay
15Ggl for it. I have not got my paper today
no more. I did get yesterdays so Mrs Reinicke wrote to the Expedition and
told them to send me them. I cleaned out
my drawer in my work table and put it a little to rights.
9 Tuesday
Hanover. I made a bet with Vandeleur
for a parquet ticket that Cambridge would win the
boat race, we went into Robée's to see the times
had a cup of Bouillon there. I had another lesson
by Fraulein Appuhn and afterwards went to the
Aegidienplatz to waite for Vandeleur & Emily who
never came. I met them afterwards in the town.
I did not go to drawing but wrote out some of
my reine Chemie. Washed out my NH3MgOP2O5.
finished it and put it in the drying cupboard.
10 Wednesday
Hanover. Prof. Kraut came up to me and
said I seemed to find it diffcult (the work in the lab,)
he supposed I did not write my work down again at home, he
made a mistake there at any rate he said and he had noticed
that I found it difficult to take notes in Analytical chem.
and asked me whether I wrote down anything that would
be of any good to me etc etc. Prof Quintus Icilius
began his lectures again to day he looks very ill and
sits down nearly all the time. He is going to put
in an extra lecture after Easter. I bought two little
boxes for my filters. Ernst Alten sent me his little platin tiegel.
I went to a lecture of Dr Dur about the human eye.
[11 to 14] March
11 Thursday
Hanover. I came in right time to chemistry
today as I usually have been lately. I finished my quantitative
analysis now, it is pretty nearly right.
Prof Kraut gave a tremendously slow lecture today
about Hiob[?] Tantalum & Titanium. I went to the
picture gallery and met Emily there with his sister.
There are some good pictures there but a lot of middling
one too some with very queer subjects. I worked out my
quantitative analyis and some of my reine chemie but
have still got a lot left. And all this weeks analytical.
12 Friday
Hanover. Got up a little late at 5 minutes
to eight and we have to be there at ¼ past. I came
about 10 minutes too late and was not the last, Had
a lesson by Miss Appuhn, went to the laboratory in the
afternoon. Went with Vandeleur to the cardbord
shop and ordered two boxes for our filters. I ... [?]
a lot for Vandeleur. Went to the drawing lecture
and drew a lot of sketches. Went in Tramway
Wrote to Ralph's birthday and put 9 3₰ stamps
on the envelope. Bought 10 stamps at 3₰.
13 Saturday
Got up at about ½ past seven
and worked till I went to Quintus's lecture which
was rather slow today; After that I went with
Vandeleur to the Knockenhouer Strasse and had a
warm bath, came back in the tramway.
Went to the picture gallery after dinner till 4 o'clock
worked from 5 till tea and after tea till about
a quarter to eleven, have nearly finish my reine
chemie. Had a letter from Mama who says the business
has gone very wrong and we should most likely have
to leave Highgate.
14 Sunday
Hanover. Wrote a long letter to Mama went to Church, fetched our
boxes for filters. Went with Adolph & Ulricht to Hemmingen. Tram.
[15 to 17] March
15 Monday
Hanover. I took two cardbord boxes to the
lab. They were too small so I sold mine to Cune
for 2½ sgr and ordered one this afternoon.
Written out all my reine Chemie except one
short sentence. I went to drawing this evening
and shall most likely go every evening this week
as it is the last week which there is any.
I finished analyse No 30 and have now got No 13.
I have not begun it yet. Today is Ralph's
birthday, I wonder if he has got my letter today in time.
16 Tuesday
Hanover. Got[?] to the polytechnik just in
right time. I had a lesson with Miss Appuhn
and after it I went down the Georgestrasse and back,
coming back I met Handcock and went with him to
his house and from there we were going to Vandeleur's
but met him when we got nearly there; we then went
to Vinief's (bookseller). I asked about a bazar, but could not get one.
I came home and wrote out my reine Chemie, could
not write out any more because I had a headache.
I went to drawing today. The lessons last till today week.
17 Wednesday
Hanover. Everything went on as usual in the
lab in the morning. Vandeleur brought our boxes for
our filters in the afternoon. I went to the Kunst
Ausstellung in the afternoon for about an hour, there
were not many new pictures there. A v. Marenholz was
there. I did not speak to her, there was nobody
else particular there. Next I went to laboratory, I
met Tante Ida & her sister from Ladrtze, I only
spoke to them a few minutes. I bought 2 numbers
of the bazar and sent them to the post paid 11 for them
and 2.5₰ for the stamps. I went to drawing in
the evening, have not finished my girl's head yet.
[18 to 21] March
18 Thursday
Hanover. Professor Heeren began Quicksilver
today, I was a little late. Prof Kraut made
his last lecture before the holiday which begins on
Saturday. I went to Hahn's after dinner and from
there with Anna Hahn & Miss Panthon to the
Künst Ausstellung, the new picture of Kaulbach is there.
I kept on hinting to them to ask me to go with them to Hildesheim
on Sunday but they would not. Vandeleur came just
before they went. I went to drawing. There are not to be any
more ornamental drawing, only a lecture on Friday, Saturday & Monday.
19 Friday
Hanover. We have got as far as the Quicksilver
oxyd salts by Prof Heeren. I got some things ready
for making Antimonchloricr; There were not very
many in the laboratory. I paid Grube for all the
things I have had by him this quarter it was [50?]
78nf or about 1fl 2sbr 9½₰. I had a lesson by Miss
Appuhn, she told me that I was not to have any
lessons next week. I went to drawing today to
hear a lecture by Achiteck Simon. I had not
much time to do my work.
20 Saturday
Hanover. I worked a little before I went
to Quintus Icilius. On the way there I took my scales
and my platin crucible to a mechanikers to be made
to rights. There were only 3 other fellows at Physiks
and Prof Quintus said it was put out on account
of the King's birthday. I walked about and tried to
find something for Mrs Reinicke but could not. I fell
down on the Schmide strasse. I bought two split rings at
Köhsels. Went to the lecture by Mr Simon again.
I had a letter from Mama.
21 Palm Sunday
Han. I went to Hildesheim with Anna Hahn & Miss Printhaus to the Dom there.
Went to Bedehardi Kirche too.
I stayed in Hildesheim till about 9.21. [Khigebentelgeld (5/6)]
[22 to 24] March
22 Monday
Hanover. My wash came. I bought a plant for Mrs Reinicke.
I bought an instrument
for cutting out counters for 15 sbr
I finished my reine Chemie, but did not begin
to do my analytical Chemistry as it is Mrs Reinicke's
birthday. I made a lot of counters out of cardbord
with the instrument I bought at Köhsel.
I went to the picture gallerie in the afternoon.
And went to meet Vandeleur, but did not
see him but saw Emily who told me that
Oxford had won the boat race. Went downstairs to tea.
23 Tuesday
Han. We all got up rather late
today. I worked at my analytical chemistry but
did not finish quite as much as I wanted to.
Went to the picture gallery, saw Handcock there. Vandeleur
fetched me just whilst I was drinking koffee. I went with him to
Kraut but we did not go in as he walked out in
front of our face. We went to the iron casting place in the
Fabrikstrasse but Mr Turner was not there so we
went away again. I went to drawing and finished
my girl's head and went away again directly.
24 Wednesday
Hanover. We got up at about 8 o'clock, I
wrote out some of my analytical chemistry, we played
at poker for a little while two or three times.
I went with Vandeleur to the cast iron factory but
as Mr Turner had left Germany we went away. Vandeleur
went to Kraut who was very kind. I went and
fetched my platin Crucible and scales from Wolpess & - - -.
They have not done my scales very well. I met
Handcock when I was going home who had been
trying his new pistol on the march. I am going
with Reinicke to Shousbery in Linden one day
next week.
[25 to 28] March
25 Thursday
Hanover. I got up rather late today, I
wrote some of my analytical chemistry in the morning and
the rest in the evening. I went to church in the morning.
Met Willy Marenholz and his elder sister who did not
recognize me as he told me afterwards. [Klingebentelgeld 6₰. (Collection)]
I bought a plant for Miss Koch downstairs for 10 sgr.
A very nice one for the money with a good many
flowers already. We cut about 38 doz counters out of
book covers, I poured some lead to cut them on.
We made a form to pour the lead in in the evening.
26 Good Friday
Hanover. We got up rather late this morning.
I had no time to write a letter. We were very quick
here. I went to church where it was dreadfully
full I do not think I ever saw it so full before.
I went to Hahn's in the afternoon and evening.
I went with Ernst Hahn to Ober-Consistorial-Rath
[upper consistorial councillor]
Uhlhorn to tell him I wanted to go the the Holy communion
tomorow. Ernst Hahn will be exactly like Dr H.
he talks away like anything. Anna Hahn said
Tante Marie was very bad now, the Dr said there was no hope more.
27 Saturday
Hanover. Went with Anna Hahn and Ernst Hahn
to the holy communion at 10 o'clock in the Schloss
Kirche. Uhlhorn made a very nice beicht recle[?]
[confession (recle?)].
I gave the Choirboys 5 sbr & Reuter 5 which Mrs Reinicke
gave me back again. I paid 14 sbr for my wash and
1½ for pens and for some lead which I bought.
I wrote a letter to Mamma and bought
a new 25₰ stamp; I went to the picture
gallery for a little while but there was nobody
particular there and so I did not stay long.
28 Easter Sunday
Han. Posted my letter. Went to church collection for Henrithergh.
It was rather slow today. G A E Reinicke gone out. played Rabuge won 2,2sbr[?]
[29 to 31] March
29 Easter Monday
Hanover. I went at 7.55 to Hildesheim alone
and went direct to Altens where I found
Oncle Gustav,
Mariechen v. A. and
Tante Marie v. A. up.
Hederich v. A
was in Church & Ernst v. A was not down when I arrived.
In the morning I went with E.v.Alten to Elslart and from there to a "Landurrthsehaftlihes Jera th haus"
[check with original text]
which we went over then
went to Dinner. After which Heino v. Hammerstein came and we went
with him to fetch v. Grote from the station and then went to
Grote's. I had tea at Altens, And came back here with
Herr v. Kheden. Heino Ham. and
Ernst Pelten with the 9.21 train we had to ... Nordstemmen.
30 Easter Tuesday
Hannover. Mrs Reinicke paid me back the
24sgr & gave me a ?[a large coin] which I took to Uhlhorn.
I bought ½ doz pens. I read 2 books of my reine Chemie.
I went to the Picture Gallery and met
Tekla geb. Schwacke [Tekla born Schwacke],
Egon Schwacke,
Tante Ida Schwacke,
Chlothilde v. Hammerstein there. I saw oncle Wilhelm
Schwacke afterwards. Egon S. wanted me to play billiards with
him but I did not. I went to Klagesmarkt could not find
Vandeleur. Met Willy &
Albrecht Marenholz, the latter is going to Dresden
on Saturday. I met Scott ?ox afterwards, and then came
home, did not work any more in the evening.
31 Wednesday
Hanover. I got my bill for the Intelligenz blatt
which I paid directly. I got up rather late today
and only had time to read 1 book of my reine Chemie.
In the afternoon I went first to the Kunstausstellung
for the last time and then to Vandeleurs; met Albrecht
Marenholz on the way went with him as far as their house;
I did not find him at home, so left a card for him. I bought 8 stamps.
Coming home I met Willy Marenholz. I made up a pretty
lot of pieces of paper and wrote in the middle oh you april
fool and sent it so Handcock. Went to the Theatre to
Alte Schweden. It was very good. Liebe & Ullmenreich played very well.
I came home with A.Hahn & Miss Panthon who also liked it very much.
April 1875
[1 to 4] April
1 Thursday
Hanover. I got up and went to the Polytechnik
but Prof. Heeren has put out his lecture because
he has a sore throat. But it cannot be very bad as I saw
him in the street. Mrs Reinicke paid me my pocket money, and
took off the 10 sgr which she lent me yesterday. I did
not go to the lab. I went to the Schloss Kirche to the Pricfung
der Confirmanden. It lasted from 10 till about 1 o'clock. I went to
the laboratory but Grube said it was just the same as before Easter.
I walked about with Willy Marenholz,
Carl v.d. Wenfe, Becker & another fellow.
I bought a pair of gloves with two holes in one of them.
2 Friday
Hanover. Prof. Heeren had put his lecture
out so I went at 9 to the laboratory where
I began making my Chlorantimon, it would
not go alright so I had to heat it; Then it
went alright. I went again to the laboratory
in the afternoon and went on with my
Chlorantimon, which I did not finish it
keeps on evaporating H2S.
Herr Amtsrichter Reinicke came from Hoya
and says Aunt Meyer in Hoya is very bad.
3 Saturday
Hanover. I got up at ¼ past
8 and had to make a dreadful noise in order
to get G Reinicke out of bed.
I went to Physiks, Quintus began talking about the eye.
After Physiks I went with Vandeleur to his
tailors then to Lustz Hahns, then to Hubotter where I took
my gloves to be sown up; and then to bookseller
Hahns. Fetched my chemistry book and found out that
I ought to have had Valentin's Chemical analysis it cost 8 sgr.
I fetched my drawings. Went to the theatre; very good.
4 Low Sunday
Han. Went to the Confirmation , the Schlosskirch was there from about
¼ past 10 till 10 min past 2. Went to Hahn after dinner. Did not write.
[5 to 7] April
5 Monday
Hanover. I went at 8 o'clock to Prof
Heeren's lecture, he is still rather hoarse I
am sorry to say. I went on making my Chloroantimon but have not nearly finished yet..
I went to the laboratory in the afternoon too but
as it happended to take rather a long nap I was
only there a short time. I went with Georg Reinicke
to the Weltumfegler wider Willen which was rather
a stupid but funny and amusing piece; The
litle girls went with the servant in the 3rd rang.
Book for writing my Wasch in 6₰.
6 Tuesday
Hanover, Herr Amtsrichter Reinicke went
back to Hoya this morning. I have finish cooking
my chloroantimon and am to pour the liquid
carefully off tomorrow. Clamor Schwacke sent me
9 fl for the gloves I sent him from Aunt
Ida. I had a lesson by Miss Appuhn today
I finished writing out all my reine & analytical
chemistry that I have had yet. Tomorrow
they are going to give As you like it for the
first time. We made some more counters.
7 Wednesday
Hanover. Professor Heeren began Silver
today but that not said much about it yet. I had
2 hours by Quintus Icilius from 9-11 and again a
lecture by Kraut from 12-1. I bought some stamps for 3½ sgr.
I went to the laboratory in the afternoon, after having
received Irma's letter about our play. I wrote to Clamor
to acknowledge the money but forgot to post it. It rained
a good deal today, the spring seems to have come at
last. I went to the Theatre to see "As you like it".
I could not get a ticket to Parterre so I went 2 rang. Vandeleur
& Messerschmitt did not go.
Handcock & Emily were there.
Fraulein Ellmenreich played very well, particularly when dressed as a boy.
[8 to 11] April
8 Thursday
Hanover. I came a little too late to
Professor Heeren's lecture today and dropped my
umbrella going to the Polytecknic in the morning I
bought a hat at Wortling for 11.50 fl which Mrs
Reinicke had given me. I payed Vandeleur for the
bet I lost about the Oxford & Cambridge boat race.
I learnt my part for tomorrow's rehearsal. And I learnt
some french words for Miss Appuhn I wrote out my reine
Chemie, finished the 8th book. Did not quite finish my
analytical Chemie, but finished my 6th book. Paid Van. for the book.
9 Friday
Hanover. Professor Heeren lectured a lot about
Knallsilber [silver fulminate]. I filtered a lot of my sbCl3 and then
put it all to rights so as to be able to begin to
deistill it on Monday. I had a lesson by Miss Appuhn.
At 5 o'clock I went to Krauts where we were
to have a rehearsal but Ernst Hahn did not
come so we went to Hahns where we had a sort
of rehearsal and now we are going to learn it
all and going to have a rehearsal tomorrow at 6 o'clock.
I bought two copy books for my chemistry.
10 Saturday
Hannover. I learnt a good deal of my
part and came too late to Physiks, Quintus Icilius
showed us a lot of instruments. I had my
hair cut. I wrote out my reine Chemie and
nearly all my analytical chemistry, I finished learning
my part, but when I came to Hahns they told
me Irma Braun & Sophie Hormann were
gone to Hildesheim, it is a great bother I am afraid
we shall not be able to act it on Monday.
Mrs Reinicke gave me an orange.
11 Sunday
Han. Wrote to Mamma & Tante Marie Alten's birthday. Went
to Hahns. Had rather a lark. Was greatly [..] a thought Western actress wasn't coming
here and she did. [Klingelbeutel 1₰].
[12 to 14] April
12 Monday
Hanover. I distilled my chloroantimon
the whole time, that is to say it was mostly HCl
that has distilled yet a while I hope to finish
it tomorrow, but I hardly believe I shall be able to.
It has been very nice weather today. Professor Kraut
has begun lecturing Organic Chemistry to the fellows
who have been here for a year. We had a rehearsal
at Hahns today. Ernst did not know his part half
well enough. Irma brought[1] met her
oncle Virauts student lap & band.
I left my books at Hahns and had to fetch them in the evening.
13 Tuesday
Hanover. When I went to the Polytechnik this morning
I met Messerschmitt who told me a lot about Bismark's
kicking up a row with Belgium, and Vandeleur told
me a lot about it too, he had read it in the Times.
I went on distilling my Chloroantimon, which began
to kick at last so I left off in order that the
Chloroblei could crystallize out. I went to Hahns
at five to have the last rehearsal, but it is of no
good they do not know what a rehearsal is, and the
whole affair will be a dreadful breakdown I am afraid.
14 Wednesday
Hanover. I came quite in good time to
Chemistry this morning. I had two hours Physiks from 9-11.
by Quintus Icilius made a little pause in the
middle. I went to chemistry in the afternoon and
went on distilling my Antimonchloride and it began
to jump. When I came home, Adolph had been
here and said I was to go to Hahns to put
the things to right for the theatricals so I dressed
and went directly. Of course I had to put nearly every thing
to rights. Besides Hahns & Krauts were two Pagenstecher & Batens there.
We did not know our parts properly and Mrs Kraut could not prompt properly
it was on the whole rather a failure, but better than I thought.
[15 to 18] April
15 Thursday
Hanover. I am a little too late to
Reine Chemie. I went on distilling my Chloroantimon,
and got at last the Antimon Butter. The other
liquid which was Anthimonchloid with HCl I pricipitated
with water as barisch Chlorantimon. In the
afternoon I went for a walk up to the Herrenhäuser
Allée alone when I came home I read my part
over (we are going to play it again and have a
grand rehearsal on Monday at 5) abd after coffee
I worked at my analytical chemistry but did not quite finish it. I learnt
some french words.
16 Friday
Hanover. Ernst Hahn told me that Dr Hahn
did not want us to act [?] that again he said it
was nonsense and it took too much of Ernst & Adolph's
time away. I went in the tramway to school in
the morning. I went to the Theatre to see Tannhauser.
I met Emily there and went with him and a young
man Herr Westphal whom he introduced to me up in
the 4 rank. It was very nice. Herr Müller plays
and sings so well. Afterward I walked a part of the
way home with Irma B. & Frau[?] Hormann who had been there.
17 Saturday
Hannover. I got up rather late and could
not do much work before I went to Physiks to
which I came in very good time. After that I came
home and worked till dinner. After Dinner Adolph Braun
W.v.d.Alten, Gerber, Lichtenberg &
F. Edler came for As to
a Vorfeier to G. Reinicke's birthday. We played in the
garden first and afterward played different round
games indoors, the last of which was great nonsense,
mainly writing down two names w[h]ere the people greet
and all that sort of nonsense.
18 Sunday
Han. Went to Church. Went to Hahn in the afternoon.
Stayed home in the evening. Mr Koch & Cleve were here that's all.
[19 to 21] April
19 Monday
Hanover. I came a little too late again
this morning to Chemistry, I must look sharp now.
I am to make Antimonoxy out of my antimony things.
After I left the laboratory I went and bought
a Schwefelstickdon for a present for Georg R,
it being his birthday today. We did not have
a rehearsal today I expect that it will never be
given again because Dr Hahn does not like it. Played
Poker a little in the afternoon after the lab. worked at my Reine Chemie.
I have begun writing out Platin. Paid for my wash. Had a letter from Tante Marie Alten.
20 Tuesday
Hanover. Did not come too late to Dr
Heeren's lecture this morning he lectured about
the Ballet dancers' dresses. I had a lesson by
Miss Appuhn but had not learnt any words for it.
My newspaper only came very late just when I was going
to pst a post card on which I had written that I
had not yet received it. The postcard I bought at 3 o'clock
I wrote out all my analytical Chemistry and some
of my reine Chemie. I have now got about 6 pages
more to write out.
21 Wednesday
Hanover. When we had sat at reine Chemie
for about ½ an hour Borckers came in and said Prof.
Heeren had not come and we had better not wait for
him, so we went away I walked about till it was time
to go to Physiks and then went up. Prof Quintus
showed us the Sonnenspektrum [solar spectrum] it was very good but
the dark lines that he talked about were very thin
indeedm he afterwards showed us that by throwing the
rays on to a "hohlspiegel" [Concave mirror] one can reverse the colous that is to
say where the red end was there is the violet end & reverse.
Professor Kraut leactured about the Platinmetalls. Mrs Reinicke is in
Hildesheim. I have not had a letter from home for about 3 weeks.
[22 to 25] April
22 Thursday
Hanover. I came too late to chemistry again
today, (I must get up earlier) of course Prof Heeren had
learnt the Tanletin he prepared on Tuesday. He finished
the inorganic chemistry and began organ[ic] chemistry
is going to begin with Oxalsäure tomorrow. Professor Kraut
has finished the metalle today and has begun Sulphur.
Mrs Reinicke came back from Hildesheim by the train
which is due here at 5,55 in the afternoon.
I have not yet had a letter from home, I cannot
make out why they don't write.
23 Friday
Hanover. I did not come too late to Chemistry
today. Prof Heeren began lecturing about O or C2O3
or Oxalsäure. I have got number 16 to analyse it is
a Legirung with Arsenik in it. Prof Kraut said he
would give me a quantitative analysis next week.
I went to the laboratory in the afternoon too.
I bought a copybook for 1 .. I have written out my
reine Chemie as far as organic Chemistry. I have
not had a letter today either. I had a lesson by
Fraulein M Appuhn today from 2-3.
24 Saturday
Hanover. I bought a copybook for writing my
quantitative analysis in. I have written out all
my analytical & reine Chemie, and copied my first
quantitative analysis into the book I bought. Quintus Icilius'
lecture was very slow. In the afternoon I went with
Ernst Hahn & Adolph Braun to Hemmingen. When
we got there we had coffee and fished but did not (Tram 1/-)
catch anything. In the evening we drank 1½ bottle
of champagne and I smoked 3 cigarettes. We left there at 9,5
and I got here at 10,15. We had to walk home too late from Tram.
25 Sunday
Han. Went to church. After church I visited Berstoff with Irma,
Adolph & Ulricht.
Walked up Hurn hauser way with Vandeleur & Hancock.
Stayed up this evening. Only Paptara Koch here. Stamp [2/6]
[26 to 28] April
26 Monday
Hanover. I did not come too late to Prof
Heeren's lecture today. He lectured about Weinsaure [tartaric acid]. I went
on with my No 16 and have nearly finished it, quite
all but the unlösliche [insoluble] Oxyde. Prof Kraut gave me No 17
which is Schweinfurther Grun = CuOA + CuOA2O3. I am to
bestimon it quantitative, he said. I help Anna Reinicke
translate her English. I finish all my reine chemie but
did not have time to write out any of my practical or
read any of my old reine, over. I learnt some french words
for my french lesson tomorrow. Have not had a letter yet.
27 Tuesday
Hanover. I got up as I thought at about ½ past
7 and when I dressed I went down and found it
was 9 instead of 8 so I had to miss my lecture, but
I copied Vandeleur's notes as soon as I got to the Laboratory.
I lent Berg 2½ Lilbesgs. In the afternoon I had a
lesson by Miss Appuhn. I had not time to write
out all my Analytical chemistry as I went to see the
Vampsyz. Adolph Braun was there. My paper did not
come so I sent a postcard. I have not yet had a letter from home.
28 Wednesday
Hanover. I got up at about 7 and
worked out some of my analytical chemistry, Quintus 1st
lecture was very slow the last one was a little better.
After Physiks I took Heynemann a American who has
Physiks with me to the laboratory, I showed him the
scales and the reiteschen, and he touched the thing over
which it hangs. And Prof Kraut came as red as
a turkey and swore at him dreadfully. I am to
work at place No 7 now as Henis is not there now.
I worked all my analytical chemistry out but not
all my reine. I got a nasty tiny thorn in my
finger this afternoon.
[29 to 2] April & May
29 Thursday
Hanover. I went to all the lectures as usual
and Kraut told us he would not be in Hanover
next week and would therefore have to put out his
lectures. In the afternoon I read my paper and then
went as far as Herrenhäuser and back again and then
worked. I went to ask Emily whether he would go
with me to Tivoli but he said he could not, so I did
not go either. I had not quite time to finish my
reine Cheme as I learnt 10 french words for my lesson tomorrow.
I have not yet had a letter from home.
30 Friday
Hanover. I got up a little after 7 but took a
good long time dressing so I had not time to write out
my Chemistry, butI looked over my french words before
School. Prof Heeren told us some receipts [recipes?] for Ink. I went
to the laboratory in the afternoon. I have not got No 18
that is to say I have finished it now. I did not quite
finish my reine Chemie again, but I did some of it. I
have got a letter at last. Mamma dated it the 1st of April
the envelope is dated the 28th. it was open too, but all right inside.
Mrs R gave me my pocket money for May. I went to Tivoli it was not so bad.
May 1875
1 May Saturday
Hanover. I got up between 8 & 9 and
worked till I went to school. Prof Quintus' lecture was
very slow indeed. After the lecture I bought some stamps
and 6 copybooks. I wrote out the rest of my Reine
Chemie and began some of my pracktische. I had another
letter today from the 27th. I went to Hahn's (bookseller)
and asked if they coud change my inorganic Chemistry for
qualitative analysis, but I was told it was not possible
as it went through different hands before they get it and
besides I had cut it. Ralph wrote and sent me some stamps.
2 Rogation Sunday
Han. Wrote to Mama & Ralph. Went to church. [Kligebentel 1₰ (Collection)].
Went to Laartzen in the afternoon came back at about 10 o'clock with train
[3 to 5] May
3 Monday
Hanover. Today we had a holyday because there
is a fair. Mrs Reinicke gave me 7½ sbr & Miss Koch
who is in bed 2½. I went to the market in the morning
with G Reinicke and spent 5 sbr. I won a knife.
On the way home I went to the "Expedition des honnoreiche
Intelligenz blattes"[1] and fetched the 3 numbers which
had not come. I went again soon after dinner with G.R.
and we took an answer to a riddle. I went to the market
again in the afternoon. I learnt some french words for
tomorrow. And paid for my wash which came yesterday.
4 Tuesday
Hanover. I got up at 7 and worked a little before
I went to school. I have now got No 19 to analyse but
I have got to analyse 17 quantitatively, that is to say
the Euizs. Baryh which I have made of it. Mrs Reinicke
is in bed today too (she was on the 2 & 3rd also) she had great
pain in her knee I believe. I bought a book of words
to the Vampyr. I have written out all my reine & praktische
Chemie except the very little of No 19 which I began today.
We have had very hot weather here today I went to
School without my great coat for the first time
5 Wednesday
Hanover. I got up in good time. Prof
Heeren made some explosive Cotton today. Prof Quintus Icilius
did not lecture today as he has gone with Prof Kraut
somewhere or other, and has therefore put out his lectures
for this week. I went to the laboratory this afternoon
as well as this morning. Adolph came here for about
½ an hour this afternoon. I wrote out all my reine chemie
and nearly all my Physiks. I also read some of my old reine
Chemie, and have got as far as Phosphor. Mrs Reinicke
is still in bed. It rained last night; beautiful weather today.
I saw written up in the polytechnic that one fellow wants
to give lessons in Mathematics.
[6 to 9] May
6 Thursday
Hanover. We had a holiday of course today. I got
up at about 8. I went to the Schlosskirche.
Miss Appuhn & S Westermacher
were there, they told me to give their love to Mrs Reinicke, also
still in bed. Miss Clerk was also there. It seems to me as
if the most English people have left off going to the Englisch
church, since Mrs Wilkens wrote a book about there being
no hell, and then telling the people in church that if they did
not get better they would go to hell. I went to fetch
Adolph Braun, Ernst Hahn &
Vandeleur but they were all out. I read
the Schullers. Thieves (Räuber) from beginning to end.
7 Friday
Hanover. I came a little too late so that I did not
see Prof Heeren burn the guncotton. I have now got No 31
to analyse. Mrs Reinicke gave me a 10 fl banknote
to pay Miss Appuhn with. And I could not change it at
Dominos Jacob and Athmurs, but Mayer the Banker
changed it for two 5 fl banknotes. I paid the other
out of my money and gave Mrs R. back 3 fl so that
I owe her now 1 fl more. Ulrich Braun came and
made me a visit, he brought his stamp-album. He
has got some very good stamps.
8 Saturday
Hanover. As Quintus Icilius is still away
we had no lecture today. I worked a little directly after
breakfast and then went to the assizes to hear a
case where Buckholz a swindler is accused of "Betrügerischen
Bankrott" [fraudulent bankruptcy] with his wife, eldest son and 2 servants.
After dinner I went to Mr Wilhelms a polytechniker who
wants to give lessons in Mathematics but he was not at
home. My book has not yet come that I ordered at bookseller Hahns.
I went to the Theatre to see Bidukind, I gave Adolph
Braun a ticket, we went up in the Gods. Miss Ellmenreich looked very nickoo[?] particularly at last. [10/-]
9 Sunday
Han. I went to the Mark church with G.R. [Klingelbeutel (collection bag) 6.]
Went to Herr Gunther, he was not well so I did not see him. Stayed at home
Wrote to Mamma & Dora. [Mottenpulver (moth powder) 2/6]
[10 to 12] May
10 Monday
Hanover. Prof Kraut was not in the
laboratory all the day, I expect he has not returned
yet. I went to the Theatre to get a ticket to see
Gök von Berlichingen but it was not given, it
was changed for Alte Schweden. I paid 22.6 for my
wash. Berg paid me back the 2½ which he owed
me and Vandeleur bought a stamp for me.
Went to the lab in the afternoon. Have got a nasty gathering on
my nose the last few days it is better now. I went to Frensdorff
to change the Cheque but Mrs R had to sign it first. Mamma has written.
11 Tuesday
Hanover. Prof Kraut was not in the laboratory
all the morning. I went to Frensdorff to change
the cheque for 25 lbs. I got 1700 fl for it. I just went
in to see the assizes in the morning and about an
hour in the afternoon. I had a lesson by Frau Appuhn.
I went to the Lhukstrasse to see Wilhelms but he was
not at home so I said I would write. I went
in the Tramway. I have written out all my
reine Chemistry, I meant to fetch the book from Hahns
but did not have time. Mrs Reinicke is still in bed.
12 Wednesday
Hanover. I slept till ½ past 8 and so I could
not go to reine Chemie. I went to Quintus Icilius second
lecture from 10-11. Prof Kraut has not come back yet.
I went to the laboratory in the afternoon after having been
at the assizes for about ½ an hour. Fidelio isn't to be given
tomorrow. I have now got to No 32 to analyse.
I went to the Bookseller Hahn but my book (Valenin's qualitative
chemical analysis) has not arrived yet, they are going to
send it as soon as it comes. A Hahn & A Panthon were to
have come home today but I do not think they did so I did not
take Mama's letter there. I wrote to Mr Wilhelms about
my lesson. bought a stamp & posted it.
[13 to 16] May
13 Thursday
Hanover. Prof Kraut has not come back
yet so I suppose he will not come back till after
Whitsuntide. This afternoon I went to Hahn's and
gave Anna Hahn who had returned with Miss Panthon
from a journey to Theressenstadt last night, a letter
from Mama. I then went to the Police assizes but there
was not much off today so I did not stop long.
I went to Fidelio (in the gallery) with
Emily & Hancock,
[the] latter went away after the first act. Miss Gungl
has got a very good voice. I bought a Textbook.
14 Friday
Hanover. I got in to Prof Heeren's lecture
room just at the same time as he did, he is now
lecturing about Schellack aned Golophonium. Kraut
has not come back, as I thought I finished No 32 in the morning and went in the afternoon
only so that Busse (assistant) should show me how
to reckon my quaantitative analysis, which he did; after
that I went to the assizes where I heard the
end of the Kromanwalts speech and Mehlis & Simon speech.
I went to see Gök von Berlichingen. I saw Carl n Reiche
there but did not speak to him as he did not seem to know me.
15 Saturday
Hanover. I got up at eight. Georg Reiniche had
gone to Hoya, his holidays began yesterday. I went to
Quintus Icilius' lecture. After which I went to the assizes
I stayed there till about ¼ past 2 but did not hear
much because to jury as the Judges began running
in & out all the time. At three I met Emily, Hancock
& Vandeleur, and we went down to Georgia and rowed (Tram)
Hancock & I in one boat; Emily & Vandeleur in the other
After having rowed for an hour we drank a glass of bier and
bathed & then came home. My wasch came. My book came Valentin's.
16 Whit Sunday
Hanover. Went to church collect. Went to Hemmingen.
in the afternoon. stayed there all night. 2 Tramways
[17 to 19] May
17 Whitsun Monday
Hemmingen. Got up at about
½ past 7. I slept with Fresher[?] Hans v. Campe. It was
very warm all day except early in the morning. I sat
in the sun with Ernst v. Alten & Hans v. Campe in the morning for
a good long time. After dinner we went up stairs till after
Coffee. Ten we went to Deverse to the Schutzenfest. Frl.
Gussie v. Linsingen, Herr Carl v. Alten-Linden and his wife
geb Mary Linsingen were there. I danced with Miss v.
Linsingen & Mariechen Alten, with the first I could not
get on at all. I gave 50 .. to the Peijatz & 2 to the drummer
18 Whitsun Tuesday
Hanover. We got up at about 8.
Ernst v. Alten was nearly up when we went down for a wander.
In the morning we caught a lot of "Maicafern"
for the chickens, and then sat under the trees in
Marieenthal; it being very warm. In the afternoon
at about ½ past 4 we drove away from Hemmingen
to Linden but as the horses had lost some of their shoes as she ran away
on Sunday they had to walk all way. I walked back
here from Linden; on the way I paid for my
qualitative chemical analysis by Valentin. Gms60..
19 Wednesday
Hanover. I got up a little before
8 and got to Prof Heerens lectures all in good time.
At 9 I went to Physiks till 11. Quintus showed
a good many things but it was nevertheless dreadfully
slow. Prof Kraut has come back now. I have
got No 33 to analyse now; it has got some
chromium in it. In the aternoon I went to Herr
Günther and asked him to get the conditions under
which I could get into the Brussel business to learn
Business. I went to the laboratory from 4 till 6.
I have written to Oncle Gustav & to Otto Wilhelms a
polytechniker with whom I shall most likely have Mathematik lesson.
[20 to 23] May
20 Thursday
Hanover. Professor Heeren had a lot of
different aids on the table but he did not show
them to us. I worked all the morning in the
laboratory. I bought two postcards
which I gave to Mrs Reinicke for the ones I borrowed
from her the day before. In the afternoon I walked
once up and down the Georgstrasse. I got a letter
from Mama (!) Mrs Reinicke is up now but
she cannot walk about properly. I have not
finish writing out my analytical chemistry.
21 Friday
Hanover. Came in proper time to Prof
Heeren's lecture he showed us about 100 different
oils I went to the laboratory in the morning and
afternoon I am nearly finished with 33. I
have only got to find out whether one precipitate
contains P2O5 or not. I have got a post card
from Oncle Gustav saying he would meet me at Salzgitter
at 9 o'clock if possible. I hear that Westermachers
are going tomorrow by the same train. Have got
a little more analytical chemistry to write out.
22 Saturday
Liebenburg. I started from here at 6 o'clock
and went as far as Börßum with Mr & Miss Westermacher
and Miss G Appuhn. Oncle Gustav met me at
Salzgitter. My ticket to Brunswick cost 1.. 19.. to Salzgitter.
We walked first to the Burg where Oncle had to hear a Witness.
I[n] the afternoon it rained a good deal so we could not
go up to the Bäunkoph. It is very pretty here. I
read some parts out of [Ludwig] Devrient Novellen. In the
evening we went into a "gast haus" and met 3 gentleman
out of Liebenburg we drank some beer and I then went to Volkmans where I slept.
23 Trinity Sunday
Hanover. It rained a good deal. Could not go to Bäreskopt.
Came back at ¼ past 12 at night. [A glass of beer at Brunswick 1/6].
[24 to 26] May
24 Monday
Hanover. G Reinicke woke me a 7 but
I went to sleep again and slept till past 8.
As I had to miss Heeren's lecture I borrowed
Vandeleur's notes. I went to Wilhelms to arrange about
lessons fees[?] T[?]ram. I am going to have two lessons a
week. I wrote to Mamma and Oncle Gustav, and
bought a stamp and postcard. I lost 1.. on the
tramway. I have taken ½ a sovereign from my English
money and changed it for 3..10.. because I
am afraid I shall not have enough money without.
25 Tuesday
Hanover. Got up in very good time. I took
Vandeleur's book back which he had lent me to copy
out yesterday's lecture. I have got No 34 to analyse,
now it takes such a long time. I had another private
lesson by Miss Appuhn after which I bought a
parquet ticket for the Räubers. I have written out all
my chemistry, and learnt some Geometrie. I looked in
my chemistry book about the formulae and have found
out one was but not the other. I wish I had waited.
got a 2 rang ticket. lagen.
26 Wednesday
Hanover. I came in good time to
Prof Heeren's lecture. I went to Quintus Icilius' lectures
from 9-11. he showed us a good deal about
Photographing. I have not got much further in my analysis.
I sold my ticket to Morsleman for 1/6 because
I shall either go to Parterre with Messerchmidt
... 2ns Rang. I had a lesson by Wilhelms in Mathematics,
we went through a good deal; I like his
lessons very well on the whole only it is a nuisance
to go to his house which is about ½ an hours walk everytime.
I went with the tram. I saw the adjudant of the
general who was in Lidenburg on Sunday.
[27 to 30] May
27 Thursday
Hanover. I got up at 8 o'clock and
worked ar my analytical chemistry till I had
finished it. It was past 11. I then went to
a shop in the Packhofstrasse to try and get a box
but could not (it rained dreadfully). I bought 100 peices
of writing paper & 100 envelopes at Carl Hahns for.
I went to Hahns from a little past 2 for
two hours they are going to start for England
on Tuesday. I gave Mrs Reinicke the 170.. and paid
her 28.. for an old wash, she had paid me. She gave me pocket money.
28 Friday
Hanover. I came to Prof. Heeren's lecture
in pretty good time. After the lecture was over
I went to the theatre and bought a ticket for today
to the gallery, one for tomorrow to 2 rang 9th etage
and one for Monday for Parterre. I also bought
2 .. other tickets one for Messerschmitt and one for another
fellow out of the laboratory. I also bought a text book
to the Stumme von Portici,
[The Dumb Girl of Portici] which I saw this evening.
Frl Hildelbrandt played very well but Herr Candidus
was dreadful he was just like a stick.
29 Saturday
Hanover. I went to Physiks. Prof Quintus Icilius
does not get on very quickly. After that I had
a lesson by Wilhelms in Mathematics. I bought a copybook.
I went to Hahns for about an hour in the
afternoon. In the evening I went to see Philippine Welfer. Frl.
Ellmenreich played for the last time. It was dreadfully full and hot.
I heard that tickets were sold at 1 for 3.. . She played splendidly and got
about 40 bouquets and 15 wreaths. She said a few words of thanks
to the people at last was encored 31 times. I waited at back door where she
came out. Punianer wanted to take horse out and full carriage but the coachman would not.
She went to Rudolphe Hotel to a ball; a lot of people waiting to see her. She went in whilst nearly
Hurrah! Hurah!
30 Sunday
Hanover. I wrote to Mamma bought 2 stamps. Went to Hahns
in the afternoon & evening. Saw Tante Frieda Bernstarff after church.
[31 to 2] May & June
31 Monday
Hanover. I came in very good time to Prof
Heerens lecture. I went to the laboratory in the
afternoon too. I had my hair cut at the place "Am Balmhof",
I went to Hahns to fetch Miss Panthon
to go to the theatre but they had already gone. The Rauber
was given by Polytechnikers. The theatre was very full indeed.
I bought a programm (Cover;
Inside page;
Back page)
for 1 .. 6 .. . Oechelhauser played
very well so did Juhl & Wachsmuth and Stetzner.
Juhl was rather awkward in making bows, I came
home with Miss Panthon, Miss Hormann & Adolph Braun.
June 1875
1 June Tuesday
Hanover. I came in good time to Prof Heerens
lecture, he is now at Oether. I am to make some
Prussic acid tomorrow in order to separate the
cobalt from the nickel. I had a private lesson by
Miss Appuhn, after that I bought a photograph of
Frl Ellmenreich & Frl Hildebrandt, each cost 9 ...
I wrote to Ralph and sent him 2s to buy a present
for Dora, and gave the letter to Anna Hahn who starts for
England tonight at about one. I went with her to the
station to see about a porter.
2 Wednesday
Hanover. I came a little too late to School today.
I did not make the prussic acid today but I have got
all the necessary things together now and shall begin
tomorrow. I went to Ahlburg to see about a box and
he showed me ones which had nearly the same
dimensions as I wanted but I think it is too big altogether.
I told him I would let him know tomorrow; I saw
Altens in the afternoon and Ernst told me there
would be a Schistzenfest in Hemmingen on Sunday
so I think I shall go there on Sunday instead of going
to Dannenberg as I intended. I had a lesson by Wilhelms. Trams.
I saw in the paper that they got 1300.. for tickets to the "Rauber".
[3 to 6] June
3 Thursday
Hanover. I came a little late to
Prof Heerens lecture. I made some prussic acid
today. I went to Ahlburgs and ordered a box
to be made for me. I shall very likely go there
tomorrow and tell them to make a common wood one.
I bought a monthly ticket for the bade-halle and
left my towel etc there. Mrs Reinicke gave me the
money. I had a letter from Mama she writes that
I must be very careful about my expenses, we are going
to leave our old House on the 20th.
4 Friday
Hanover. I came a little late to School this
morning that was because I went to Arlburg to
see about my box, it is to cost 6.. 10.. and
to be ready in about 2½ weeks. Prof Kraut showed
us a very interesting experiment. I have now finished
my prussic acid. Messerschmitt wants me to
lend him my analyriche Chemie tomorrow, which
I told him I would. I bathed with him at 5 o'clock.
I have got to write out my analytical chemistry from yesterday
and my Reine from this morning.
5 Saturday
Hanover. I worked at my analytical chemistry
but was not quite able to finish it. I have only
got to write out about 5 lines more. I came a little too
late to Quintus Icilius. I had a lesson by Wilhelms he wanted
me to pay him every 5 lessons that is 10... After
dinner I went to Wunder and had myself photographed.
It was dreadfully hot in the atelier, he said the pictures
were good; I am afraid I shook rather by the last one.
I bathed directly after. I have written out all my chemistry except
said piece. I read phosphoric & nitric acid in Valentin's book.
6 Sunday
Hanover. Went to Mr Gunther at about 9 and from there (tram)
to Hemmingen to Scheitzinfest. Frl Linsingen, Mr [and] Mrs Alten Linden,
Oncle William Hammerstein
& Willy Marenholz were there.
[7 to 9] June
7 Monday
Hanover. I got up at about a quarter to 8.
and came a little too late to school, I was so tired
from yesterday, I only came home at 11. I have at
last separated the Cobalt from the Nickel and
then I precipitated the Cobalt with Cu2OSO3
and warmed at, the precipitate got quite dark and
it ought to be blue. I have got my books back from
Messerschmitt. I have read some of my reine chemie
through today. I intended to write home but I could
not as I had not sufficient time.
8 Tuesday
Hanover. I came in good time to chemistry
today. Prof Kraut's lecture was not particularly
interesting he has now got as far as Nitric acid,
This afternoon I had a lesson by Miss Appuhn, after
which I went to bathe, where I found Hancock
and Vandeleur waiting for me; we bathed first and
then went to see if my proof was finished but it was
not, we then went and rowed on the Leine [a river in Thuringia and Lower Saxony.]. After that
I came home. I wrote to Oncle Gustav to his birthday;
I have got all my chemistry today to write out still.
9 Wednesday
Hanover. Georg R. never woke me this morning
and nor did the servant, the consequence was I slept
till 8 o'clock and could not go to Reine chemie; but
I got up and went to the lab and worked till 9 I then
went to Physiks till 11. back to the lab till 12 and
then had a lecture by Kraut. Directly after dinner
I copied Vandeleur's note of the morning's
chemistry and then took him back his book. I bathed between
5 & 6. fetched my proof which is rather good but I am
too much, what my own name says I had a lesson by
Wilhelm & paid him for his 5 lessons 10 mV. I came
back in the tram. Wrote to Dannenberg.
[10 to 13] June
10 Thursday
Hanover. Professor Heeren said he would
"zum Schlusse" [in conclusion] lecture about the Pigments. I had
to glow the chrome iron ore for about an
hour over the bellows. In the afternoon I bathed
at 3 o'clock there was hardly anybody there.
Vandeleur said he would come but as it rained he
did not. Hancock came just when I finished.
I wrote out all my analytical but not quite all my
reine chemistry. I wrote a letter to Mamma &
should have written to Dora but I had no time.
11 Friday
Hanover. I came in very good time to chemistry
this morning. I worked in the laboratory till past
5 and then went to bathe; of course Hancock came
just when I had finished; he is in a war with
Vandeleur. I bought 2 postcards & 2 stamps .. and
wrote to Stange a pawnbroker to come and buy my old clothes.
At tea I remembered that I had left my lamp oven [?]
burning and went to the lab. but could not get in. I
had a letter from Dannenberg who asked me to come on Sunday.
I bought some pens. I bound "Der Pflicht geopfert" (a novel) [The sacrificed duty: Experiences from the Swiss Alps]
12 Saturday
Hanover. I had written for a person to come
from 8-9 to buy my old coat 2 pairs of trousers one
waistcoat and three shirts, but she did not come;
that is to say she came at 7 but she would only
give 30.. and I wanted 5 so I let her go again.
I went to Physiks and afterwards to Mathematiks
and I bathed in the afternoon and then went to
row with Hancock and Vandeleur but there was hardly
any water. Changed 2 fo lb. I went to Hahns. Herr Gunther sent me a
letter from Herr Oppermann. I paid for my washing. Stamp (23/6)
13 Sunday
Hanover. I went to Dunnenbey[?] at lelle[?]. I started
to go at 7.55am, and to return at 7.45pm
[14 to 16] June
14 Monday
Hanover. I woke up at ½ past 9 and
was perfectly disgusted with myself for having overslept
myself. Of course to miss Prof Heerens
lecture but I copied Vandeleur's notes [...] 2-3.
I was dreadfully tired all day. I bathed at
5 and met Hancock and some other English
fellows there, I have written out all my chemistry
and wrote to Mama and Dora and sent
Mama a copy of Mr Oppermann's letter
which Herr Gunther had sent me yesterday.
15 Tuesday
Hanover. I got up at 7 o'clock and learnt
some french words before I went to the polytecknik.
I sent my letter home and bought a 5 .. stamp for it. [5/-]
I paid Mrs Reinicke 1..3.. for a wash from about the [1/3/-]
29th of June. I had a lesson by Miss Appuhn and
bought a copybook for it. I have written out all [1/-]
my chemistry except some practicals. I went to Adelbury
to try and countermand my order of a box and did
I was told that they could easily get rid of it. I wrote
to a pawnbroker Apel to come to see me tomorrow.
16 Wednesday
Hanover. I got up soon after 7 and worked
at some Mathematics and almost forgot the time
so that I came a little late to chemistry, Prof
Heeren began talking about the new
theorie. Quintus Icilius has begun to lecture about
electricity. I had a lesson by Wilhelms from 7-8
and he told me not to come on Saturday as he
is going to make an excursion to Wilhelmshaven.
I got a letter from Mama but she has not had
my last letter yet. I have not quite written
out my analytical chemistry nor my reine
as I must buy a book first. I ordered a box at Fietdge.
[17 to 20] June
17 Thursday
Hanover. I came in nice time to Prof Heerens
lecture but I had not time to work beforehand. At
about 11 I went with Vandeleur & Messerschmitt to Rolly
as I had wanted to see when the boat left Hamburg.
I bought an ink stand for Anna Reinicke it being her
birthday. I bathed with Vandeleur & Hancock at about
3 and then went and fetched my Photographs, they had
printed ½ a doz too many, but as they gave me them for 19..
I took them. After that we went to baak[?] but there was no
water in the Ihme. I bought a copybook and began my 12th book
18 Friday
Hanover. I got up at about 5 minutes to 8
and did not come too late to Prof Heeren's lecture but
that was because Prof H. came too late himself. He lectured
about Anilin and made a mistake at a formula that he
wrote on the black bord, and we found it out, and told him but he could
not understand, and he got dreadfully perplexed. I went to the lab in the
afternoon, but did not work there. Kraut ... Busse were there. After that
I went with Hancock and Vandeleur to boat, but as there was no water
they went to a confectioners & I bathed. I bought 2 stamps & 2 postcards.
I wrote to Mama for the last time to Hertford House
and to Apel a pawnbroker.
19 Saturday
Hanover. I got up at about 8 o'clock and read some
of my reine chemie over. I got a receipt for my paper for
Mai & June. I have not paid for April. I went to Physiks at
10 it was rather interesting today. He lectured about
electricity and showed us a lot of experiments. I went
to Hahns for about an hour in the morning and half an hour
in the evening. I went to Kraut's to tell Ulrich Braun
that I was not going to Hemmingen on Sunday after all as
I had told him this afternoon when I met him in the street.
I hear Tante Marie is coming here on Wednesday next.
20 Sunday
Hanover. Went to church to Herr Gunther
and to Hahn's till about 7 o'clock. Came home then.
[21 to 23] June
21 Monday
Hanover. I got up at about ¼ past 7 o'clock
and learnt some French words & then went to chemistry
Cuno told me that Borchers (Heeren's assistant) had said
that Prof Heeren would finish today, but he did not, he sent
a piece of paper round for all those who were there to
sign. I bathed at 5 o'clock with Vandeleur and
Messerschmitt, Haunbey, Hamilton,
Laury & another fellow
I know were all there. Handcock was coming but
did not. I walked up to the Klagesmarkh with Vandeleur
and told him I would be at the station tomorrow. Mrs R heard her mother had died on Friday/Saturday
22 Tuesday
Hanover. I got up in plenty of time to go
to chemistry. Professor Heeren did not even finish
his lectures today. I went to the staion at
about ½ past 10 to see Vandeleur go away he
is going via Hamburg to Newcastle. Person billet 2/-.
I bathed at 5 with Laury Hamilton & Rufus(?)
some fellow whom I have lately come to know better.
I have written out all my chemistry except some
analytiche. I did not know my french words by
Frl Appuhn very well today I am sorry to say.
23 Wednesday
Hanover. Professor Heeren has not finished
but he said he would finish tomorrow and
send a paper round for those to sign who want
to make the exam. Cuno & Messerschmitt want
me to write down their names for them. Prof Quintus Icilius
has now got to Gabanismus, he asked us to
come to the chemische Auditorium on Friday at 7.
As he is going to make some experiments. I got a
letter from Papa with a cheque for 8 lbs which
I changed today and got 54..12..for it.
I went to the Station to meet Tante Marie but she did not come [2/-].
Laury introduced me to a fellow called Marriott.
[24 to 27] June
24 Thursday
Hanover. Professor Heeren finished his
chemistry today and we had to write down our names
to make the exam and had to put down whether
early or late. I put early. Also Professor Kraut finished
lecturing about analytical chemistry although he
had not been able to finish, he never lectured about
Kohlenstoff & Zirconium. I went to Kraut's at ½
past 3 but was told Tante Marie was sleeping and I
was to come again, which I did, I find she looks very poorly is thin
and coughs a great deal but they say that is mostly from the Journey.
25 Friday
Hanover. I went at 9 to the Polytechnik
after having written to Mama to
acknowledge the cheque. I[n] the morning
whilst I was in the laboratory Kraut came up
to me and asked me if I was going to work next
week if not I must put my place to right
today, I understood year instead of week and said
no. I found it out afterwards but as it would only be
today I did not say anything. Took my reine Chemie to be bound.
Prof Quintus Icilius showed us some experiment with gebanicbett (41 Ele).
My book came. [Paid 3/5/-]
26 Saturday
Hanover. I meant to go with Prof Kraut
and some of the fellows but I did not get up in time
I went to the station at 9 but nobody else was there
I afterwards heard from Grube that Jzbylla had
missed too I went to Quintus' lecture and signed
my name for the exam. I went to the races in
the afternoon two races were very interesting
the 2nd & 7th. I bought the programm for1½
I took 5.. from Mamma's money for my pocket money.
I learnt some Physiks in the evening.
27 Sunday
Han. My washing came. I went to church with the
young lady who lives at Hahn's (Kulenkamp) &
Ernst H. I as at Krauts in the afternoon.
[28 to 30] June
28 Monday
Hanover. I got up at about 8 and began to
repeat some Physiks till I went to bathe at
about 11. After having bathed I came back, after
going to see if my "Reine Chemie" was bound but it was
not but they told me they would send it this afternoon.
After having breakfasted I went and fetched Irma Braun
and went with her to Hemmingen to fetch Oncle Gustav &
Mariechen Alten. I came back at about 4 and went to the [10/-]
races, where I arrived just when the 2nd race was being
run, I got my "Reine Chemie" alright tonight. Program f. races [1/6]
29 Tuesday
Hanover. I got up at a little past 8 and
worked at my reine chemie till about 10. I then learnt
some french words and went to bathe. After dinner I
went to Miss Appuhn and from there to the Polytechnik
where I saw that I am to be examined on Monday
by Dr Heeren instead of Thursday, which is a great
shame. In the afternoon I worked at reine chemie
and also in the evening, but I have only got about
the 150th page. I had written to Jacobi (a pawnbroker) to
come and buy my old clothes but he did not come.
30 Wednesday
Hanover. I got up at about 8 o'clock and
worked at reine chemie I then went to Physiks, Prof
von Quintus Icilius read out when the different fellows
would be examined. I shall be examined the first, on
Saturday between 10-11. At eleven I went to the laboratory
and paid Grube my bill and gave him 15gns. Frinkgeld.
After that I went and took my analytical notes
to be bound and then bathed. At 2 I went to the
Polyteck and saw some galvanic experiments. I had a
private lesson by Wilhelms and told him it was the
last and paid him. I went .. with the tram
and bought a Prolog to the Auffñhung for Rauber 31 Mai [4/-]
July 1875
[1 to 4] July
1 Thursday
Hanover. I worked at Physiks all the
morning and did nothing else. After dinner I
went to Jacobi (a pawnbroker) and she told me
she would come at 7 which she did I sold her
a great coat 2 waistcoats 1 coat 2 trousers
3 shirts and a pair of boots for 4.. Mrs Reinicke
gave me 3,7,8 which she still had from Mama
money. I gave Mrs Reinicke 3.10 for the servants
monthly wages. I was at Brauns till a little past
5 and then bathed. I was very hot.
2 Friday
Hanover. I worked on at Physiks and
wrote out the principal laws. In the afternoon
I came up stairs directly after dinner & Georg R told
me I must go to Miss Appuhn, which I had
oltogether forgotten; but I went & came an hour
too late. I gave her 2.. for the 4 lessons. I bathed
at five and stopped in the water 30 minutes
and then went to Krauts and fetched Lieschen Braun
and took her to Hemmingen, coming back I came
too late for the tram and had to walk all the way.
3 Saturday
Hanover.I got up at about 6 and went with
Reinicke's to the station they went away with the 7.55 train and I
made a fool of myself by buying tickets to Hamburg instead of Hensburg
but I got rid of them early enough. I came back here
and worked at Physiks and then went to be examined. I came
a little too late as my watch did not go right, but [inserted above is the word Marke] it was very
easy to exam. I bathed at 11. Went to Hahns from there to Krauts from
there with Brauns to Altenbekens Bahn,
(Braun went to
Barsinghausen) and from there to Prof Kraut,
he was very friendly. I then went to Messerschnitt he was not at home.
Saw Majorie Buse and gave her my address for my certificate.
Reichmeister have come. bath.
[Louise Trinkgeld, Wash 1.14.6]
4 Sunday
Hannover. Went to Ernst Alten. Herr Gunther & Ahrbeck
stayed here in the afternoon & evening.
Reichmeisters & Major Cleve were here.
Leftesswater -/6
[5 to 7] July
5 Monday
Hanover. I got up at about 7 and
went to the Polytechnik for my exam by
Prof Heeren. He asked me pretty easy
questions. I then went to Liebich and bought
a fly catcher for Mrs Reinicke. Kruse gave
me back my execator but he did not
give me back my 3.. I bathed at five o'clock
and hurt my shoulder jumping in. Ernst
Alten was there. I said googbye to all the
English fellows there that I knew. I stopped
journey up all night.
6 Tuesday
and left this morning at 2,5.
Miss Clerke was at the station and was
also going to England. I arrived in Rotterdam
soon after 11 o'clock in the morning and
went with a Mrs Mitchell who I met at
Utrecht to the Bath hotel where we dined.
The boat went at 5 o'clock; there were very
many sheep and cattle on bord it was very
nice on bord whilst we were on the Rhine but
afterwards it was rather rough. I went to bed at 9 o'clock
7 Wednesday
Highgate. and woke at about 5 after we had
stopped at Harwich I went on land had my boxes
examined and arrived in London at about 7.30.
I took a cab up here, where I arrieved at about
9 o'clock. I went to the flowereshow at about
2½ o'clock with Arthur who came up for the
occasion. We all stopped there at Uncle Sidneys
after the flowershow was over and danced.
I was clever enough to fall down with Emily
Stones and could not get on with the
waltz at all. We came home soon after
11 o'clock.
[8 to 11] July
8 Thursday
Highgate. I got up at half past 8 o'clock.
I wrote to Frau General Auditeurin Reinicke to
Godfrey and Dawsons & Sons in answer to an
advertisement in the "Times". In the afternoon
I went with Ralph to Hertford House, we ate
some strawberries and gooseberries, & then went
down to the cricket ground for a little while; after
we came back we went & fetched the rest of the
chickens and 3 hens. This evening I went to
here a concert in the school with Papa Mama & Maggie.
9 Friday
Highgate I got up at 7¾ o'clock.
I went over to Hertford House to see if I
could find Mama's spectacles but in vain.
I went to Aunt Ida's to ask whether Henry Ellis
might play tomorrow. At about 11 I went with
Mama to Jones and from there to the stores
where she got some things for me and a
few others. I went to Ellises to fetch Maggie
who did not come as it rained so hard. I made up
accounts with Mamma, who gave me a £
10 Saturday
Highgate. I got up at about 8 o'clock. [Wire -/1]
I went over the way to Hertford House and saw
Esom, a pawnbroker collect the old iron in the
field. At one o'clock we went down to Kentisch
town station and got there about 25 minutes too
early; we met
Aunt Ida,
Kate ,
Ted Nettlefold
and nearly all the rest there and went to Elstree to
play a cricket match against Herberts school eleven. [Tickets 6/-]
We got 85 runs and they got about38. 2 wickets down. I was
bowled the first ball. We went & came in Trams. [-/8]
11 Sunday
Highgate. We did not go to church. I went with Maggie
to Aunt Ida's and with Papa for a walk to Hampstead.
[12 to 14] July
12 Monday
Highgate. I got down at about ¼ past
8. After breakfast I went to the local board
about the dustman who is to come here
after that I went to Esom[?] about some paper
and then went on to Smithfield with the tram.
Willy gave me some invoices to copy and after
that some thing to adress and fold up.
I came home at about 6 with Papa, who
paid the tram. I played two games of billiards with
Papa & lost both. I went for a walk over the shepherdscott. fields.
13 Tuesday
Highgate. I got up at about ½ past 7
but had to wait a good long time for breakfast.
I went down to Smithfield at about 20 minutes to
9 with the tramway to the Angel and I got
there in about 50 minutes. I docketted a lot of letters
for Willy and came home at about 5.0 with Papa.
We walked as far as Barnsbury Street and got
in the tramway there. I wrote a letter to
Mrs Reinicke and took a letter to Captain
Shoot-my-legs (Willy Jeakes).
14 Wednesday
Highgate. I got up at about 8 and
went to down to Smithfield where I arrived
at about 10 minutes to 10. I finished docketting
those letters and then went up stairs where
I carried out some invoices. I came home alone
at about 6 and went with Margaret & Mama
to Aunt Maria to dinner; Philip & Amy
came up whilst we were at Dinner, Phillip
was in very good spirits indeed. I sent my
letter to Mrs Reinicke this morning with a 2½ stamp.
I learnt the walse [waltz] at Waterlow.
Clara taught it me.
[15 to 18] July
15 Thursday
Highgate. I got up at about 8 o'clock.
Mama was already down when I got in the
breakfast room. I went down with Horace
to the tram. It poured dreadfully all day
I carried out a good many invoices and
then copied a letter about 5 times
for Willy. I came home with Papa to
Kentish town with the Midland and came on
in the tram.
Mama &
Papa went out to
Stedalls and so
Maggie &
Ralph & I were alone but
Herr Eggelbrecht came up.
16 Friday
Highgate. It rained nearly all day. I went
down to the tram with Horace who got out
at the Nags Head. I had to make out
an invoice again which I had made out
the other day but made a mistake in it.
I made out some other invoices docketed
some letters and then began to add up
some things in the analysis Book. I bought
a pair of Gents pat. elf. Molière's shoes
and paid for them.
17 Saturday
Highgate. It rained nearly all day
again but not quite as much as yesterday.
I changed my dancing shoes for kad[?] boots with
pat. tops. Mama gave me 10s. I did not
pay for my tram as the conductor (80) would or could
not change my 10s. I went with Charley to the
Albert Hall to a concert. I afterwards went
to his House. The rail cost altogether 1.1d. [1/1].
I had a letter from Godfrey, Mrs Reinicke and Bornemann
who says he cannot get my Zeuguin[?] without a "Schein".
18 Sunday
Highgate. Hung up the pictures with
Papa. In the evening we went to Aunt Maria after Tea[?]
[19 to 21] July
19 Monday
Highgate. I was the last down this morning
and I tried Horace's black trousers on before
I had finished breakfast so that my breakfast was nearly
cold before I had finished. I went down to the Angel
& came back again with the tram. I had to pay
9d extra for the dancing boots which I have got instead of the
shoes. I had to pay 6s 6d for my dinner last week.
After I came home I helped Papa mow the
lawn and went to the Nettlefolds to tell Hugh we were
going to fetch him at ¼ past 8. I sent my letter to Bornemann.
20 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield the
same way & at about the same time as usual &
came back with Papa. At about ¼ past eight
I drove with Maggie to the Nettlefolds, where we
fetched Hugh & then went on to the Ellises to an
evening Party. I got introduced to a good many
people there as I hardly knew anybody. I did
not get on with the Valse [waltz} at all well except
the last dance with Miss Cart. Arthur came at about 10.
10/- from Papa.
We came home as to arrive here at about 2.
21 Wednesday
Highgate. I got up about ½ an hour later
than usual and went to Smithfeld just as usual.
After I came home I had 2 games at Billiards
with Papa which of course I both lost and
then we dressed to go to the Waterlows. We got
there at about 9½ o;clock. I first danced with Clara
an extra. I did not get introduced to many
people, and could not get enough Partners,
particularly at the end, so I took turns with
Fred H. [to] partner Emily Stones &
Hilda and the last one with
one turn with Clara & another with Annie Hickson.
We got home at about a quarter past 9.
[22 to 25] July
22 Thursday
Highgate. Jonny[?] woke me up at
about ¼ to 9 when I got up. I was the
first down of those who had been
to the party, except Horace who was a good
deal earlier up. Maggie soon followed & th[en]
Papa & Mama, I got to Smithfield at about
11 o'clock, where I found nearly every body
although I expected to be one of the first.
Papa paid for my coming home as I had no change.
I mended Dora's cage in the evening.
23 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield at
the usual time and made out Invoices
nearly all day. I went to Meekings & Co.
to get some pins with a brass Cross at the
head & some common brass headed nails.
I went and came back in the tram.
and paid Papa back for the Tram he
paid for me yesterday. I read some of
the book Papa & Mama & Maggie
were reading to them.
24 Saturday
Highgate. Maggie has ricked her
neck today and is very bad. I went to
Smithfield with the Tram, coming back we had
to walk to this corner of the Liverpool road
as all the trams were full that passed us.
We went to Grannie's coming home and thought
we should find Mama there but she
was not there. Ted & Hugh Nettlefold
were there in the evening. I thought Hugh was
very quiet but Ralph says he always is so.
25 Sunday
Highgate. Went to church with Dora. Papa
not well. David [or Daniel?] & Fanny & Babies came here & so did
Chloridine for Papa - 1/1½
[26 to 28] July
26 Monday
Highgate. I did not do anything
particular, that I now remember. It is now
Monday 1st but as we slept at Aunt
Ida's I could not write in this book. I went
down to Smithfield in the tramway and came back too.
27 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
in the tram and came back also in the
tram. I cannot remember anything
particular today either.
28 Wednesday
Highgate. Tram in which I went
and came from Smithfield, I paid the conductor
8.. to whom I had owed it some time. I went
down one day and as I had not got any change
and he could not change my half a
sovereign he told me to owe him it.
[29 to 1] July & August
29 Thursday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram and came back also by tram.
Aunt Maria sent us some ticket for the
Alexandria. We slept at Aunt Ida's
last night as we had the drains up in our
30 Friday
Highgate. We slept at Aunt Ida's last night.
I went down to Smithfield in the Rail[?]
alone and came back in the tram. I went to the Army and Navy
stores today in order to get my new black coat
altered. I wanted them to alter the
front but they said they could only
alter the width of the hest[?]. I
went from Blackfriarss to Victoria and back
in the underground Railway.
31 Saturday
Highgate. We all slept at Aunt Ida's
again, except Maggie, who has gone
to Jones's I went to Smithfield with
Alfred in the Railway & came back in the tram.
Ralph & I went to the Alexandra Palace.
I bought a Programm of the concert
and I also paid for a swimming
bath for both of us. We came home at about 8.
1 Aug Sunday
Highgate. We slept ay Aunt Ida's and
I & Dora went to church. Clara was there.
August 1875
[2 to 4] August
2 Monday
Highgate. We slept at Aunt Ida's
last night,
Mama woke me early and I went and woke
Alfred & Herbert and
we went and fished at Uncle Sidneys.
I caught 12, Herbert 12 & Alfred 7 one of which
was pretty large. We lunched at home after which
I went to Granny and stayed there a few
hours & then went to Aunt Ida's. I played
at Lawn tennis two or three times. In the
evening we fished at Jeakes'. I caught one.
3 Tuesday
Highgate. We slept at home tonight
but not in our own beds as the gas escaped in
our room so we could not sleep there so we slept in
Horace's room. I went down to Smithfield in the tram
and came back to. Papa gave me 1 sovereign to
get a "topper" with. I got one at Davage's for 14s.
I went to the Victoria stores to get Maggie watch
but it was not finished I got Ralph's & Mamma's
watch from the Longacre stores and got a glass put
in mine 6/6 bought an atmospheric optic narvel for Maud's birthday. Was at Aunt Ida's
from about 7 till ½ past 9. danced & played.
Ernest mixes up the words "to", "too" and even "two". I have corrected most of them but sometimes
it seemed a good idea to copy exactly his spelling to show the error.
4 Wednesday
Highgate. We slept in Horace's room
again yesyterday evening, but we are going to
sleep i our own tonight for although our gas is not yet alright it does not escape
anymore. I went down to Smithfield in the
Tram and came back in it too. I bought
some cut shot when I was coming home.
After dinner Jonny & I looked to see if
we could find my fishing line, but we
could not find it. Jonny then played
at billiards with Papa & I read
the Times. C[o]lonels Baker's case.
[5 to 8] August
5 Thursday
Highgate. I went over the way to
say good bye to Aunt Ida & family who
went to Fairseat at about 10 o'clock. Alfred
& Herbert have gone to Cowleys for a day
or two. I went & came from Smithfield - Tram 6d.
and I bought two floates on the way.
After Dinner I went and fished at Jeakes.
I only caught 3 Jonny caught 8 but he
began much sooner than I did. Afterwards I
played at billiards with him and won by 16. (game 100)
6 Friday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram at about the usual time and came
back ditto. I made out a very large Invoice
for Murray and copied some of the travellers
sheets and some of them into the analysis
book. I went to the Army & Navy Stores to
ask about my coat and was told it was
sent this morning. I went to the Victoria Stores
and got Maggie watch; I payed 5s of
which Papa still owes me 6. Maggie went the day before yesterday.
7 Saturday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield in the
tram at about the usual time. I copied the
travellers letters into the analysis book. I came
home with Papa soon after dinner, soon after we left Smithfield it began to rain & pour
tremendously, so we got into a Highbury tram
(yellow) and by the time we got this side of
the bridge by Clarke coal office the road was
about 1 foot deep in water. It had left off by
the time we got home nearly. 2 Nettlefolds came in the evening.
8 Sunday
Highgate. I went to church with Godfrey, Dora
& Ralph. We went over the way to dinner, and stayed there all day.
[9 to 11] August
9 Monday
Highgate. I went down to town in tram
and came back to usual way. I took some of my
boots down to be mended but forgot to bring the
bag back again. Aunt Mary & Granny were here
when we came home. Granny is going to sleep here.
Aunt went away after supper. Aunt Ellen came
up whilst we were at tea but went away soon
after. Jonny and I went to the priory to take a
note. I wrote a postcard to Hancock most of it
was nonsense. I paid for my last weeks dinner.
10 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
as usaul a little early if anything.
Fred was there yesterday as well as
today. Papa had a letter from Charley
who had gone to Dieppe with Louis [Louisa]. I wrote
some addresses and copied the orders & did up
June's letters. Papa came home by rail
but although he started about 5 minutes
earlier than I did he only got here about 5 minutes
earlier. I fished with Ralph after Tea.
11 Wednesday
Highgate. I got up just in right time
and went to Smithfield as I usualyy do. I copied
to orders at Smithfield and then made out
some invoices. When I came home I found
that Granny had gone home, so we had dinner.
We have been having tea everyday
Granny [has] been here. Horace went over the way
and had a ride on "Old Phrump" Uncle Sidney's
horse. Jonny and I went to Jeakes and
fished we caught about 22 which are to
be boiled for the chickens. Papa began
"The Maid of Sker" a novel which seems to be nice.
[12 to 15] August
12 Thursday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
and back by tram as usual. When I got
there Willie was not there so I had to wait
till Uncle George opened the letters. There
were a great many travellers orders today
Fred & I copied them together, and then
I carried yesterday's & todays's into the analysis
book. I came home alone as I could not find
him and when I came home I heard he
had been there a long while. We fished at Stedalls.
Mama gave me 10/-
13 Friday
Highgate. Mamma got a letter from
Swanage about a house that was to let there,
and I telegraphed to tell them to secure
it for us. Aunt Ida has invited us to go
down to Fairseat tomorrow and stay till
Monday. I went and came from Smithfield per
tram. Fanny & Dan came here to dinner,
and after dinner Dan played billiards with
Papa. I read The Tempest which I had
begun on the tram down to Smithfield.
14 Saturday
Fairseat. I went down to Smithfield
at the usual time and went from there after dinner
to Fairseat from Holborn Viaduct. [Time table 1d.]
Papa Ralph & I walked from Boro' Green Station
to Fairseat we met Clara & Celia on the Wrotham
Hill. Mama & Papa went to Aunt Maria's and
we all went to Aunt Ida's. Alfred Herbert &
Stones came down in the evening. After supper
we danced in the playroom. Alfred & I went into
the cottage to ask Eva & Jessie Waterlow to come in, but they did not.
15 Sunday
Fairseat. Arthur came. In morning went to Trosley
downs in afternoon round Pilgrims road up "labor in vain" & back[?] home.
[16 to 18] August
16 Monday
Highgate. We slept at Fairseat. Ater breakfast
we went for a paper chase by the plat Stanstead.
Horace & Alfred were hares, we caught Horace.
A little past Stanstead. When we got back Ida
& Maud were not to be found. So we went in all directions
to find them, (my heel was so bad that I could not go far) to find them.
Horace got on Uncle Sidney's horse Old Trump
and found & them. But Clärchen did not come home for ever so
long. At last she came and got hysterics etc. We left
with 2.55 train. I came home with Tommy. Dory &
Eclipsey. [Tram 1/-]
17 Tuesday
Highgate. I had an awful headache last night,
but it is better today. It is very hot toay only not quite
as hot as yesterday. I went to Smithfield & came
back as usual by tram. I paid for my dinner
today. Papa went to Mr Johnson's to dinner.
After dinner I went and had my hair cut & was
shampooed and paid for Ralph's having his
hair cut. Mama got me a straw hat with
a slightly broad rim. Ralph & I went and got
some fruit out of the Hertford House garden.
18 Wednesday
Highgate. I had got half way down the
Hill when I remembered I had forgotten to get
the store ticket & money for Papa's socks so I
came back again; I could not get any at the stores
when I did get there. I came back in the tram
from Smithfield as usual. I went over to Hertford
House to get as much fruit as we could. After that
I went down to Granny's to tell her
that Eclipsey was going to Fairseat and so Aunt
Mary need not come here. Mama has been
packing nearly all day to go to Swanage
tomorrow by the 11.15 train from Waterloo.
[19 to 22] August
19 Thursday
Swanage. We (Papa, Mama,
Ralph, Dora & myself)
left Highgate soon after 10 and went to Waterloo
station where we met Fanny Jones & the babies.
We left the station at 11.15 for Wareham
where we arrived at about 3.40 about 20
minutes late. We got in an omnibus that had been
oredered and drove here. It seems a very nice
place nice lands etc. I am sleeping with Ralph
in one room opposite Fanny & Dora. We have
2 sitting rooms & 4 bedrooms altogether. [Ink 1d]
20 Friday
Swanage. Ralph & I got up at about ½ past six
and went and bathed. The others did not bathe today.
After breakfast Papa, Ralph and I strolled along
the sand as far as we could get towards Old
Harry a rock on the downs Balla[r]d Hill and got
back soon after ¼ past one. In the afternoon
Papa, Dora & I went over the downs at
the back of our house
to Tilly Whim (a cave) and came
back at first right at the top & then at the bottom up the Zig-zag road.
21 Saturday
Swanage. We all got up before breakfast
and bathed. Papa, Ralph & I bathed off the
sands. We fished after breakfast. Ralph
caught one smallone and I was rather
sick Papa broke the line. In the afternoon
we all walked over Balla[r]d Down to Studland
and walked back nearly the same way.
I do not feel any the worse for being sea
sick. We did not eat our fish as Mrs Hill
said she thought it was only good for bait.
22 Sunday
Swanage. Went to church. [Collection 3d].
We all walked through Ulwell to nine Barrow Down & back.
[23 to 25] August
23 Monday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning
before breakfast except Mama. Soon after
breakfast Fanny, Papa, Ralph and I walked
past "Dancing Ledge" & Seacombe to Winspit
and from there through Langton rather
crosscountry home. We were about 4 hours and
a half. After dinner we went out fishing with
Dora, but did not catch anything, nobody
was sick, although it was rougher than Saturday.
I read some of the Monastery.
24 Tuesday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning
before breakfast. At about 11 o'clock I walked
per road to Shetland where we picnicked.
The babies came in a donkey waggonett. At
about 4 we walked toward Aggelstone but
we went by without seeing it. I gave a
halfpenny to a girl who opened the
gate. Papa began a sketch at Studland.
Arthur seemed to enjoy himself very much.
We played at whist in the evening.
25 Wednesday
Swanage. We all bathed before breakfast
and went to Poole at 11.30 (i.e. left here) by
steamer. We got at Poole in about an hour
and humbuged about in the town till
it was time to go to the station to fetch Miss
Emma Johnston. We then came back by Steamer.
I went from the Sation to the boat per omnibus.
Comimg back we ran down a boat and had
to wait to pick up two mwn that were in
it. They were very slow lowering the boat. gave 6d. to
the fellow who brought up Miss E Johnston's port
manteau. & paid for the pies [2d]
[26 to 29] August
26 Thursday
Swanage. We all bathed before breakfast
as usual except Miss Johnston who I think
did not bathe although she went down. It
rained whilst we were dressing. It rained a
great part of the day so that we could not
go out for much of a walk. Ralph & I
fished off the pier. I caught one fish and
pulled two up but they slipped off. Ralph
did not catch any at all. Papa
gave me 1s. for the omnibus & porter yesterady.
27 Friday
Swanage. We all bathed today before
breakfast except Fanny. Emma Johnston did.
At about eleven o'clock Miss Johnston, Papa, Ralph
& I walked along the road through Langton to
Worth where after seeing the church we sat down and
waited till the others (everybody here of our party) came
up some walking, some riding in Donkey Gig. We dined
a little past the village and then went on except the
babies & nurses to St Albans Head, coming back we
tried to fish at dancing ledge in vain. Got home at about ½ past 8.
28 Saturday
Swanage. We did not bathe this
morning as it rained. It continued raining
all day so we could not go for a walk.
I read a good deal of the Monastery up
to where Halbert is going with Henry Warder to
the Lord of Avenel. I played with Fanny against
Papa & Ralph. We got one out of
two numbers. Emma Johnston read the Maid of Sker aloud.
29 Sunday
Swanage. Bathed. Went to church. [Collection 3d]
Walked to Studland May round by Old Henry over Ballard down house[?]
[30 to 1] August & September
30 Monday
Swanage. We all bathed before breakfast
except Fanny & Dora. After breakfast
we prepared for a picnic to Corfe Castle.
Papa, Ralph, Dora,
Kate (one of the nurses) and
myself walked there over "Nine Barrow Down".
We got there just as the others who had come
in a waggonette were going up to the castle.
It is a very pretty ruin. Fanny, Dora, the nurses & babies
Ralph & I drove back. We picked a great many
nuts on the way home. Played whist in the evening.
31 Tuesday
Swanage. We did not bathe today as
it was so very windy. In the morning we only
strolled round by the church & in the afternoon
we went to Tilly Whim and sat down there.
I won my Phillip chess with Dora & have got one
on with Fanny Jones, which I am afraid I shall
not win. I have finished the Monastery.
Godfrey is coming down tomorrow we shall
most probably go and meet him at
Corfe Castle. Johnstons are coming tomorrow.
September 1875
1 Sept Wednesday
Swanage. In the morning we did
not go out for a walk. We went into town
to ask a fisherman to take us fishing but
he said it was not a good time so we did
not go. $Ralph and I went and fished off the
pier, he caught a pretty good sized Rock
fish and I caught one other little fish.
In the afternoon we went for a walk to
Lord Eldons marble quarries and walked
home quite a new way, very pretty way.
We did not fetch Godfrey as he is coming tomorrow.
Mr & Mrs Johnston, Miss Jackson & Hanson came.
Miss Johnston left us. [Pier Dora & I 2d]
[2 to 5] September
2 Thursday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning
and met Emma Johnston on the sands who
bathed with the ladies. After breakfast we (Papa
Ralph Dora & myself left here with our lunch in
our pocket. Papa soon left us and we went on to
Corfe Castle to meet Godfrey. We had 3 bottles of Ginger
beer. We waited about 2 hours before he came
and then went to Papa who had been
sketching and came home with him Mama Jonny
& Miss Beachy Hanson.
This evening Papa Mama,
Jonny & Godfrey
have gone to Johnstons
3 Friday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning not-with-standing
a little rain. After breakfast it rained
hard till about ½ past eleven, Godfrey, Ralph &
I went and fished off the peir till about one; we
caught 7 and had them cooked for tea after
dinner we took our rods and fished at Dancing
Ledge. We brought 4 pretty good ones back.
I caught the largest and Tom caught the
rest. Mama gave me ½ a sovereign pocket money.
I read the Maid of Sker this evening.
4 Saturday
Swanage. We all bathed as usual this morning.
We fished for about 2 hours off the pier but only
caught 3 between us. In the afternoon we rowed
to Studland Bay and met the others there.
We fished a little while there, Godfrey caught
one plaice, we then fetched Papa and
rowed round old Harry and fished. I caught
one Tomy[?] one and Godfrey amp; Papa caught
9 between them. In the evening we played atwhist.
5 Sunday
Swanage. We went to church. In the
afternoon Fanny,
Godfrey, Ralph,
Dora & I walked on Nine Barrow Down.
[6 to 8] September
6 Monday
Swanage. None of us bathed this
morning as there was a very heavy fog.
We said at first we would not have the waggon
either to go to Lulworth in but as it cleared
up we went after all. We drove all the
way there and arrived at about 10 o'clock
we ordered dinner at half past and went
to see the Cove which is very pretty after dinner we
walked to Durdle Door and back. We
left at about 6.30 and arrived at about ¼ to nine o'clock.
7 Tuesday
Swanage. We (Papa, Godfrey, Ralph & myself)
bathed before breakfast the others did not
as Fanny was going per steamer round the Isle of
Wight at 9. I bought some prawns for fishing
with. At about one Papa, Godfrey, Ralph and
myself left here and walked on the top
of the downs to Chapmans Poole and came back
to Dancing Ledge and fished there, we did
not catch very many fish. I gave Papa 1 penny
to go on the pier as he had no penny.
8 Wednesday
Swanage, We did not do anything
particular this morning, nor did we go out
for a walk. This afternoon all of our party
of the masculine sex went with Mr Johnston
out in Mr Hill's sailing boat; as Mr Hill was
not well himself another sailor went with
us instead but there was no wind so we
had to row but as there was a very heavy
swell on we did not try to fish but came
back directly. I was dreadfully sick
Ralph was a little but not much nobody
else at all although Papa was rather queer.
[9 to 12] September
9 Thursday
Swanage. At about 10 o'clock
we left here and walked to Studland
when we got there it began to rain
so we stood in a cart-shed till it left
off and then went to the Agglestone. Mama,
Emma Johnston & Miss Jackson had driven there;
at least to Studland, we got back at about 2.
Papa, Ralph & Dora went to Bournemouth at
4 and came back at 7. I played with
Godfrey at piquet and won one gane out of 4.
10 Friday
Swanage. We all bathed as usual except
Dora. After breakfast we cut sandwiches and
Papa & Fanny went per Steamer with Johnstons
to Weymouth and Godfrey, Ralph & I walked
to Bournemouth, we started at about 11
and walked through Studland to the end
of the sand and got freeied across and
walked along the sands, We bathed and
walked about the town and came
back per steamer which was an hour late.
11 Saturday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning
except Mamma before breakfast. After
breakfast we cut sandwiches and at about
half past 10 we (Papa, Godfrey, Ralph & I)
started on the Kingston Road, we walked through
Kingston past the marble quarries to
Church Knowle. Mama, Fanny & Dora had
driven to Kingston and arrived about ½ an
hour later. After having luncheon we walked
up to downs to Corfe Castle, and then along to Top of Nine Barrow Down.
12 Sunday
Swanage. We did notbathe this morning because
of the wind. We went to church. We walked over some Little Down.
[13 to 15] September
13 Monday
Swanage. We were all very bad last night.
We had diafhoea, so we did not bathe this
morning. We had a quiet day altogether and did
not go out for a walk at all. Godfrey, Ralph
& I fished off the pier in the afternoon. We caught
8 fish. In the evening Mama, Papa,
Fanny & Godfrey
went to Johnston's and played at Whist.
Beachy came here and we read some of the
Ingoldsby Legends. We are most likely going to
walk to Worbarrow tomorrow & back.
14 Tuesday
Swanage. Godfrey, Ralph & I bathed this
morning, the others did not bathe because of the
weather, it was very rough, so we bathed
out of a machine, Directly after
breakfast we cut sandwiches and at ½ past
9 we went down the hill to the wagonette, but Mr
Lucker, the coachman, had let his horse and could
get none. So we drove to Kingston in Mr Summons waggonette
and walked to Warbarrow and back to Corfe Castle
and then drove back, arriving at 20 minutes past 7.
15 Wednesday
Swanage. We all bathed this morning
except Fanny who said she should not care
for it because she could not swim
in such a rough sea. We enjoyed our bathe
very much. All the morning we stayed at home
Mama was packing, and in the afternoon we
went into the woods nutting. We found
a great many nuts some of which Fanny
is going to take, & some Bice Hanson
took home. In the evening Mr & Mrs
Johnston came and Mr Johnston, Fanny, Papa
& Godfrey played at Whist.
[16 to 19] September
16 Thursday
Highgate. We (Godfrey, Ralph & I)
bathed out of a machine. The waves were not
so high as yesterday, but the water was very
cold. At about 11 o'clock we left Swanage in
and omnibus for Wareham where we got into the
train and arrived at Waterloo soon after 6 o'clock
where we met Dan. We came up here
in a Fly & where we found Horace with
a cold and Anna (the German servant) with
bad toothache. Clara came in the evening.
17 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield at
about 9 o'clock. Percy has not been well lately
and was not there today, all the rest were.
Papa told me in the evening coming home
that Herr Kamphöphener had got a place for
me in Paris and that I am to go in about
6 weeks or 2 months. Tram to & back from town.
I had a game of billiards with Godfrey
he won by about 83. I read some of the
Maid of Sker this evening.
18 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield at the
usual time and made out Ivoices as usual.
I came home per train to Kentish Town & tram
from there. I went to Aunt Ida's and played at
Lawn Tennis till nearly 7. We then came home and
found Charley Waterlow & Clara here. Annie Hill
came in after tea. We played at Billiards, Papa & I
against Godfrey & Charley, we lost.
Fanny's birthday is on
Monday. Percy was not in Town today.
Tram & train to and from Town.
19 Sunday
Highgate. I went to church to St
Annes on the West Hill with Clara, Ralph & Dora.
[20 to 22] September
20 Monday See 23rd Inst
Highgate. I left here at about 9 o'clock
and went straight to Smithfield per tram.
It did not rain while I went but it rained
from about 11 o'clock without interruption, so
we came home by train, Papa paid for
my ticket. This evening, Harry, Fanny &
Ted Nettlefold were here, we played at
billiards. I played in 2 four games and won one
and lost the others by 2 or 1. .. Ted did not
go till about ½ past 11 o'clock.
21 Tuesday
Highgate. I was rather better today
that is to say as far as spirits & strength goes
but I was not very well otherwise. Godfrey
& I put the books into a little better order
in the library and then we played at
Lawn-tennis; In the evening I played at
Chess with Godfrey, he beat me t[w]o games
and I beat him one. After that I read
some more of the Maid of Sker, I finished
the second volume and began the 3rd.
22 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
rather early today by tram and made
out the invoices. In the afternoon
Godfrey, Horace & Ted Nettlefold came to Smithfield
and I went with them & Alfred to the
King Street Baths per railway & tram.
The bath was very nice only a little too warm
for swimming, we got back at about 7
o'clock per tram. Fanny, John & Maxwell
were here I played cards with them
& Dora till they went. I then read 6 pages
of a French book to Mama, and afterwards
I read a little of the Maid of Sker.
[23 to 26] September
23 Thursday See 20th Inst Monday 20th
Highgate. I stopped in bed till
about 2 o'clock, having the diarrhoea
very badly. I was not able to get up.
I was in great pains today. It is
Fanny's birthday today, and I was going
to Aunt Ida's but could not. Dora & Ralph
went at about 4 and Godfrey
went at about 6. Ralph got a
pencil with a knife at one end for
himself & myself. Godfrey gave her a knife.
24 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield today
by tramway as usual, and made out Invoices
there was one pretty big one. I went per
train to Sheppards Bush instead of Paddington
Station & then came back to Bishop Street
& walked into the Great Wstern Station
where after waiting about ¼ of an hour
Maggie arrived with Mr & Mrs
Williamson & family from Swansea. Maggie
introduced me and we came back in a cab.
25 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
at about the usual time and had a great
many invoices to make out but not large
ones. I came back at about a quarter
past 3 o'clock. We cut the Ivy, Aunt,
John Hill & Annie Hill & Lewillyn Hill came
this afternoon. I had 2 games of Tennis one
with Papa & one with Dora. Mamma cannot
find Maggie's watch. I read a good deal of
The Maid of Sker. Ralph played billiards with Papa.
26 Sunday
Highgate. I walked from here to Harry's with
Maggie & Dora and then to Ellises.
Charlie, Louise & family were here.
[27 to 29] September
27 Monday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield at the
usual time in the tramway. At about ½ past 12
o'clock I got a letter to say that Papa wanted
me to go to the Brewery Road, so I took a
train to Camden Toad Station and walked to
Brewery Road where I saw Harry who wanted
me to fill up some circulars, which I did but
not all. I dined at Fanny's & Harry's. I walked
to the Junction Road with Horace and then took
a tram to the Archway Tavern & walked up the hill.
28 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to the Brewery
Road this morning with Horace and got there
about a quarter past 9 o'clock, I wrote out
all the rest of the circulars which Harry wanted
and put stamps on them. I dined at
Harry's and Fanny's, Evelyn was very merry
she is such a jolly little girl. I came home
rather early
Mama gave me 5/-
This evening a had a game of
chess with Papa which I lost. Read some French
and a good deal of the Maid of Sker.
29 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield today
having no more to do at the Brewery Road. I made
out invoices at Smithfield and then helped
Alfred get out some orders. I came home with Papa
as usual per train. I took a letter to the
post of Maggie's; I finished the Maid of Sker
and read some Ffrench to Mama. I wrote to
Mrs Reinicke, a very masterpiece of spelling
this evening. I have bought some string home
for a net for Lawn tennice, [stet] I have only
done about 4 stiches of it. I hope Nelly
will not make so much noise as she did last night.
[30 to 3] September & October
30 Thursday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
as usual today by tram and bought
a stamp to put on Mrs Reinicke's letter
but as it would not stick I had to take
it down to Smithfield for some gum. I
made out all but one Invoices and helped Alfred
with some orders. One of the girls there had
a fit today on the top of the stairs.
I came home by tram. I wrote to W W Hancock
to his birthday on the 2nd of October.
October 1875
1 Oct Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
as usual and came back alone as Papa
came back by train. I posted my
letter to Hancock this morning. I made
out a lot of Invoices today and have
got to make out another one. I fetched
another ball of string from Smithfield
but I find it is thinner than the rest.
I have netted 15 rows altogether I think.
Clara & David were here to tea.
I beat David at Billiards.
2 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield in
the tram today and came back with Alfred.
I got 2 balls of string and paid for all
3 balls that I have had for the nett. This
Maggie &
Ted Nettlefold,
Fanny &
John &
Fred and
came here; we had a few dances and
games and afterwards Papa, Willie Jeakes who
also came, Horace & Ted Nettlefold played at billiards.
Mama gave me a jolly alarm Clock.
3 Sunday
Highgate. My birthday. Dora gave me a collar box.
Tom a Dictionary.
Maggie is going to get something.
Horace ditto. Aunt Ida
a jolly pen & pencil case.
[Pocket money 10/-]
[4 to 6] October
4 Monday
Highgate. My alarm Clock woke me
at about ½ past 7 o'clock but I find it does
not strike to its own time. I went
down to Smithfield as usual and came back
just the same way. I had a good deal to write
at Smithfield. I sent for some Emery powder
"From Earth to Moon" and a great Eastern continental
timetable. Horace, Alfred and I went to
Nettlefolds to dinner & afterwards played Shellout
with Ted & Hugh. I lost altogether, as near as I can make out.
5 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
as usual, when I got there I found
a letter from Clara for me there in which
she wished me to send the car [or cart?] to Fairseat
House to fetch some apples for Charley. I had
a good deal to do up in the packing salloon
at Smithfield, about 226 pounds worth of goods
were sent. I have bought From the Earth to the
Moon home today to read. Came home by tram.
I have netted about 25 rows altogether.
6 Wednesday
Highgate. I wrote a letter to Arthur
this morning to tell him if I got an answer
from him I should come come down to Chatham
tomorrow. I then took the letter to the
General Post Office. I had a good many
Invoices to make out, after I had finished
I posted up the book I had been
using. I then came home with Alfred per
tram. Charley Waterlow came here this
evening and played billiards with Papa.
I have netted 34 or 35 rows. Ralph has
done 25 rows.
[7 to 10] October
7 Thursday
Chatham. I went to Smithfield
about the usual time as I had not heard
from Arthur, but when I got there I found
a letter to tell me to come so I came home
had my hair cut, packed my clothes and
went down to Holborn Viaduct to the 12.42 train.
I arrived at Chatham at nearly two, bought an Echo.
A boy carried my bag. Arthur played football. We
went into the upper dockyard and I messed with
about 100 officers at 7 in full dress very swell.
[Papa 10/-]
8 Friday
Highgate. I slept at Chatham in Arthur's
room on 2 chairs & a box made into a bed.
Arthur was on duty till about 12, when he came
we went to see the Alexandria, a large
Ironclad and also went on board a tuttett
ship. We then came home and had
lunch & played at Lawn tennis afterwards.
Arthur won twice. I came home by the 4.50 train
which is an express, but was about ¾ of an hour late
at the Viaduct. Arthur's little dog is a jolly little fellow.
9 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
as usual but did not take Arthur's
watch to be mended as I thought I should
not have time. I did have a good deal
to do. I came home as usual. Ralph & I
finished 50 rows and I netted the two
net together, and we had a game over it
but we shall have to make about 40 lines
more. Godfrey came home this evening.
Willie Jeakes was here & played billiards.
10 Sunday
Highgate. Did not go to church. Went
to Grannies & to
Fannies & saw her & Evelyn. Read a good deal.
[11 to 13] October
11 Monday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by tram
as usual today and came back just the
same alone. We paid for our dinners which was 6s 2½d. Papa gave me ten shillings
pocket money for the week. I did not have
very much to do at Smithfield today. This
evening Godfrey & I took Maggie to some
singing club or other & fetched her afterwards.
I set my alarm at ½ pat 5 tomorrow
in order to get up to fetch our new servant.
12 Tuesday
Highgate. My alarm woke me rather
before the time, I went up and woke
Godfrey who went with me. We got down
at Shoreditch about 10 minutes late, where we
found Augusta Garry, who came up with us in a
cab. We had rather a row noise with the
cabman. I went to Smithfield as usual
& came back just the same [way]. Godfrey has
gone to Cambridge. I forgot to say
goodbye to him.
13 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield as usual
today by tram, I took my alarm clock &
Arthur's watch with me, I fetched Aunt Ida's
store ticket before I went, I took the
above mentioned article to the Long acre stores
and was told that the main spring of Arthur's
watch was broken which would cost 2/6
and the glass would cost 9d. I left Smithfield
at 4 came home and then went to Johnston's
where there were a few people & we
played at charades, Dumb crambo & danced
one quadrillle, Fraulein Haase was there.
[14 to 17] October
14 Thursday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
as usual by tram and came back ditto.
I found it very cold work writing up in the
packing room, I had a good deal to do.
and there were so many waiting parcels
besides. I netted 9 rows this evening
so that if I do ten tomorrow I shall have
finished my share of the net. Ralph has
only done 2 rows. I cannot read Shakespeare
nowcoming home in the tram.
15 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield at
about the usual time by tram. I had a
good deal to do today up in the packing
room. We sent away about 223£ of
goods. I came home by tram as usual
alone. I read my french with Mamma
as usual, and then netted about 15 rows.
I have not read anymore aloud. Between
Earth & Moon as I want to finish our
lawn tennis net first.
16 Saturday
Highgate. I had a good run to
catch the train going to town, but got
there before Papa although we both left at the
same time & he went by tram. I had a
good deal to do. I came home as usual.
We put on our finished net and had about
5 games of lawn tennis. Papa bought
another bat. Mr Mickoll & Son, Willy Jeakes,
Charley & wife & Ethel Ellis are here this
evening & play billiards.
17 Sunday
Highgate. Went to Church with Dora
there was a collection [3d]. Dan & Fanny came up.
[18 to 20] October
18 Monday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield as
usual by tram and made out the credits
for the returns. At ½ past 12 I took a
Metropolitan train to Edgeware road & walked
from there to the Jones. The ladies were both
very well. Wilfred is rather rough about
his arms & face, but he can walk a little.
I went back soon after two. I got home sooner
than Papa who went to sleep in the train and
went on to Finchley & walked home.
19 Tuesday
Highgate. Mama gave me my pocket
money before I went to Smithfield by tram.
I had a good deal to do there. Alfred wants
me to play at football with him against
the Elstree school but I do not know whether
I shall. I came home at the usual time and
found Nelly Hickson here she stayed to Tea (Papa
was at Johnstons) and afterwards went to Fairseat
House from where I fetched her and took her to
the station. I have been reading some of Faust.
[Dinner 6/10]
20 Wednesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram with Horace, who said he wanted to
take another measurement of my alarm clock, and
so I asked him if he was making a case
for it and he said yes, so I told him I had not
got it, it was at the stores being regulated. Yhey
packed about 270£ up in the packing
room & about 150 - the show room. I came
home by tram. It has been raining all day
very hard. This evening I fetched Dora
from Aunt Ida's, and played at Old Maid, I
was made once. Fraulein Haase a great many times.
[21 to 24] October
21 Thursday
Highgate. I was rather later at Smithfield
this morning than I have been lately.
Directly I got there a wrote out a ticket
for Mudies books. I had a good deal to do at
Smithfield, I made out invoices for over 400
pounds worth of goods. I came home rather
late, and met David in the tram;
I translated some french with Mama & then
played at Chess with Papa & gave him
a glorious beating.
22 Friday
Highgate. I went to town as usual
today by tram. I did not have very
much to do. Tom Hickson came in the afternoon
to get some boots for dancing lessons, and amde
such a noise. I meant to come home early
as Francy & Hugh Nettlefold were coming; Clara
came and fetched Papa & I in the carriage.
The Nettlefolds did not come but Clara & Charley
Waterlow did. Clara had her little puppie
here. Charley beat me 3 games at billiards.
23 Saturday
Highgate. I went to town as usual
and came back a little earlier and went
to see Faust at the Alexandra Palace
with Ralph. As it rained nearly all day
we found it rather wet work walking
across the fields; the opera was not as
good as I expected. 2 Admission 1/-, 2 Theatre 1/-, Progs
and Claokroom. We afterwards went to
Aunt Idas and had a few games and a
few dances. 2 Jeakes & 5 Nettlefolds were there.
24 Sunday
Highgate. Did not go to church, hung up
pictures with Papa. Dan &
Fanny came in the afternoon.
[25 to 27] October
25 Monday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
as usual by tram. Will showed me how
to make out the returns. I had
a good deal to do today, as there were so many
parcels etc returned and I had to make out
all the Invoices as usual. I meant to go
and fetch my clock & Athur's watch today
but as I heard Aunt Ida usually went to the
store on Monday I did not go; she did not go after all.
Mama gave me pocketmoney [10/-]. tram back [3d]. [Dinner 6/8]
26 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to Aunt Ida's in the
morning and asked her for her Store ticket, which
she lent me and asked me to get some butter
for her. I went down to town with Alfred & came back
with him. I went to the stores and got Arthur's
watch & my clock & payd 6/6 & 2/9 when I got
home I found put on my Invoice for repairs
& cleaning 2/9 which ought not to have been charged.
Mama is going to write about it. Maggie and
I went to Nettlefolds to dinner.
27 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by
tram from Upper Holloway to Farringdon St.
3rd class with Horace and we met Beatrice
Hickson at the station. I had a great many
Invoices to make out in the evening; but
if they do not look sharp, they will not have
nearly so much booked this week as there was
last. I went to Charley's with him this evening
direct from Smithfield. I had dinner there and
then went to M[rs?] Williamson's to fetch
Maggie & Dora, I had to wait along time
we took a cat to the bottom of the hill.
[28 to 31] October
28 Thursday
Highgate.I went to Smithfield by
tram as usual as I just
happened to catch one or else I meant to
take a return ticket from Upper Holloway to
Farringdon ST. if possible. I had a good deal
to do, all the same as usual. I came home
by tram at the usual time. After dinner
I read french with Mama and then
began to learn a waltz. I practised the first
2 lines. I then had a game of chess with Papa
who had to take all my men but 2 pawns in order to beat me.
29 Friday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram and took Maggie & Dora's
slippers with me to be made up for
Godfrey. I had a good deal to
do at Smithfield today, and stayed
rather later than usual. I came home
with Alfred. After Dinner I read french
with Mama practised a little and beat
Tommy 3 [at] games of chess.
30 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Town by
tram today as usual. I had a good deal to do
but I managed to get all the Invoices done
but one which is a good deal considering they
go on packing till 2 o'clock. I came home
by tram and had 2 games at Lawn-tennis
with Ralph; Margaret & I went down to
Highbury Newpark to tea and spent the evening
there. We got home soon after 10 o'clock.
We enjoyed ourselves very well.
31 Sunday
Highgate. I did not go to church. [?] ladies
came. Charlie, J Allrick Hay,
Miss Johnstons & Alfred called.
November 1875
[1 to 3] November
1 Monday
Highgate. I walked with Alfred & Horace
down to Town up the Camden Rd & Alfred
& I took the train from there to
Farringdon St. I had a great deal to do
for a Monday as I had to make out the
returns of the week. I walked back. (Dinner).
As far as Barnsbury and caught the tram
there. In the evening I read french with
Mama had four games of chess with Ralph
he beat me one by a fluke. Papa beat me one game.
2 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down by tram alone
I had a good deal to do at Smithfield.
Percy went to Leicester. I came home
with Alfred who came here. Mama & Papa
went to dinner at the Jones; Marianne & Edith
Jeakes were here. Alfred & I had a game of
Billiards I won by about 50. After supper
we all had two games at Poole. I won
one. After Jeakes went Maggie, Tom & Alf
had a game and Ralph won.
3 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield alone
as usual by tram. I got the slippers which
Maggie & Dora had worked and which
had been made up; they had made them
a size too large. I did not have so much to
do today, although I think we did a very
good day. When I came home I found Clara
here. she stopped to dinner and I took her back
at about 9. Papa beat me, three games at
chess today. After tea I read some french
with Mama and came to bed
at about 11 o'clock.
[4 to 7] November
4 Thursday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
today alone. Horace walked down
the Hill with me and went in or rather
on the tram as far as the Nags' Head.
I did not have very much to do, that
is to say, I had a little more to do than
yesterday. In the evening I went into
St Bartholemew's Hospital to fetch Clara
but she stopped so I came alone. Maggie
& I called at the Nettlefolds.
5 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by train
from Upper Holloway. I had to wait a good
long time before the train came. At about 11
o'clock Papa came and fetched me and I
went with him to see Maggie at
Mr Heatherleys, from there we went to the
British Museum to see Ethel Ellis; we then
went to some shop in Long Acre where Papa
bought some paint brushes etc. I sent
Godfrey's slippers to him. I came home by tram with Alfred.
6 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by
tram with Alfred, they have now reduced
the fares outside it only costs 2d. to the
Angel, we went on in a green tram.
I made out the largest Invoice
today it came to £100. I came home with
Charley by train to Kentish Town. W Keep got in the
same train but did not get out and went on to
Haverstock Hill by mistake.
Charley &
David W.,
& I played at football at Hertford House.
7 Sunday
Highgate. I went to church with Dara.
We met Keep & Alfred at the door. Dan &
Fanny came.
[8 to 10] November
8 Monday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
in the tram today as it was rather cold.
I could not get the returns the same for
a long while & found I had made one
mistake. The[y] did not send very many goods
away today as there were so many returns.
I came home with Ruth, Clara, Papa, Horace &
Alfred in Aunt Maria's carriage. I read
a little french and a good feal of the
Heart of the Mid-Lothian. [Dinner 6/-]
9 Tuesday
Highgate. Miss Ivy sent Mama 3 tickets
for the Mansion House so Mama,
Maggie & I drove down with Clara & Dora
as far as Smithfield and walked from there
to the Mansion House to see the Lord Mayor's
show. After we had seen it there & had some
luncheon, we went to the Station where
we arrived with Difficulty & went to the Temple
walked up the Embankment & saw the show with
Ladies (Marian Jeakes was a maid of Honour). Come home by
Buss & Tram Maggie & I went to a lecture at the Institution.
10 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield in the
tram today, the weather being rather bad,
I had a good deal to do & should have done
it all only I got interrupted so often.
Yesterday they did very little. I came home
at the usual time alone on the tram as I
could not get in. Thekla v. Bär [gut & Difrouth?]
came over from Germany today & was to have
come up to Aunt Ida's. Maggie & I went over
to see her but we found she had not come.
She is coming up tomorow afternoon
most likely. I read a good deal of the Heart of the Midlothian.
[11 to 14] November
11 Thursday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
in the tram. I found we had done a pretty
good day yesterday, but I think we did a
better one today. Horace came round
in the evening and went home came with Alfred
& I on a tram. When I got home
I heard we were going to dine at Aunt Ida's
so changed my coat and went. Thekla von
Bär was there. After dinner Aunt, Horace,
Clärchen & Alfred & I played at Poker and lost.
12 Friday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram. I did not have so very
much to do although we did a very good
day. I came home by train & tram with Alfred.
Aunt Ida, Clara, Clärchen, Horace, Alfred
and Thekla von Bär came here to dinner.
After dinner we all had a game of Poole
excepting Papa, Mama & Aunt. And then
Alfred, Horace, Ralph & I had a game at
farthing shellout. I lost one penny.
13 Saturday
Highgate. I met Alfred going
down to town. He Horace & myself went as
far as the Nags Head together, where Horace got
out and left his bag behind as he afterwards told
us, we went on to the Angle [Angel]. I think we
did not send off many goods this morning. I came
home by tram, Charley came and played billiards
with Papa & Horace. It was very misty & rainy.
I had a game with Papa & Tommy and lost both.
Tommy had a mustard foot bath this evening, which
occassioned a frightful smell.
14 Sunday
Highgate. Dora & I went to church. It was a
very wet and wind day. I read a good deal.
[15 to 17] November
15 Monday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
in the tram. I had a good many
credit notes to make out and could not get
the returns right. Papa got 3 tickets
for Macbeth on Thursday. Papa has given
me my pocket money [10/-] and Mama gave
me 5s. I came home in the tram. After
tea I took Maggie to her singing class
and fetched her at about ½ past 9. I had
very little time to read the Heart of the Midlothian.
16 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by train
this morning as I thought I was just in time but
I had to wait a long time and did not ge to
town much before 10. I got two more places for the
theatre on Thursday. I did not have much to do
at Smithfield at five I dressed and went to Jones
bought some gloves and wetn with them to
Johnstons in a cab fly to hear Mr Anger read
Much ado about Nothing. I came home in a fly
with Francy & Hugh Nettlefold, A Pike and Maggie.
17 Wednesday
Highgate. I met Alfred going down to
Smithfield and went down with hime on a tram.
I found we had done a very [...] day yesterday. I did
not have very much today, that is to say
I had finished in very good time. A German came
to Smithfield today and bought some of the army
shoes. 275 prs I think. Coming back I walked as
far as Barnsbury St. [Islington, 1.6 miles]. I finished the Heart of
the Midlothian today. I read some french with
Mama. Maggie has stopped at Charley's tonight
and is going from there to her drawing tomorrow
and then coming to Smithfield to go to the theatre with us.
[18 to 21] November
18 Thursday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield on the tram with Alfred. I had a pretty good
deal to do, and we did a very fair day. Maggie,
Papa & Horace, Alfred & I had tea at Smithfield today.
Papa & I had two games at chess both of which I
lost. After tea Maggie, Papa & I walked to the
Lyceum Theatre where we went to see Macbeth.
Ralph & Mama were there. I thought Irving
was very good but Lady Macbeth, Miss Bateman
was thoroughly horrible, ugly & drawls too much.
19 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield today
in the tram. I had a good deal to do and as
I wanted to go to Harry's, Alfred helped me
make out some Invoices. I
went to Harry's by train, to Camden Rd
and then walked and almost lost my way in
the dark. Evelyn was very jolly, during dinner
she very cooley began to pick my plaster off.
Fanny gave me a photo of her which I am to keep
till I get a better one. We came by train (Maggie & I).
20 Saturday
Highgate. I went to town by tram
rather early. Yesterday I took Arthur's dress clothes
to Town because he had telegraphed. He came at about
7 and ran off with Will's Coat by mistake, So I sent
his clothes on by passenger train. At about ½ past
12 Alfred & I went to Louie's to dinner and then
went to find Herbert on Primrose Hill; they came
very late and then we came home and had a
game at football at Hertford House with David,
Charlie & Horace.
Charlie & Louie dined here.
21 Sunday
Highgate. Horace & I went for a walk round Craick[?]
End, Cony Hatch [Colney Hatch] to Ruth's at Finchley and home.
Dan & Fanny came.
[Pocket money 10/-]
[22 to 24] November
22 Monday
Highgate. I went to Town by the
8.52 train from Upper Holloway. It
took me a good while to fill up the traveller
return sheet. I went to get some butter for
Mama and then to Davage to have my hat
ironed. Louie & Sam were at Smithfield to dinner.
At five I stopped and had two games at chess
with Alfred, I beat him one and he me the
second. I read 3 pages of french with Mama
but did not feal inclined to read English, Tram home.
[Dinner 7/8]
23 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to Town by tram
alone; today. The Clerk at Smithfield instead
of calling the Invoices over and my
entering them and my making out the invoices
he calls them out and books them whilst I
make out the invoice which way saves a deal
of time. I came home by rail to Upper Holloway.
I went to hear Mr Anger read, he read 3 & 4 Act of
Much Ado about Nothing. Mama went as well.
We all enjoyed it very much.
24 Wednesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram, and we made the Invoices
the new way. In the afternoon I was letting
down a hamper full of parcels, and when
it got half way down I found I could not
hold it properly, and it slipped through my
hand and burnt it a good deal. I went to
Jones to ask whether Fanny whether she had
found them. Arthur and Wilfred were very
merry. I came home by tram. I went to Uncle
Sidney's this evening, he was in very good
spirits, and said Aunt Maria was about the same.
[25 to 28] November
25 Thursday
Highgate. My hand does hurt much
now. I went to Smithfield by tram today.
I had a great many invoices to make out
today, akthough I do not think the total
was very much. I came home outside
a tram as it was full inside when I got it.
After ta I read some french to Mama
and then had two games of billiards with
Ralph both of which I lost. I beat Alfred
a game at chess today at Smithfield.
26 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield in
the tram about the usual time today.
My hand does not hurt hardly at all today.
I made out and did up all the Invoices
today and think that it was a very
fair day considering that the boot trade
is slackening at this time of the year. I
came home by tram as usual, Mr Tomlinson
came and had one game at chess with Papa
which lasted about 3 hours, Papa had to give up.
27 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
in the tram as usual. I had a good nany
Invoices to make out at first, and I went
and got some butter for Mama and went to
Meetings about the drawing room cornice.
After I got back I had more to do than
I could so I left it till Monday. I came home by
tram with Uncle George, Sidney, Charley W,
Horace, Alfred & I had a game of
football. I had two games of billiards in the evening.
28 Sunday
Highgate. I went to church with
Dora. Nobody came this evening.
[29 to 1] November & December
29 Monday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by the 8.52 train from Upper Holloway.
As I just happened to catch it, I had
a great many Credit notes to make
out and a good many Invoices considering
it is Monday. I came back on a tram
as there was no room inside when I got
up. Papa showed me a new game that
the Princess of Wales played with her children,
a sort of [n]oughts & crosses.
Theatre - Royal Princess's Theatre, Monday 29th
30 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by tram as usual it was very cold today.
I did not have very much to do today.
Uncle Sidney sent Alfred an order
for the Old Bailey to the Wainwright trial
and I went with him by they would
not let either of us in, as it was already
full. I came home in a tram and went
to the Johnstons again to hear Mr Angel
read the last part of Much Ado about Nothing.
December 1875
1 Dec Wednesday
Highgate. I had breakfast at
¼ to eight and then went to Aunt Ida's
to fetch Alfred, we went down by tram
and went to the Old Bailey, they let Alfred
in with his order but they would not let
me in, and as Uncle Sidney was not at
Bartholemews, either at 10 or 1, I could not
get an order. I heard this evening that the
verdict is: Death to Henry
& Thomas 7 years penal servitude.
Francis & Lucy,
Maggie & Hugh Nettlefold
& Annie Pike came this evening; we played
at cards and had pretty good fun.
[2 to 5] December
2 Thursday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
by tram this morning, it was very
cold and a good deal of snow had
fallen. I had a great deal to do today
at Smithfield as William Hatch went
upstairs and helped pack we did about
320 pounds. After I had finished I went
upstairs and had a game of chess
with Alfred, which be beat [me]. I was
just in time to catch the 5.32 train.
3 Friday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
by the 9.8 train from Upper Holloway.
I did not have so much to do today,
as there were hardly any boxes so that they
lost a lot of time looking for some. I
had two games at chess with Alfred at
dinner time and won both. I came home
with Alfred by the 5.4. Miss Johnston
is going to sleep here tonight. I went over the
way for about an hour, Clara is not much better.
4 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
by tram today as I just happened to catch
it and as it was rather late I did not
want to wait. Miss Johnston slept here
last night. There was a very dark fog
in town today. I came home with Alfred.
I went over to Uncle Sidney's and played
with David & Charley
and Ralph. Willy
and Marianne Jeakes were here this evening.
I heard with surprise of Anna Hahn's engagement.
5 Sunday
Highgate. I read some of Josephus'
life this morning. Dan and Fanny came to dinner.
[6 to 8] December
6 Monday
Highgate. It was snowing hard
when I went down to Smithfield today I
went in a train I met Uncle George, Percy,
Fred & Tom in St John's St. There
were a great many returns today and
I had only just done entering at 5 o'clock.
Our dinner was cheaper this week than
usual as Fred had come back. It was 6/8½.
I came home by tram. Papa beat me
two games at chess and gave me his queen.
7 Tuesday
Highgate. I met Alfred going down
to Town in the Tram but he got out at
Barnsbury St as he wanted to get something
I believe. It is still very cold today and
I do not believe that it has thawed worth
speaking of all day. I came home alone
as usual. After dinner I went over they way
Charley & David had been sledging and had
been on the pond but did not feel inclined
to go out again. It was a beautiful evening.
8 Wednesday
Highgate. I walked down to Kentish
Town with Maggie and took a train from
there. It has thawed all day long, I went
on to Uncle Sidney's pond before I went to town
but it was frightfully bad ice. I had a good
deal to do at Smithfield as William Hatch
helped pack upstairs. But I went away at
about ¼ past 12 to Green??an to get a new
suit and some butter and Alfred entered
while I was gone. I came home with him
by tram. Papa has gone to the billiard
club and Mama is not well and is in bed.
[9 to 12] December
9 Thursday
Highgate. I went to town by tram
it is still thawing, but I think that it
froze a little last night. I had a good deal
to do at Smithfield; but Papa called
me at 4 and asked me to take a
parcel of Books to Harry, so I went
to his new place by omnibus, and came
home with him as far as the Camden Road.
I met George Waterlow in the tram. I read
a lot of the life of Swift aloud tonight.
10 Friday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield today
by train. As I just past the church at
9.8 I had a pretty good deal to do at
Smithfield that is to say enough to help me
quietly going. I came home with Alfred
by tram from the Angel as usual. My
clothes came to Smithfield today, which I had
ordered on Wednesday. Arthur came home with
Puck today. We went over the way for about an
hour. Puck has grown a great deal lately.
11 Saturday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield by
tram today but
walked to the Nags Head
as I just missed one tram. I had a good
deal to do as it is Saturday, but I found
time to go and get some buter for Mama.
I brought Dora & Maggie's skates home. I came
home by tram. Charley came to play at
billiards with Papa. Godfrey came home this
evening, I beat him a game at Billiards
and beat Arthur 1● to 7 games at Bang.
12 Sunday
Highgate. Arthur, Dora & I went to
church, Clara is still in bed but better. Arthur went back
to Chatham this evening.
[13 to 15] December
13 Monday
Highgate. I went to town this
morning as usual by tram. I was rather
earlier than usual; directly I got to Smithfield
I went upstairs to see if I was wanted
and then went to Lacy's in the Strand to
buy a copy of She stoops to conquer. I then
walked to Tottenham Court Rd and tried
to find a shop where I could get a gas-shade
but could not and went to the Old Bailey by omnibus.
Our dinners cost 7/2½. I came home by tram.
14 Tuesday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
as usual by tram I had a good deal to do
when I got there. I asked Alfred to
lend me his dress coat & waist coat to go to
Johnston's in, which he did. I came home
with him, 3 Nettlefolds, Annie Pike, Maggie, Godfrey,
Dora & I went in an omnibus to Johnstons;
we danced and Miss Coates Lovel & Jackson
acted with H Carl & Godfrey a charade "India"
very well, we got home at about 1.
15 Wednesday
Highgate. I walked or rather ran to
the Nags Head and took a tram from there.
I had a good deal to do today, so much
that I have not yet got yesterday's or today's
returns done. Godfrey came to town at about
5 we had tea and then went per omnibus
to the Princesses theatre to see Rip van
Winkle we got there rather early and easily
got in the first row. It was very good indeed
we both thought. We came home by
omnibus & tram, and got home at about
1 o'clock or a little before.
[16 to 19] December
16 Thursday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield
by tram today as usual by tram. I had
a good deal to do as I have not yet finished
the returns for Tuesday or any of the
following days. I began Tuesday but could not
get it right and could not find any mistake
at all. At about ½ past 4 I tok the train to
the Edgeware Rd and went to Jones. I stayed
there to dinner and came home directly
after by tram from Tottenham Court Rd.
17 Friday
Highgate. I met Alfred going down to the Angel
and walked from there. I found out the
mistake I had made yesyerday. After dinner
Godfrey, Alfred & I went to Lincolns Inn to see
if a case of Dans was on but it was not
and most probably would not cone on till
Monday. We went to Guild Hall and heard
a part of two very interesting cases. And
then went to Smithfield and came straight home.
18 Saturday
Highgate. I went down to Smithfield
as usual by tram, I met Uncle George,
Percy & Fred at the first turning after
the Angel. I bought some large screws
for Papa to fix the ventilation in the
billiard rom. I came home directly after
dinner by tram. I had a good many games
of Bang with Ralph & Godfrey and got
the best in both cases. I had a game of shellout,
Poole & 4 Biloliards. I read Marlow's part in
She stoops to conquer.
19 Sunday
Highgate. Went to church with Arthur
and went to Johnston's afterwards. Willy Jeakes,
Chas Waterlow & Dan called.
[20 to 22] December
20 Monday
Highgate. I walked with Godfrey to
the Nags Head and then took an omnibus
to Holborn and went to Malsiss' court to hear
Dans case, but he did not finish it as Mr
Beton who was to be cross examined did not
turn up. After that I went and got 4 copies
of She stoops to conquer and then went to Smithfield
Dinner. I came home by tram. Willy Jeakes,
Charley W, Arthur,
Papa, Ralph She stoops to conquerI had 3 games of
shellout. I lost a good deal.
21 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to town by tram as
usual and had a good deal to do, just
before dinner Will came up and helped me
and then Alfred came up instead. have
finished my return sheet but I could not
get it quite right. I came home by tram.
Mama, Godfrey and Maggie went to a concert
and Papa & Arthur have gone to Johnstons.
Horace to Munro, I beat Ralph at a game of
billiards by 1. I am going to have a bath.
22 Wednesday
Highgate. I went to Smithfield today
by tram as usual, it was raining hard
when I started but not at all when I got
to Smithfield. I had a good deal to do this
morning, but had nothing to do after 4.
Mr Topper & Mandy told me they would
only have a little to do today. I went with
Alfred to Bishopsgate St and came home from
there by tram. Carl came this evenng he is
going to act Tony Lumkins, and ask his
sister to take Miss Neville. Ted Nettlefold came here
and played billiards.
[23 to 26] December
23 Thursday
Highgate. I did not go to Smithfield
today as there was very little to do
yesterday and I thought there would
be less to do today. I sawed a good deal this
morning and then went up to town with
Godfrey and had my hair cut and was weighed
and measured. This evening we all went over
to Aunt Maria's. Aunt and Uncle gave
me a book and I got a doll which I gave to Maud
and some gaiters which I changed for a scarf ring.
24 Friday
Highgate. I went to Town today, there was
not very much to do and I came away
at about 3 o'clock. The babies had already
arrived and Clara came a little later. Dan and
Fanny are coming tomorrow I think. I bought
two christmas presents, and got a pair of
gloves, prayer book, Inkstand, nectie ring, gold studs
given to me. We had a game of
cards and then a game of billiards and then
a few games of pool. I won a game and a ½.
25 Saturday
Christmas Day
Highgate. Clara slept here last
night. This morning Ralph and I went
over to Hertford House garden & got some
holly which Dora hung up in the hall.
Then we went with Papa to Aunt Ida's
soon after we came back, Horace, Clärchen, Alfred,
Herbert, Fanny & John came over here; then
Miss Jackson & Mrs Johnston called.
Dan & Fanny came.
In the evening we had some more games at shellout.
I lost ½. Dan & Fanny did not sleep.
26 Sunday
Highgate. I went to church this morning
with Arthur & Dora. Willy Jeakes called this afternoon.
[27 to 29] December
27 Monday
Highgate. I did not do anythng
particular this morning except go to Aunt
Ida's to see whether we could get up a
game of football.
[6d out of the Xmas pudding]
Emily Stones called. After
dinner or rather lunch I [?]act some of my
part, till
Maggie came with
Lucy &
Maggie Nettlefold, to tell us she was nearly sure
Miss Steer would act Mrs Hardcastle with us.
Mr & Mrs Johnston &
M Jeakes came to dinner after which
we had some games at Shellout. I won about 1½d.
28 Tuesday
Highgate. I went to Town by tram as
usual. I had hardly anything to do upstairs
so Will gave me the Analysis Book to
add up. Papa gave me my pocket money
as I had forgotten to ask Mama for it. [Dinner 7/1½]
I came home at about 4. Clara went back
to Aunt Maria's today. She gave me a present
of a pound. Mr & Miss East [or Cart] came today for a rehearsal,
it got on pretty well considering that
nobody knew their part properly. [Tram 3].
29 Wednesday
Highgate. I went sown to Smithfield
as usual by tram. They did not pack
anything except waiting parcels today so
I went on adding up the Analysis Book.
I did not finish it but shall finish it
tomorrow. I came home a little earlier
today, I met David at the Angel and
Kate Hickson got in at about the Camden
Road. Charley W. came here this evening
and played at Billiards with Godfrey and
4 game of pool with Ralph & I. I won
½ at pool. It is rather colder this evening.
[30 & 31] December
30 Thursday
Highgate. I went to town by train
today. And finished the Anaylsis Book in the
morning; in the afternoon I helped W Hatch
the foreman put up some Boots, Papa went
to Mr Walter Waterlow about me, he said (in short)
that he would let Papa know in about a
fortnight, he thought he could most likely
give me a place. Came home by tram.
M de Monginot came here this evening and we had
a conversation with him in French.
31 Friday
Highgate. I went to town by tram
as usual and helped throw up some
boots in the show room, for as they are
going to take stock tomorrow and Monday
they had to sort them first. I came home
by tram as usual only I called in at
Grandmama's to give her a letter, Mr
and the
two Miss Adams' were staying there,
we had rather an early dinner and
then dressed and went to see "the Cowley
and Hickson Minstrels." I think an act
is much more interesting than Nigger
Minstrels. I thought Cowley and Alfred did
their part very well, and Fred did his
Stump Oration very well, in which there
were a good many good jokes. I danced
a good deal once with
Emily Stones
Clara, Miss Farmeloe,
Nelly Stones,
May twice with Annie & three
times with Hilda. We got home at about
half past one o'clock after having jumped & danced
in the new year with Nelly Stones.
and ...